Sunday Post #135

Posted July 19, 2015 by Lola in Sunday Post / 38 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

Wow another busy week. I had five cover reveals organized by Lola’s Blog Tours taking place this week, so I spent lost of time promoting those and sharing links to blogs of bloggers who participated in them. I also sent out some emdia kits for the early August tours. No new tours open for sign-up this week though :(. I did finish up my marketing assistant work for this month and got two new Lola’s Kitchen posts written and scheduled for later this year, it feels good to stay two months ahead with those.

Tuesday my colouring book finally arrived. I think it’s the original copy I ordered, which means it got deliver a whole month after it was sent. I love the bookdepository for ordering books, but I don’t think I ever had to wait that long for a book to arrive. Ah well at leats it’s here now and I did some colourign this week.

Snickers is still doing well. She’s almost fully recovered now. Tuesday when put them in bath after I cleaned their cage I noticed something hanging lose ta her side. Her scab had gotten loose, but wa sstill connected to her skin by a stitch. So I carefully got that loose. You can see a bit of the scar from the wound now, but it’s looking really good.

If you are afraid of spiders I would advise to skip this alinea. Wednesday morning as I opened the curtains I noticed a small spider on the window. I picked up my slipper and killed it. I love animals, but I don’t want isnects in my house. After killing that spider I killed another one, abt surprised to have foudn two in the house. Then I looked up and lots of tiny spiders dotted the plafond. Armed with a slipper, electric insect racket, a chair and my hands it took my about an hour to kill them all. Eventually I just switched to killing them with my bare hands as they were so small and I constantly missed them with the slipper and racket. I am not afraid of spiders, but let’s say i will be happy if I don’t see any spiders anymore this week. I still feel itchy every time I remember that morning. My boyfriend is afraid of spdiers and I cna only be happy that he wasn’t home that morning as it was pretty horryfing.

I finished 8 books so far. And last sunday was the second twitter party in which I participated as well. My first 4 Coyer reviews went live on the blog this week.

Random Picture(s) of the Week

Remember how I mentioned last week that we got a new cabinet? Well I finally made a picture this week, so I could show it to you all :). My boyfriend and his dad sandpapered and painted it, so it looks like new.

And my colouring book finally arrived! So I spent some time colouring.

First picture Rabbit
One of the pictures I coloured.

Snickers sleeping in one of their house bowl shaped hammocks.

What did I cook for dinner this week?

This week I blogged about:

Review: Palace Secrets by Ravyn Rayne
Review: The Hardest Fight by Amy Vastine
Review: The Stars Never Rise by Rachel Vincent
Lola’s Ramblings: Cliffhangers
Cover Reveal: Summer Haikus by SJ Pajonas
Lola’s Kitchen: Lasagna Soup Recipe
Review: Love Games by Eden Scott

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Visions by Kelley Armstrong
– Review: Freya’s Inferno by Sonja Bair
– Review: Second Chance Summer by Sonja Bair
– Lola’s Ramblings: What Makes a Good Book Ending?
– Lola’s Kitchen: Spring Rolls Recipe
– Review: The Lady of Souls (The Beacon Campaigns #1) by Jenn Gott

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Review Opportunity: The Other Side of Summer by Elyse Douglas
Review Opportunity: The Case and Hard Case by Marc Hirsch
Review Opportunity: Love Spell by Mia Kerick
Review Opportunity: Son of Set (Descendants of Isis #2) by Kelsey Ketch
Review Opportunity: The Cursed Ground by A. Roy King
Review Opportunity: 3volve and The Shadow of Loss by Josefina Gutierrez

Trailer Reveal: The Silent Treatment by Melanie Surani – 21 July
Cover Reveal: Destiny of the Queen by Jacqueline Patricks – 30 August

Book Blitz: Heir of the Blood King by W.O. Cassity – runs from 20-24 July
Book Blitz: To Be Honest by TC Booth – runs from 21-27 July
Blog Tour: Kenna’s Reverie by Claire Granger – runs from 1-14 August
Blog Tour: The Dating Intervention by Hilary Dartt – runs from 1-14 August
Blog Tour: Miles Apart by Rhona L. James – runs from 1-21 August
Blog Tour: Guardian by Katy Newton Naas – runs from 3-16 August
Book Blitz: Love, Defined by Leila Tualla – runs from 4-10 August
Book Blitz: Love Easy and Love Hard by Roe Valentine – runs from 17-23 August
Blog Tour: Destiny Rising by Siobhan Davis – runs from 1-21 September

Book Haul:

The Wolf WilderThe Wolf Wilder
by Katherine Rundell

Format: e-copy
Source: for review through netgalley
You can find The Wolf Wilder on Goodreads

Feodora and her mother live in the snowbound woods of Russia, in a house full of food and fireplaces. Ten minutes away, in a ruined chapel, lives a pack of wolves. Feodora’s mother is a wolf wilder, and Feo is a wolf wilder in training. A wolf wilder is the opposite of an animal tamer: it is a person who teaches tamed animals to fend for themselves, and to fight and to run, and to be wary of humans.

When the murderous hostility of the Russian Army threatens her very existence, Feo is left with no option but to go on the run. What follows is a story of revolution and adventure, about standing up for the things you love and fighting back. And, of course, wolves.

Enchanted ForestEnchanted Forest
by Johanna Basford

Format: paperback
Source: bought it myself
You can find Enchanted Forest on Amazon

This magical coloring book by Johanna Basford takes colorists through an enchanted forest to discover what lies in the castle. Similarly interactive like SECRET GARDEN, ENCHANTED FOREST also features hidden objects and fun mazes. Beginning at the entrance to a fairy-tale forest, the journey progresses through highly embellished woods and through intricate flora. Castles, treasure chests, and other magical elements add a fairy tale narrative to the designs. Special features include a gate-folded two-page spread, and a colorable jacket.

Mamachari MatchmakerMamachari Matchmaker (Kami No Sekai Short Story Series #3)
by S.J. Pajonas

Format: e-copy
Source: for review
You can find Mamachari Matchmaker on Goodreads

This bike longs to be owned by a family with kids but is bought by a quiet, cosplaying, young woman instead.

How will Mamachari help Eriko to find true love?


Shhh… Listen To The Gods.

The Japanese believe the gods live in all things. Trees, appliances, animals, buildings — they all have a spirit living within them. Maybe, if you listen carefully, you can hear them too.

I feel so lucky to have two Pajonas books to read now! After I finish my current read I am going to read Summer Haikus and this one right after each other.


38 responses to “Sunday Post #135

    • Colouring books really got popular in a short time. I think it’s a great concept and I am looking forward to colour some mroe in the new few weeks! I am really exicted to share this recipe with you, I love making these spring rolls, even though they take some time, it’s really worth it as they are so good!
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #135My Profile

  1. I HATE spiders and I’m scared stiff of the damn things! I had an incident with a big one two days ago and I’m still nervous moving around the house in case there are more. In summer the big hairy things come in from the garden to the house and scare me. This is why I love winter!!! Have a good booky week!
    chucklesthescot recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #93My Profile

    • We have a big spider in front of our window, which is constantly building nests, The big one can’t get inside the house, but those tiny ones sure can. I am still finding some spiders in the house. We close the grids (not sure if it’s the right word) in our windows every night now, so more can’t come inside. I sure like winter for that reaosn as well, no insects that try to get into the house. I personally hate mosquito’s as they seem to love my blood.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #135My Profile

  2. I’m addicted to Enchanted Forest – I never thought colouring could be so fun… I finished The Wolf Wilder a couple of days ago, but didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would do. I loved Katherine Rundell’s Rooftoppers, however.
    Enjoy the colouring!

    • I really enjoyed colouring as a kid, so when I heard of adult colouring books I just had to give it a try. It’s a lot of fun indeed :). I am sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy Wolf Wilder as much as you thought you would. I really like the concept, so I hope I’ll enjoy it.

  3. Over a month to get your coloring book? That’s a very long time! I hope you’ll enjoy making it even more magical and enchanted with your colorings 🙂
    I’m so happy to hear that Snickers keeps on getting better! Your new cabinet really looks all new – and there’s a lot of room for putting things away in it as well.
    Well done on COYER so far 🙂 I will check out your COYER reviews later. Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…The Sunday Post #41 – And Then There Were TwoMy Profile

    • It was really weird as they already promised to sent me another one and then the original copy arrived a month later. I have had to wait 10 days or two weeks for a book sometimes, but never this long. I hope I can make soem mroe tiem for colouring this week.
      I am really happy with the new cabinet and it has to much space to stuff things away. I love it 🙂
      Snickers her hind legs are getting a little bit week, but that’s from old age probably. Beside that she’s in great condition, although she could use to gain a bit mroe weight as she’s a bit thinner now.
      I really hope this will be a good reading week again as I didn’t got as much reading done these past two weeks.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #135My Profile

  4. I would have burned the house down. NOPE I couldn’t not do what you did, you are a very BRAVE woman.

    I am in love with the coloring books and I want one lol I saw them at B&N but never got to pick it up, will be going back soon, Coloring is so therapeutic.

    Good Job on the 8 books, I believe I am at 5 which for me isn’t back, I was hoping for a lot more by now but real life just keeps sucking me in 🙂

    The Wolf Wilder cover is fantastic, I saw that on netgalley but didn’t grab it, I will wait to see what you think 🙂

    Have a wonderful week, Lola! I hope spider free! 😉 Enjoy all your new reads! <3 ox
    Michelle@Because Reading recently posted…#COYER Update Post Week 4My Profile

    • Let’s say that ever since I met my boyfriend I got a lot less afraid of spiders and got this urge to kill any spiders I find. And the slipper and racket weren’t workign and killing them with my hands was the only thing that worked.

      I really enjoy the colouring so far. You really should pick one up and give it a try! It’s a nice way to relax and I like colouring in the pieces and then when it’s done and you can see the final result, which is awesome.

      I could’ve readed more, but I read one thick book and then a book which seemed to take me ages to read. But I did nice the first few weeks. And I think 5 is still great as well, you still have more than a month in the challenge 🙂

      I just love the concept and cover for the Wolf Wilder, I hope it’s as good as it sounds. I was in the mood for some Midle Grade books and couldn’t resist requesting it.

      I hope you have a great week as well!
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #135My Profile

    • Snicker is certainly going better, I just hope she will gains a bit more weight now that she’s feeling better as she got a bit thinner. I certainly would recommend picking up a colouring book, it’s a lot of fun!

    • I got quite a scare seeing those hundreds of spider on my plafond and it took quite some time to kill them all.

      So far I enjoyed the colouring book, I hope I have some more time to colour this week.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #135My Profile

    • Same here, I hadn’t coloured since I was a kid and then I heard about this new concept and I think it’s awesome.

      Thanks, I am really happy with the cabinet and my boyfriend and his dad really did a great job restoring it.

      Snicker sure knows how to make those rat beds and hammocks look comfy. I am so glad she’s doing better, even though she’s a bit thinner now, so I hope she will gain some weight soon.

    • I am so happy it arrived and I could start colouring this week. And I agree it’s hard to know what to start with, they are all gorgeous and I am almost araid to ruin them by colouring, which is weird as they are made for that, but still. I think it’s a beautifull colouring book.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #135My Profile

    • Indeed it’s pretty big, we had an open space there on the wall after my sister moved out and this cabinet fit ther eperfectly. And we have so many more storage now, which is great.

      I hope I have more tiem to colour this week, it’s a lot of fun 🙂

  5. The Enchanted Forest coloring book looks awesome! I’m putting it on my birthday wish list. I also like those organizers for your colored pencils – where did you find them? The cabinet looks amazing – well done to the refinishers! And I’m really glad Snickers is doing better.

    Enjoy the week and I hope you have plenty of time to read and color!
    Lark @ The Bookwyrm’s Hoard recently posted…Sunday Post – 7/19/15My Profile

    • It’s a very beautifull colouring books. I asked for a few more colouring books for my brithday as well. I actually can’t remember where I got those organizers/ pencil wraps. Years ago I had this plan to start colouring my drawings and collected a lot of pencils and then for my birthday I got these pencil wraps. I never used them until now. I did check the brand name on the wraps and they are from Derwent/ Acco. I googled it and found an UK site that lists them: I hope that helps.
      They are really neat and handy to keep your pencil in one place and you can just roll them up when you’re done colouring.
      It’s pretty amazing how nice the cabinet looks now, I remember how it looked before they started refinishing it and it’s really a big difference. I love the cabinet, now only to find time to store things in there.

    • I love the cabinet, it’s so pretty and has lots of room for storage. We have a painting and some pictures of the herd babes we want to hang above it.
      It’s such a relief to have Snickers doing better, but she did lose a bit of weight, so I think I have to feed her some extra yummies again this week.
      Lola recently posted…Review: Visions by Kelley ArmstrongMy Profile

    • I am planning to order the Garden book you have eventually as well as I really like the style of this author. The pictures are so pretty!
      I am glad the warning helped, I know lots of people are afraid of them and it was pretty scary, so I thought I would put the warning there so people could skip it. I am not afraid of spiders, but I hate having them in my house, as long as they just stay outside and away from me it’s okay.

  6. Glad to hear Snickers is doing well! And yay for your coloring book finally arriving. I have an adult coloring book and I love it, but don’t put enough time aside to work on it. It’s just so relaxing.

    And oh my gosh, the spider story. That was one of the things I hated about living with my boyfriend’s family. They had spiders EVERYWHERE, and no one seemed to care. I would take a shower and look up and there would be three spiders just hanging out on the ceiling. Eek! Now that I’m back with my family though it isn’t a problem. My dad HATES bugs and constantly does sweeps with a can of bug spray to make sure none are hanging around. 😛
    Asti recently posted…Bookish Life: A Bookish Introduction to Yours TrulyMy Profile

    • Oh which colouring book do you have? I don’t put enough time aside to work on it either :(. I only got that bunny coloured so far. Let’s hope I can set some time apart for it this week.

      I can’t imagine having spider everywhere. I am not afraid of them, but I hate having them in my house. No insects or other moving creatures should be in my house (except for our rats ofcourse). If they are outside I don’t mind them, but I don’t want them in my house. My boyfriend is afraid of them, so I am the designated bug killer ;).
      Lola recently posted…Review: Visions by Kelley ArmstrongMy Profile

  7. I love that cabinet and they did a great job sanding it down. It looks great. Snickers is so darn cute in that picture. I used to color a lot with my daughter when she was little, I like the idea of doing that again.
    Mary Kirkland recently posted…Happy Raturday!My Profile

    • They really did a great job making the cabinet look fresh and new again. I love those shots of only their noses like that. Snickers really seemed to enjoy that hammock, guess I placed it in the right place this time.
      I really enjoy colouring so far, it’s fun!

  8. Oh my goodness, Snickers is SO CUTE. I am so glad that the recovery is going well, minus the one snafu. Such a cutie! And the cabinet is gorgeous! Spiders.. okay, so I don’t mind all spiders. I don’t LOVE any of them, but I can kill one and move on- UNLESS it is one of those thick, juicy looking ones, and then I am OUT- screaming and running from the room 😉

    I got the same coloring book this week from my Secret Sister! I cannot wait to color, I find it so therapeutic. But what is up with TBD taking a MONTH to ship yours? Not cool, TBD. Hope you enjoy these new books, I am very curious about The Wolf Wilder, and that you have a wonderful week!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…The Uninvited by Cat WintersMy Profile

    • Snickers has lost some wieght though, so I am hoping we can get her to gain a bit more weight now that she’s recovered. So more yummies for Snickers.

      Same here, I don’t love spiders, but I can kill them and don’t mind. This invasion was a bit bad though, don’t care to repeat that soon. And indeed those big ones are a bit creepy.

      I actually am getting another copy from them as I had already e-mailed them to say my book didn’t arrive and then it did, oops. I have no clue what is up with that month shipping time, I never had that happen before. I hope you can get some colouring done soon! It’s really fun and relaxing.

      The concept of Wolf Wilder sounds so interesting, let’s hope it’s as good as it sounds!
      Lola recently posted…Review: Visions by Kelley ArmstrongMy Profile

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