Reading Challenges 2016: Second Quarterly Recap

Posted June 30, 2016 by Lola in Challenges / 16 Comments

Okay so it’s the end of the June, so i am sharing today how I am doing with my reading challenges. This is the halfway mark for all of these challenges. On most of them I am doing pretty well, I even finished two challenges already and I am doing horrible on some others.

Previous quarterly recaps:

Blogger Shame Review Challenge
The Blogger Shame Review Challenge is hosted by Herding Cats and Burning Soup and Addicted to Happily Ever After. The goal of this challenge is to read books you received for review that have been on your review list for 6+ months count.
I set my goal to read 12 books for this challenge, so one book every month.

Books I read for the Blogger Shame Review challenge?

Goal: 12
Total so far: 0
Total this quarter: 1

Gah it’s pathetic how badly I am doing with this challenge, I really hoped to focus on older review copies, but mostly have been focusing on new releases and newer review copies as you can see below with the new release challenge. Knowing me I am pretty sure that I am not going to make my goal for this one anymore.

2016 pick your genre challenge
The Pick Your Genre Reading Challenge is hosted by Herding Cats and Burning Soup. More information about this challenge can be found here. You can find my goal post here.
I set my goal to read 6 books for each genre for this challenge.

Historical Romance

Goal: 6
Total so far: 0
Total this quarter: 0
Yeah not doing so well either, haven’t been in a historical romance mood even though I have some historical romance on my to-read list.

Cozy Mystery

Goal: 6
Total so far: 18
Total this quarter: 8

I’ve read more than double the amount of my goal. I am totally doing well with this genre, I’ve been in a cozy mystery mood and expect to read even more of them before the year is over.

Romantic Suspense

Goal: 6
Total so far: 3
Total this quarter: 2

Actually made some progress here. Halfway to the goal, so I am exactly on schedule for this one.

New Release Challenge 2016
This challenge is hosted by Lexie over at Unconventional Book Views and Stormi at Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My! Made my goal for this one!
Goal: 31-45 books per year โ€“ New Release Veteran.
Total so far: 33
Total this quarter: 17

New Releases I read in the past 3 months

Made my goal for this one, I thought I set my goal high for this one, but I did even better than expected and already reached my goal. Let’s see how much more new releases I can read.

2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge
The 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is hosted by Laura @ trips down imagination road and Michelle @ Because Reading. The 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is about setting New Years Resolutions for books and book blogging.

Blogging Goals

Nicely on schedule for this one.

Reading Goals

  • Get my Netgalley percentage up to 70%. I think I am doing worse than last quarter, I am at 66% at the moment. That 70% is looking far away.
  • Get my amount of review books below 55. I don’t think I am going to make this one, at the moment I have 98 review copies on my goodreads shelf. Most of them are older ones, but still, I need to make a dent in this pile.

Personal Goals

How are you doing with your reading challenges so far?

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16 responses to “Reading Challenges 2016: Second Quarterly Recap

  1. Oh no, you are doing really bad at the Blogger Shame Challenge, haha. You could even say you’re doing… *shamefully* bad ๐Ÿ˜› (I totally just cracked up at my own pun lol.)

    As for the genre challenges though, like the historical romance one, I say don’t fret too much. I mean, reading is supposed to be fun, and you’re a mood reader, so I feel like you should just read what you feel like and not force yourself into something if you’re not feeling it.

    But whoa, 98 review copies?! Ok, I feel like lots of bloggers have at least that many, but I would be so beyond stressed. I have like 16, and that’s just enough that I’m not quite stressed but am, like, close to being stressed lol. And I’m trying to get it lower so that I can focus on some backlisted books and series without feeling like review copies are looming over me.

    That is such a pretty and yummy looking cake in the photo!

    And yay, it seems like you’re on schedule with blog tours ๐Ÿ™‚

    The only real reading goal I had was that I wanted to read about more different types of supernatural creatures, and I have read about a few, but not many :-/ But that’s one of the reasons I wanna get my reviews copies down, so that I can read some of the books I have with different creatures!
    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Book Review: Dark Blood (Dark Blood Saga Book 1) by Caleb JamesMy Profile

    • lol yes I am doing shamefully bad on the Blogger Shame Challenge, pretty sure I am going to fail that one.

      And yes genre challenges are tricky for me (hence why I set the goals low) and I know that once I get in the mood for a genre I can make those goals easily, like I did for the cozies. So who knows maybe the mood hits for the historical romances later this year or not.

      Yes I know it’s bad my review pile. I really feel ashamed when I list the number like that. Although to be fair I am doing pretty okay with reading new review copies (the new release challenge being proof of that). From the review copies I got this year I read quite a nice chunk already. But I don’t read enough to keep up with the new ones and the old ones. And yes the solution seems obvious to just accept fewer new ones, but I can’t. As I also want to read the new ones.

      I hadn’t expected to get on schedule with the blog tours, so I am really happy I am. That goal is to motivate myself and keep aware of how much tours I am organizing.

      I hope you can get to your different types of supernaturals creatures books later this year. I like to read about some rarer types now and then as well.

    • Thanks! I didn’t even list the total amount of books here, I do the goodreads reading challenge for that. It tells me I’ve read 63 books so far, 65 was my goal for this year. So I read a lot more than expected, but also a lot of short stories, so that also explains the high number.

  2. You are acing a lot more than you are failing and considering how many challenges you took on, I think that’s great! It’s hard to go back to review books that you’ve never reviewed as there is probably a reason you never read/reviewed them in the first place. I have a few that I’ve lost all interest in but I am hoping someday I will pick them up and just get through them!
    I love your personal challenges too ๐Ÿ™‚
    Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…Postcard to Keeper of the Light by Diane ChamberlainMy Profile

    • Some of the books I read do count for multiple challenges, but overall I am glad how well I am doing so far.

      Older review copies are really my problem. Some I probably will never read, others I do want to read, but haven’t made the time to read them yet. I probably should just remove some books I probably won’t read from the list, but that feels so final. I just hope one day I might get to them.

    • I agree it’s going pretty well seeing it’s only halfway the year. Sometimes my mood can really mess up some challenges, but who knows maybe I’ll get in the mood for those genres later in the year.

  3. Review copies can be very hard to deal with sometimes, Lola! And really, what I’ve started to do is that if I have a review copy that is over 18 months – 2 years, I will send feedback to the publisher telling them I’m not sure I’ll actually get to that title, but that if I do, I’ll send them a full review.
    Like you, I’m a mood-reader, and that’s why I’m not doing any genre challenges apart from dystopia.
    You’re mostly doing well, though, and I’m sure you’ll suddenly feel like reading in the genres that have been on the backburner for you so far.
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Bought Borrowed and Wrapping it Up #140My Profile

    • My problem with review copies is often the older ones I never got to and can’t get to as I accept too many new ones. But I recently looked at the books that I have reviewed so far and that shelf has 300 books on it so far, so that still means I review about 75% of the review copies I have gotten so far.

      Yes genre challenges are tricky when you’re a moodreader. I just sign-up for them as I wanted to read more of those genres this year and then see how far I get.

    • I am glad I made some nice progress on some of these and even finished a few. Now lets hope I can make a dent in the others in the second half!

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