Lola’s Advice is a monthly feature on my blog Lola’s Reviews, which will be posted on the first monday of the month. Lola’s Advice posts are usually how-to or tips type of posts. They are mainly aimed at authors, but I also try and show the blogger/ reader side of the topic I address. I share my knowledge or personal opinion on mostly book, authors, marketing and promotion related topics. I hope it’s helpful for authors and bloggers alike. Also even though it’s advice please understand that even if you follow all my advice it still won’t guarantee your book will be a success, but it hopefully will be helpful. I also believe that not everything works for each author, every author and book is different and different strategies work for different people. So please use whatever you want to or fits with your style. The banner for this feature is designed by Michelle from Limabean Designs.
Reviews are very important for authors and it can be hard to get reviews. And when a reviewer does agree to review a book it can happen they only post it on their blog or goodreads, but as an author you probably want them to post on amazon as well or maybe on B&N or Kobo as well. Posting reviews on other sites is called cross posting. From organizing tours I’ve noticed that a lot of bloggers don’t cross post their reviews. I can warrant a guess to the reason, I think a lot probably simply forget. They don’t usually cross post their reviews so it isn’t a habit and they won’t do it with your book either or they are very busy and don’t have time to cross post their reviews. Yeah sure it only takes a few seconds to cross post a review on another site, but if you have to do that for every book you read it can still add up.
I do think there are a few ways authors can encourage reviewers to cross post their reviews and this can even help for reviewers who has already reviewed your book, even month or years after they read the book it can still be helpful if they cross post it. Do keep in mind that some reviewers have a reason for not cross posting, either they don’t have an account somewhere or they have their own reasons for not wanting to post their review on their site. I’ve also heard that cross posting reviews could hurt SEO for your blog, I don’t know how bad that is, but I can imagine some people don’t cross post their reviews for that reason. I think it’s important to respect that. And while trying to get as many reviewers to cross post their review I think it’s also important to be realistic about it and know that if you get 10 reviewers for your book, probably only a few of those will cross post and in most cases you will never get everyone to cross post their review and I don’t think it’s realistically to expect that, although ofcourse it can never hurt to try, but realistic in your expectation.
Why is cross posting handy for Authors?
It can help to have a lot of reviews on multiple sites, for one it simply looks good if your book has a few reviews on each site, reviews give potential readers a feel of the book and why others did or didn’t like it and it can help when submitting your book to promo sites or ads as most of those will ask for a minimum amount of reviews or an average rating. And the more reviews and higher rating you have everywhere the less big the impact of a negative rating will be. Also different readers will visit different sites, so if you only have reviews for your book on Goodreads, that won’t help readers who don’t know of or don’t use goodreads. So in general I think it’s a good idea to encourage cross posting of reviews, at least on the main sites like Goodreads and Amazon and maybe even B&N and Kobo.
Ways to get reviewers to cross-post their reviews
- Ask the Reviewer or remind them about it. This is the most simple one and probably effective in most cases. When you contact a blogger with a review request ask them if they want to cross post their reviews. Or if you look for reviewers in another way, like a sign-up form or arc list, again add a note or mention that cross posting would be Did you forgot to ask it in that initial e-mail or didn’t they cross post? You can always ask them (again) when they send you the link to their review. Simply thank them for the review and ask if politely if they would consider cross posting on amazon or wherever else you want their review. A lot of reviewers will cross post their reviews if you ask and if not they will probably let you know as well. As a tour organizer I always add a question to a sign-up form for my tours where I ask reviewers where they will post their reviews, in the hope that asking them about this makes them more likely to cross post their reviews as well.
- Ask/ mention it on social media. I’ve seen a few authors do this and while I am not sure how effective it, it seems easy to give it a try. You can do a post on facebook or tweet on twitter etc and simply let reviewers know you appreciate it when they cross post their reviews or to let them know how much it can help authors. I know I have been reminded this way a few times that I hadn’t cross posted a review and then did so.
- Read the review policies. It is always a good idea to read a blogger’s review policy before sending them a review request. If your goal it to have bloggers cross post their reviews, make sure to pay attention to that when reading a review policy. Most bloggers will mention in their review policy where they will cross post their reviews. It’s always handy to be aware of their normal policy before asking them to cross post and if someone says they won’t cross post on site X, don’t ask them to.
- Reward reviewers for cross posting. This option is a bit more costly, but I think it can be very effective and I’ve even seen the effect of this with some of my tours where the author did a giveaway for reviewers where they had to post their review on both their blog and/or amazon and goodreads. Consider doing a giveaway to reward cross posters. Reviewers who forget cross posting or don’t do it as it takes more time and effort, probably will do so when there is a reward for it as that might make it worth to do so. Ofcourse when you do a giveaway, always make sure you are aware of the rules concerning giveaways and what’s legal and what not. I’ve also seen some authors who only give out review copies of later books in the series after they have read the previous book in the series. Either you can keep track of this with a form the reviewers have to submit and then you could make the sites you want them to post on at least obligatory. Or you can keep track of this yourself. And when your next book comes around remind reviewers again about posting their review of the previous book.
From a blogger point of view: cross posting my reviews
When I started blogging I only posted on Goodreads and my blog. I always posted on goodreads already before that, so also posting on my blog was the next natural step. I never bought books on amazon and back then Kobo didn’t offer the possibility of reviews, so I never really thought of cross posting my reviews. It also seemed like a lot of effort to copy and paste my review everywhere else. Then when an author specifically asked for it I would cross post my review, but only sporadically. I think it only changed when I started organizing blog tours and came in more contact with authors and slowly realized how much cross posting helped them. Then I started cross posting most reviews that I got a review copy for and for indie reviews and only now I am at a point where I try and cross post most of my reviews. But when a book isn’t released yet when I write my review, I still forget now and then. I think it’s not too much effort and if it helps authors I will gladly do it, but sometimes I review a book before release day or I am really busy and I forget. So it still happens that I don’t cross post a review. When I cross post I usually post a review on my blog, Goodreads and Amazon and also on B&N and Kobo when I feel like it, Usually I just copy and paste the summary of my review on Kobo and B&n as their sites have a word limit. Also I still haven’t found out how to get a permalink for reviews on B&N, or maybe it really isn’t possible. I usually don’t post my reviews on sites beside that, usually because I don’t have an account there and don’t want to make one. I never really worried too much about how cross posting negatively impacts my SEO for my blog, if it does it would be a shame, but I probably still would cross post my reviews. So that’s my point of view on the topic of a blogger.
You know, it always surprises me when I see that a book has a whole bunch of reviews on Goodreads but then only a small fraction of that on Amazon. I was worried about SEO at first, but I looked into it more, and this is not 100% a sure thing, but the answer seemed to be that cross-posting really isn’t harmful, that your SEO is really only going to be hurt if your content is on spammy sites or posted a whole bunch of time or if it’s like an entire double site with ALL the same content. I think I read that since Amazon and Goodreads just have a whole bunch of reviews and content, it really doesn’t register as duplicate content.
Anyway, I do cross-post all reviews, with the exception of mini ones (like a few sentences) that I sometimes just post on GR, but those are never review copies. My thoughts on review copies are that I treat them like a job. If I accept a review copy and say I’m going to read and then post my review on my blog, Amazon, and GR, then that’s what I do. (Unless maybe I hate it and opt to not post a review period.) But it can be a pain remembering and going back to do this for books I review before their release date which is why I’ve actually started trying to wait until the release date to post reviews lol. It’s just easier for me that way. But I’ve started keeping a little spreadsheet just so I can keep track of my review copies and check off the box when I’ve submitted them. Of course Amazon seems to be making it harder and harder for people to post reviews, but that’s a whole ‘nother discussion.
So maybe my advice to authors would be to check that anyone you’re giving RCs to who says they cross-post does in fact cross-post. And include it as a requirement in order for them to receive review copies. For example, I’m part of one author’s review team, and if anyone doesn’t post their reviews on both GR and Amazon within the time frame given, they get removed from the team. And as a reviewer, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Ferris Wheels
Kristen, another reason for the imbalance might be that Amazon removes reviews for all sorts of weird reasons but I don’t think Goodreads does.
You know, I mentioned the issues with Amazon, but for some reason I didn’t actually consider that as a reason for the imbalance. It still doesn’t explain such an extreme imbalance in some cases though.
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Ferris Wheels
I think it can also happen on Goodreads, but I never heard of that happening to anyone. I think that if you violate their terms they can remove your review, same with amazon. They never just remove a review for no reason. Although amazon has a few weird rules and they don’t seem to clarify things as clearly. I’ve had a few of my reviews get removed from amazon.
Lola recently posted…Review: The Logan Collection by Siobhan Davis
I never looked into the whole SEO thing as I never really worried about it, but it’s good to know it doesn’t hurt your SEO. Thanks for clarifying that ๐
I never write mini reviews, but I can imagine why you wouldn’t cross post those. And I also forget sometimes to cross post my review for those books I review before the release date as I always cross post my review right after I’ve written it and if I don’t do it then, I sometimes forget.
And I think that’s a very professional attitude towards reviews and review copies you have with how you treat them like a job. And how you even have a spreadsheet, it sure is a lot of work to keep track of everything sometimes. I do think that if you promise to review and post your review on those sites it’s nice to do so and if you can’t for some reason then you can let the author know. I usually don’t cross post DNF reviews for example, only post them on goodreads.
I agree if you make the commitment and say you’re going to post your review on certain places and know the team or arc list has that requirement, I don’t see anything wrong with them removing you if you don’t do so. Although I also know not everyone will see it that way. I have a few arc list that I am part of that require you to post your review on amazon at least, which I think is reasonable. And I think authors can remind a reviewer about it who doesn’t cross post and said to do so.
I cross-post my reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. Sometimes I forget, though. It can be a struggle.
Priscilla and her Books recently posted…A Love Letter ‘To The Thing About Jellyfish’
I have cross posting as part of my review writing routine, but even so I sometimes forget or when the book isn’t released yet when I write my review I really have to remind myself to cross post it later.
I always post my reviews to Goodreads, though it may take me a week or so to get around to it. I rarely do retailers. Mostly, that is laziness. I do sometimes do it for indie authors who’ve provided me with a review copy via NetGalley or other way. I’ve heard the horror stories of people who have been critical of books and had rabid fans attack them on Amazon. I’ve never had this happen to me. I’ve also heard the stories of people having their reviews removed because they are “friends” with the author, because they’ve had a few conversations on Twitter or something. I know it can be helpful to the author, but Amazon makes it so complicated (not in the posting itself, but in the drama), it doesn’t do the authors any favors. Great post.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Review: The Order by A.C. Donaubauer (@mlsimmons, @AC_Donaubauer)
I’ve never had that happen to one of my reviews on amazon, but I review a lot of indie book and I think that often only happens to very popular books.
I have had a few of my reviews removed, probably because I am “friends” with the author. Ah well I just post my review and if it stays there then it’s good and if it gets removed not much I can do about it. I do agree that amazon should make things a bit easier for reviewers, but many of those rules are probably meant to keep spammers out and accidentally hits some genuine reviewers as well, at least that’s what I think. It is a shame though.
I ask nicely, ONCE, and that’s it. If bloggers don’t want to, that’s up to them. Honestly, I’m happy to get reviews ANYWHERE, so I try not to push the issue.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…FACE TIME Is 99ยข For The Month Of May
I agree you can always ask nicely and if they don’t cross post their review then drop it. I don’t think pushing is a good idea ever, but I don’t see anything wrong with asking nicely and hopefully a few reviewers who might’ve forgotten will cross post their review then.
When reviewers don’t cross-post, I never dare ask, unless I’ve had a few conversations and find that blogger friendly. I’m such a pushover ๐ณ
I think most bloggers won’t mind if you ask politely and I figure the worst they can do is say no, but I can imagine it does feel a bit daunting to ask them for something else after you already asked them to review your books and them ask them for something extra. But in my experience most bloggers often simply forget to cross-post and if asked will do so or if they have a reason why they won’t cross post they probably will say so.
I always crosspost to GR as the UBB plugin does that for me. I’m more hit and miss with Amazon. If it’s for an author that I’ve been in touch with personally I usually will. I have been asked to do so by publishers and authors and I’m always happy to do so when asked but I don’t think I’ll ever being doing it as routine for every book I read. I just don’t have the time.
I think when it comes to SEO, it is important that it posts first on your blog. And the fact that that the amazon posting has to be done after that is another time obstacle for me.
Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…The Sunday Post : Get your Bookish News #BlogAhead
I always post first on Goodreads, I always ahve done it that way and don’t want to change it, so I guess I just stop and worry about SEO. I have enough posts as well. Also another commentor said SEO doesn’t get hurt by amazon and goodreads, so who knows.
For me it really helped to incorporate cross posting in my routine when writing reviews as else I simply forgot. I think many people just forget, which is why i think that if authors want to get reviewers to cross post their reviews simply asking is already so effective.
If I’m contacted by anyone offering me a book for review, but cross-posting is required it’s an automatic no from me. I don’t care how worthwhile an author may try to make it, I won’t touch it, and probably wouldn’t consider any future books from that author. If they ASK that’s different. I’ll still say no to the cross posting, but I’d consider reviewing their book.
My reviews go up on the site I review for and Goodreads, then in about a month they go up on my personal site. That’s it.
I don’t care how helpful authors find it when reviews are cross posted at retailers, I personally won’t support BN and I’ve heard too many stories of Amazon deleting reviews and/or cancelling accounts, so no. I won’t post there.
I always see it as supporting the author when I cross post a review, not the vendor site specifically. And I know everyone has their own preferences of where they buy ad it’s their choice. I only make sure my review is there for them to read. And it’s a big help to authors often, so I am happy to do that bit of extra effort.
Concerning the horror stories, I think that in most cases amazon is pretty fair. They have their rules and terms and if you do something that goes against them then it makes sense for them to remove your review. I have had a few of my reviews removed probably because of the vague “friends” with authors reason, but I just post all my reviews there and if they get removed it’s a shame, but nothing else I can do about it.
But I understand not everyone feels the same and I think that it’s the blogger’s right to say no when an author asks for cross posting. Or when it’s required that you won’t accept the review copy.
Good topic! I am starting to use Goodreads more these days, but that doesn’t mean I put my reviews over there. Sometimes I put a star rating, or a little thought, but it’s mostly just to tell myself what I’ve read.
For other cross-posting, I tend to only do it if an author asks. I have an account for Amazon, so if the book is there and author asks me too, then I’ll cross-post there. The main reasons I don’t do it all the time is it does take extra time and I often forget. Also, Amazon makes you give books a star rating and I don’t do ratings (all that often) on my blog and I only sometimes do it on Goodreads, so it can be annoying trying to figure that out.
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Book Review: Better by Jaime Samms
I always give books a star rating anyway, so then it’s not much extra effort to figure that out, but it would be nice if they made that optional for people who don’t do star ratings.
I had to incorporate it in my routine else I would forget too, but as I usually grab the link to the other sites to include in my review it’s not as much extra effort to post my review there as well when I am there anyway.
I think for authors when they want bloggers to cross post their reviews, asking is a good first step as I think most blogger will do so when asked. Or else they can always say no.
I used to cross post a lot but I got tired of Amazon’s policies. I get the use of curse words, but sometimes they go too far where I don’tknow what word to take out for them to approve it. And at some point it becomes tedious so now I only do it for authors who remind me or if I really loved the book and see it’s not getting enough rating on Amazon, then I cross post. It’s sad, I know, but with 10 thousand things on my list, it piles up.
Sorry, I’ll check what happened to your GC. I might have the email incorrect or something. Eep!
Braine Talk Supe recently posted…A Shot of YA: The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude
I agree that amazon policies are tiring sometimes. I also ran into the curse word issue a few times, with the word ass or something weird like that, but usually I don’t use many curse words in my reviews.
I have had a few of my reviews get removed, probably because of me being “friends” with the author, which is a shame. So I figure I just post my review there and there’s not much I can do when they decide to remove it.
No problem! I hope you can figure out what went wrong with the gift card. Let me know if you need another e-mail address or you want to double check.
Lola recently posted…Review: The Logan Collection by Siobhan Davis
I’ve always cross posted review book reviews on blog, GoodReads, Amazon, Net Galley if that’s where I got it, sometimes B&N if I see there are low amounts of reviews. I have a few at Smashwords, ARe, Audible, and other places if that’s where I got the book. My reviews from GoodReads automatically post to Facebook and a tweet with the link is sent out.
If a book hasn’t released yet, I try to make a note to go back and copy to the retailers like Amazon and B&N, but I might forget for a while.
It’s been part of my routine for years so I just do it when I set up my review and/or when it goes live on the blog. I don’t really think about it now.
Another thing that authors might want to consider if they have good blogger/reviewer friends and their books are sold internationally, is that a review with one Amazon affiliate doesn’t mean that the review goes up for all of them. So if the book is reviewed at, it isn’t necessarily posted at Amazon.UK, .it, .CA., or .Au. So cross posting can also mean that way, too. It’s a pain and not something to ask of just anyone, but there are some fans/readers that will do it for the author.
Sophia Rose recently posted…Sign Up! Beach Reads โ Stranded with a Book!
Yes I also submit to netgalley if that’s where I got it from. I usually only post at blog, goodreads, amazon, B&N and Kobo. I do have an Are and smashwords account, but never are there. I didn’t even realize you could review there too.
It’s tricky to remember the cross posting when I review a not yet released book, those are the easiest to forget. I do the cross posting when I write my review and set it up on the blog, and cross posting got part of that routine now. I don’t really forget it anymore, except sometimes when the book isn’t published yet.
Good point about the other amazon sites, although they do sometimes display reviews form right? I have done a few reviews when an author asked for that. I wish amazon made it easier to cross post on other amazon sites, a check button or something would be nice.
As Lynda said above and I quote ‘Iโve heard too many stories of Amazon deleting reviews and/or cancelling accounts, so no. I wonโt post there.’ That is why I stopped posting reviews on Amazon. I give seller feedback and that’s all. The books I read are mostly Indie and Amazon is the only place I can get them so I refuse to risk my account getting closed for a few reviews. Maybe authors should be getting angry with Amazon for their policy instead of trying to persuade bloggers to do something they don’t want to do.
chucklesthescot recently posted…Book Review: Survivors by ZA Recht (Morningstar Strain #3)
I don’t think authors should persuade bloggers to do something they don’t want to, but a lot of bloggers forget to cross post and I think it can never hurt to ask. And as the blogger it’s your right to say no if you don’t want to.
I haven’t heard of anyone losing their account, only having their reviews removed. Which is a shame, but I still want to support authors by leaving a review there if I can and only a few have gotten removed now and then.
I cross post to Amazon and very rarely Good Reads. I don’t have accounts anywhere else.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Review: Walmart Beauty Box
It’s nice you do at least amazon! I also don’t cross post on the smaller sites when I don’t have an account but I do have a B&N and Kobo account for cross posting as I usually include those links in my reviews as well.
Hmmmm, this is a very interesting question! I’ve never thought about it before but now that I am, I know how hard it is for an author to get reviews for their books so it’s best, I would think, to offer some form of incentive to encourage them to want to cross review, but STILL at the end of the day, I imagine it’s still super hard to get them to do so. I’ve cross reviewed before but sometimes it can be time consuming and since we live in a busy world, it’s hard to get it all done. I’m definitely going to bookmark this post so I can use it when I finally start my publishing journey! I can use all the help I can get!
Thanks, love! <3
Keionda @Keionda Hearts Books recently posted…So, yes, This Tots IRKS Meh…
Yes it can be difficult sometimes to get reviewers to cross post, especially for beginning authors who don’t have as much reviews, every one really counts. I also run into it sometimes with my tours when reviewers don’t cross post. I think the best advice to authors is to just ask, from the comments here it seems post people either forgot and will do so when asked. And a few who never cross post.
I am glad to hear this post might come in handy when you start your publishing journey! And let me know if you ever need help or have questions ๐
A reminder is always nice. Especially when it comes to ARCs. I seem to always forget to cross post my ARC reviews since you can’t review a product on Amazon that hasn’t been released yet. So, by the time it comes out, I’ve already moved onto another book.
Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) recently posted…Excerpt: Painting Sky by Rita Branches [Giveaway]
Yes especially those books I read early I seem to have trouble with as then I can’t cross post as part of my routine and might forget. So I think a friendly reminder or question from an author is always okay.
Also it would be nice if amazon would allows reviews for book that haven’t been released.
Lola recently posted…Review: The Logan Collection by Siobhan Davis
I do on GR, and very rarely on Amazon. I forget to a lot of the time on GR, though. Which reminds me that I need to do so with a couple of my reviews now …
Christy LoveOfBooks recently posted…Admiral by Sean Danker
I always write my reviews on goodreads as that’s how I started reviewing, so I guess it’s routine by now to post my review there first, even before it’s on my blog.
I cross post on Goodreads and on Riffle when I remember (not sure who’s really on Riffle). I don’t do Amazon because I’ve seen so many reviewers have trouble that it doesn’t seem worth it.
I have heard from riffle once or twice, but not sure what kind of site it exactly.
I usually just copy and paste my review and never ran into much trouble, but maybe I just gotten lucky.
I had never considered the SEO issue! Thanks for mention it Lola. I’ll do some research. For me the issue with Amazon is that they have many rules around the reviews. I often say “OMG I love [Author]’s book” and you cannot say that on an amazon review because then it gets rejected. So I have to rewrite for amazon which is a pain. I still think I post all my reviews on GR and Amazon besides my blog. But I’ll be checking on the SEo thingy! Thanks for this great post
Daniela Ark recently posted…New Book Release: A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2)
If you check Kristen her comment on this post, she actually mentioned the SEO thing isn’t an issue when cross posting.
My reviews haven’t gotten rejected so far, only got a word in my review changed into *** once. A few of my review got removed later, probably because of the “being friends” rule. It’s too bad they have so many rules and you have to rewrite your reviews sometimes. I just copy and paste my review and that’s it.
Or with B&N and Kobo only the summary because of their weird word limit, I can’t write short reviews.
Lola recently posted…Review: The Logan Collection by Siobhan Davis
such a great and informative post that you have here. I used to cross post my reviews, but stopped for multiple reasons. Its a hassle to cross post to so many places, its so much simpler to just do Goodreads and Librarything (which are the two other places I cross post too). But I stopped with Amazon through bad experiences. I am pretty honest in my reviews and got some deleted and negative responses because I didn’t gush over some books that were very popular but I wasn’t a big fan of. That changed my mind real quick after that. It just didn’t seem worth it. I know it helps authors to cross post reviews, but I honestly prefer just to deal with bookish site to do that.
loverofromance recently posted…Book Review-Through The Storm by Beverly Jenkins
Guess I got lucky as I never got any comments on my amazon reviews or maybe it’s because I don’t read a lot of very popular books. I do think it’s a shame things like that happen :(. It does seem like things like that happens less on bookish sites like goodreads.
I don’t normally cross post… only because the books I read are pretty popular so they already have tons of reviews out there. Amazon can be a tough place to write a review. I wrote a product review there once which for some reason was against their policies I don’t even know what that was about so I didn’t ever bother writing another one. I do think though if you review on ARC you should cross post reviews because that is why an ARC was given to that person in the first place.
Angie@Angela’s Anxious Life recently posted…Winter by Marissa Meyer
Amazon their rules are a bit weird sometimes, although I haven’t had much trouble so far luckily. I mostly read indie books, so maybe that’s also why I started cross posting as those books often can use all the reviews they can get. Although I also cross post my reviews of the more popular books now as it’s part of my routine.
Interesting post, Lola! I do try to cross-post my reviews to Goodreads and Amazon, but I usually prefer to let the review be on the blog for at least a few days before I post it anywhere else. Of course, if I got the book via NetGalley or Edelweiss, I’ll post it there, often before it goes live on my blog. But once it’s on my blog, I’d like to have readers come to the blog rather than go elsewhere, at least for the first little while.
I know that authors would prefer to have reviews on popular sites like Goodreads, and on retail sites where people buy their books. Fair enough. But (not trying to be selfish, just practical) as much as I enjoy spreading the word about books I like, I’m a blogger as well as a reviewer. And that means I’d like people to read my blog, not just my Goodreads reviews. So for me, waiting several days to a week before cross-posting is a compromise. My hope is that it gives my readers an incentive to follow the blog, while still sharing my opinion about the books I read in a broader forum.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm’s Hoard recently posted…Crime and Poetry (Amanda Flower)
I forgot to mention netgalley as I wasn’t sure if that counted as cross posting? I always post on netgalley as soon as I’ve written my review. I also prefer people to read my review on the blog, but I always assume the different platforms have different audiences and those who follow my blog, probably will read my review there. While I suspect those on goodreads and amazon get more seen by visitors or buyers there. I do understand your perspective of wanting them to come to your blog first.
I also think that if an author wants to promote a review of their book it;s best to promote the review on the blog as that way they drive traffic to a blogger’s blog and I think for many blogger’s that does take precedence over the other sites. And I prefer to interact with readers on my blog or their blogs compared to goodreads or amazon and will very rarely comment there on a review. Although I might like a review on goodreads now and then.
I cross post my reviews on other sites for the authors, but I want visitors or those who like reading my reviews to come to my blog, so I get what you’re saying. And I think waiting a few days before cross posting is a good way to handle that.
For 3.5* and above reviews: I post to my blog, Amazon, and Goodreads. I also post to Audible IF I got the book from there (you can’t review books that aren’t in your Library).
I don’t post reviews on my blog of books I didn’t enjoy; instead, if it was a free copy, I post the review in one or two places that will benefit the author (usually just Amazon).
I included a list in My Policies of all the additional places I am able to post a review, and offer the option of swapping ONE of those for one of my usual sites.
Got My Book recently posted…review: Campbell Nails YA: The Dragons of Dorcastle | Review + Author Interview
I think including things like that in your policies page is very important and helpful to authors so they know what to expect when they contact you for a review copy. I have on my policies page listed what I normally do and to remind me if I forget and that I can also do on request as I always forget that one. I think it’s neat you give the authors to choice to swap out on standard option for another site if they really like a review there. I don’t listen to audiobooks, so I didn’t realize you could only review books in your library there.
I did the swap thing because, when I was researching blogging, several people commented on authors who ask you to post on a ton of different sites. I figured this way they can have a review on their preferred site, but I don’t have to do more cross-posts than usual.
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I haven’t had authors ask to post on a ton of sites, but I can see how that could happen and the you would have to do a lot more cross posting if you offer so many options. I think the swap system is a good alternative so you still only have to cross post on amount of sites and the author gets reviews on their preferred sites at the same time.
From another point of view
It always surprises me how few authors will take the time to mark the review as “useful” on Amazon and Audible.
It is a little gesture that means a lot to book bloggers, so come on guys, take those 2 seconds to help the blogger
Bec recently posted…Harm: Rina Walker Book One: 5 Stars
I didn’t even realize authors could mark reviews for their own books as useful. I have gotten a few authors like my reviews on Goodreads though. I do agree it’s nice when authors help the blogger/ reviewer out in return in some way if they can.