Tag: Young Adult

Cover Reveal: Lost Blood by Emma Raveling

Cover Reveal: Lost Blood by Emma Raveling

Lost Blood (Chancer, #1) by Emma Raveling Genres: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult Blurb: They are the Strange, those born of magic, myths, and legends. Beings who defy scientific explanation, whose physical and mental abilities far surpass the limitations of the human body. When they first appeared, the world resisted, frightened by their powers. But after decades of bloodshed, humanity finally accepted that the Strange were here to stay. A tenuous peace exists. For now. WELCOME TO BRANNIGAN CITY Seventeen-year-old Delaney Corbeau is one of the Skilled. As a Chancer, she uses her magic to help humans find everything from misplaced […]

Posted October 31, 2014 by Lola in Cover Reveal, Fantasy / 2 Comments

Review: Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead

Review: Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead

My To-Be Read List is a meme hosted by Because Reading is Better Than Real Life where at the beginning of the month visitors can choose which book I’ll be reading this month. On the first saturday of a month the poll will be up, then on the second saturday of the month I’ll announce the book that won and later that month my review will follow. This book was chosen through My To-Be Read list as the book I would read and review in September. Silver Shadows (Bloodlines #5) by Richelle Mead Blurb: Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one […]

Posted October 25, 2014 by Lola in Fantasy, My To-Be Read List, Review, Romance / 14 Comments

Blog Tour: Summer in Shambles by Ebony McKenna

Blog Tour: Summer in Shambles by Ebony McKenna

Today is my stop during the blog tour for Summer in Shambles by Ebony McKenna. I’ll share an excerpt with you and there’s a tour wide giveaway! The Summer of Shambles (Ondine #1) by Ebony McKenna Publication date: June 21 2013 Genres: Comedy, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult Blurb: Dive into this wonderfully witty young adult series from author Ebony McKenna, set in the far off European country of Brugel. 15-year-old Ondine is struggling to fit in at Psychic Summercamp and doubts she possesses any of her family’s magical abilities. She resolves to leave, determined to follow her own path and […]

Posted October 24, 2014 by Lola in Blog Tour, Fantasy, Romance / 4 Comments

Blog Tour: Camp Forget-Me-Not by JK Rock

Blog Tour: Camp Forget-Me-Not by JK Rock

Today is my stop during the blog tour for Camp Forget-Me-Not, the third book in the Camp Boyfriend series by JK Rock! I interview the authors and there’s a tour wide giveaway! Camp Forget-Me-Not (Camp Boyfriend #3) by JK Rock Blurb: Playing it safe and fitting in may have rocketed Kayla West into the “In” crowd at Camp Juniper Point, but it’s left her lonely. The only person she’s ever been herself with was her former best friend, Nick, an outsider that pushed her to join the most popular girls cabin two years ago. Too bad being a Diva meant […]

Posted October 20, 2014 by Lola in Blog Tour, Contemporary, Romance / 8 Comments

Blog Tour: On the Move by K.V. Flynn

Blog Tour: On the Move by K.V. Flynn

This is my stop during the blog tour for On by K.V. Flynn. This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 1 till 14 October, you can view the complete tour schedule here. And K.V> Flynn shares her top ten fods with us today! On the Move (On the Move #1) by K.V. Flynn Genre: Boys’ action-adventure/ dystopia Age category: Older Middle Grade/ young Young Adult Release Date: September 2, 2014 Blurb: Callum Vicente and his four best middle school buddies live in a Southern California beach town, and narrowly miss being grounded for […]

Posted October 2, 2014 by Lola in Blog Tour, Dystopia / 0 Comments

Cover Reveal: Sceadu by Prashant Pinge

Cover Reveal: Sceadu by Prashant Pinge

Today is the cover reveal for Sceadu by Prashant Pinge. This cover reveal is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. Sceadu by Prashant Pinge Genre: Fantasy Age category: Young Adult Release Date: 10 November 2014 Blurb: All this while, Matilda’s shadow had been growing larger and larger. Suddenly, it lunged out of the ground and swallowed her, like a python does its unsuspecting prey. Nine year old Matilda ends up with a century old book through a series of strange coincidences. And disappears. Her brother and cousins are forced to suspend their hostilities and pursue her to Sceadu, a land inside […]

Posted September 25, 2014 by Lola in Cover Reveal, Fantasy / 2 Comments

Armchair BEA 2014: Middle Grade/Young Adult

Armchair BEA 2014: Middle Grade/Young Adult

Last year I saw a lot of bloggers participating in Armchair BEA and it looked like a lot of fun, so decided to join Armchair BEA this year. More information about this event you can read on the Armchair BEA site. Also as I live in the Netherlands attending the real BEA convention isn’t really an option, but everyone can attend Armchair BEA. For todays topic I choose: Middle Grade/Young Adult Our final genre of discussion is one that we know is a popular one these days: books for the younger crowd, from middle grade to young adult. If you […]

Posted May 30, 2014 by Lola in Lola's Ramblings / 12 Comments