Reading Challenges 2016: Fourth quarterly Recap

Posted December 30, 2016 by Lola in Challenges / 22 Comments

This is the last recap post of this year! Let’s see how well I did.

Previous quarterly recaps:

Blogger Shame Review Challenge
The Blogger Shame Review Challenge is hosted by Herding Cats and Burning Soup and Addicted to Happily Ever After. The goal of this challenge is to read books you received for review that have been on your review list for 6+ months count.
I set my goal to read 12 books for this challenge, so one every month.

Books I read for the Blogger Shame Review challenge?

Goal: 12
Total so far: 2
Total this quarter: 1

Totally failed my overall goal for this challenge, but I am glad I managed to read one book for this challenge these past few months.

2016 pick your genre challenge
The Pick Your Genre Reading Challenge is hosted by Herding Cats and Burning Soup. More information about this challenge can be found here. You can find my goal post here.
I set my goal to read 6 books for each genre for this challenge.

Historical Romance

Goal: 6
Total so far: 0
Total this quarter: 0
Let’s say this was not a historical romance year. I tried a few books in this genre last ear and liked what i read and wanted to read more books in this genre, but just wasn’t in the mod for this genre, even though I picked up a few books.

Cozy Mystery

Goal: 6
Total so far: 26
Total this quarter: 3

It was a year for cozy mysteries. I totally made this goal and read 26 cozy mysteries this year, 20 more than my goal was. That means about 1 in every 5 books I read was a cozy mystery.

Romantic Suspense

Goal: 6
Total so far: 5
Total this quarter: 2

I didn’t do too bad with this one and got real close to making my goal.

New Release Challenge 2016
This challenge is hosted by Lexxie over at Unconventional Book Views and Stormi at Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My!
Goal: 31-45 books per year – New Release Veteran.
Total so far: 70
Total this quarter: 18

New Releases I read in the past 3 months

I did really well with this challenge and am participating again in it next year.

2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge
The 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is hosted by Laura @ trips down imagination road and Michelle @ Because Reading. The 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is about setting New Years Resolutions for books and book blogging.

Blogging Goals

Yay I am so glad I made this goal! I started this feature this year and managed to post a new post every year. I am continuing this feature next year, although I might skip a month sometimes.

Reading Goals

  • Get my Netgalley percentage up to 70%. Nope, didn’t make this goal. I was doing pretty decently though and stayed around the 6% the whole year even with requesting new books. I ended the year with 68%, so i do have hope I can finally reach that 70% eventually.
  • Get my amount of review books below 55. Funny how I even thought I had a chance at this. I have 98 books on my review shelf so far, I haven’t cleaned the shelf out much and removed books I didn’t plan to read anymore, but I did read a lot of review books and got it down a bit that way. And then accepted even more new ones.

Personal Goals

Did you participate in any reading challenges this year? How did you do?

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22 responses to “Reading Challenges 2016: Fourth quarterly Recap

  1. Whoops on the Blogger Shame and the Historical Romances, but way to go with the cozies, new releases, and resolutions. You did pretty good with your Net Galley percentage almost making it. That’s ones tough because it’s so tempting to browse and add books.

    Good luck with your 2017 challenges. We can cheer each other on. πŸ™‚
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Time and Regret by M.K. TodMy Profile

    • I had really hoped to do the blogger shame one and historical romances well, but sadly I wasn’t in the mood for historical romances and mostly focused on new books.

      I didn’t up my netgalley percentage much, but I did manage to stay around the same percentage despite requesting more books, so that did mean I did read a lot of books as well. I am hoping I can get it up to 70% next year.
      Lola recently posted…Reading Challenges 2016: Fourth quarterly RecapMy Profile

    • The quarterly recaps worked for me, so I am sticking with that for next year. But the tracking part is one of the difficult parts of challenges. I am only joining two challenges next year thought to keep it simple.

  2. Oh my, you really did fail your Blogger Shame challenge, haha. I’m not joining that challenge, but that is just one of my general goals for 2017, to get through some of the older review copies I have since I kinda feel bad that they’re taking me so long.

    It clearly was not a historical romance year, but it sure was a cozy mystery year! At least you did great on that one, and you did good on the romantic suspense one too πŸ™‚

    That’s awesome that you met your advice posts goal and that you got pretty close on the blog tour goal! And at least you got close on NetGalley. As for that review copy number, that’s the problem isn’t it? Every time we read one, we end up with five more lol. I happened to look back at a weekly update from earlier in the year where I said something about how I was stressed because I had 8 review copies or something because I had finished some but gained like three times as many, and I was like, “This is how it starts, isn’t?” and I was right, that was totally how it started lol. But anyway, congrats on all the goals you did well on πŸ™‚
    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Bookish Musings: My 2016 Bookish StatsMy Profile

    • Yes I did really fail the Blogger Shame challenge. I am actually abandoning that goal next year and instead focus on new releases and new books I got. I do feel bad about the older ones, but who knows, maybe if I don’t set a goal i actually get some of them read.

      Nope it wasn’t a historical romance year, I totally wasn’t in the mood for that and instead developed a taste of science fiction romance. I am glad I got to read some romantic suspense as that’s a genre I want to read more of. And I did so well on the cozies, it has become one of my favorite genres. hard to believe that I only read my first cozie a little more than a year ago.

      I am hoping to keep up the Advice posts this year, although maybe not every month, I still hope to write a bunch of them. And I hope I can reach the 70% on netgalley next year, I think I actually included that in my goal post for 2017. And yes I just get more review copies, although I do think in total I didn’t get more of them, just because I read so many of them. And I think in total I have read 350 review books, so i still get a good percentage read. And yes with a small amount of review copies it starts and it gets more and more.

  3. I love your methodical way of monitoring your progress and am very impressed at the number of new books you’ve reviewed this year. As for clearing out the backlog – hm. I can relate, also being a mood reader and as it’s my main hobby and a source of joy and comfort, I’m not going to run myself into a reading slump by forcing myself to read books that aren’t calling to me:). Congratulations of your successes and I’m looking forward to reading your reviews in 2017 – happy New Year, Lola!
    sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars SingMy Profile

    • Thanks! This way of tracking what I read seemed to work for me. I am pretty impressed at that number too, didn’t realize I had read that many of them. I hope I can read a few of the backlog books in 2017, but I am not going to force it.

    • I agree I did pretty well, even with the few failed goals. Same here, I get more excited about the new releases and recent newly acquired books, so that’s what I am focusing on in 2017 and if I manage to read some older review copies that’s a nice bonus.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #211My Profile

    • That’s what I am doing next year. I will be joining fewer challenge and focus on the things I am excited about. I have a goal post for 2017 scheduled for next week and writing it made me feel so excited for 2017!

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