Sunday Post #361

Posted November 17, 2019 by Lola in Sunday Post / 20 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was a pretty decent week. I got a good amount of work done and had some time for relaxing as well. I am trying to get a better work-life balance and am trying to take more time off, mostly I try and make sure I have some free time in the weekends to catch up with blogging and do some gaming.

I put two new sign-up posts live this week, one for a book blitz and one for a blog tour. I am happy with how well my Lola’s Blog Tours work is going lately. I have a bunch of tours currently open for sign-up. I also got a good amount of assistant work done this week.

Did you see that Goodreads now has a save draft function for reviews? I am really happy about this. I’ve lost a few reviews due when I first started using Goodreads and nowadays I always copy my reviews in another document and save them there so I won’t lose anything. I already noticed the new save function in action when writing my last review and it seems to save quite often and saves your review as a draft until you post it. It’s pretty neat.

What did I read this week?

Cobblered to DeathGrimoires, Spas and Chocolate Straws

I finished two cozies this week. Cobblered to Death had a fun food theme, but it didn’t grab me as much as I had hope.d The main characetr was the host in the baking show instead of a participants and the mystery wasn’t as interesting.

Food Corner

For today’s food corner I wanted to feature cookies that contain cinnamon. I love cinnamon during this time of the year as here in the Netherlands it’s all about Sinterklaas around now and the stores all smell of dutch spice blend which contains plenty of cinnamon. So I thought I would feature some cookies that contain cinnamon today :). Some of these are snickerdoodles, others have cinnamon in the cookies. And I included the recipe for “Kruidnootjes”, which is a common treat during this time.

Lemon Cinnamon CookiesCinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Cookies Chocolate Cookies with Cinnamon and Cayenne PepperChocolate SnickerdoodlesBanana SnickerdoodlesKruidnootjes

This week I blogged about:

Review: Scavenger Princess by Carysa Locke
Review: Double, Double, Toil and truffle by H.Y. Hanna
Lola’s Kitchen: Rice Pudding Recipe

Review: Scavenger Princess by Carysa LockeReview: Double, Double, Toil and truffle by H.Y. HannaLola's Kitchen: Rice Pudding Recipe

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Cabin Boy by Drake LaMarque
– Review: The Queen’s Gambit by Jessie Mahalik

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: Brimstone by Justine Rosenberg
Review Opportunity: The Christmas Walk Caper by JB Michaels
Book Blitz: Dirty Game by Mika Lane – 2 till 8 December – New!
Book Blitz: The Christmas Walk Caper by JB Michaels – 6 till 12 December
Cover Reveal: Coven of Fire Series by Sierra Cross – 12 December
Blog Tour: A Player Romance series by Mika Lane – 6 till 19 January
Blog Tour: You Too? by Janet Gurtler – 6 till 24 January
Blog Tour: The Incarn Saga by Katharine E. Wibell – 20 January till 2 February – New!

Book Haul:

Shy Girl vs Popular BoyBlood TrialThe Carnelian Fox

I got all three of these for review. I already started reading Shy Girl vs Popular Boy. I really like this series so far. Blood Trial is the first book in a new series by an author whose books I like and I plan to start this one next. I really like the sound of The Carnelian Fox and I am looking forward to starting it, hopefully after I got through the other two books.

What’s a recipe you would recommend to me?


20 responses to “Sunday Post #361

  1. Now you have me wanting Snickerdoodles. I love them this time of the year. I do bake and cook with a lot of cinnamon and even sprinkle it on cold cereal. Glad to see your recipe focus.

    Nice that you had a good week of work and getting projects ready. This was a slower week for me with the big winter storm coming through early in the week and the cold snap coming after it. This is the kind of storm we get in January not early November so it was a bit of a surprise and I wasn’t ready.

    Looks like a fun book haul of familiar authors for you. I should probably not pick up any more books this year the way I went overboard accepting eARCs and ARCs the last few weeks, but most are books I already wanted to read.

    Have a great week and enjoy getting ready for Sinterklaas, Lola!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Immortal Sea by Virginia KantraMy Profile

    • I love snickerdoodles, they are delicious. I thought it was a good timing to focus on cinnamon cookies this week. It’s been fun coming up with themes.
      I made some cookies with pecan and chocolate this weekend, so I have some cookies to snack on.

      That’s quite the surprise that you got such a big winter storm this early in the season. It’s been turning colder here as well, but no storms or snow yet.

      It’s hard to not accept ARCs when they are already books you wanted to read. I have these three eARCS I go this week lined up as my next reads.

  2. I’m glad you had a good week – it’s always a struggle to get the work/life balance right when you’re working for yourself. Thank you for including those yummy-looking recipes. Those banana snickerdoodles look absolutely delicious. I hope you have another great week, Lola:)

    • Getting your work/life balance right really is tough when you’re working for yourself. The banana snickerdoodles are really good, i have to make them again sometimes soon.

    • I also love cinnamon and you can’t go wrong with snickerdoodles. I got an email about the new feature and then tested it out on my next review. It really works well and saves quite regularly too. I always backed my reviews up during writing in another document for the same reason, so it’s nice to not have to worry about losing your review anymore now.

    • That sounds like a good way to handle it too, write them in your blog and then copy to Goodreads. I usually write my review in Goodreads and then copy them over to my blog. So it’s nice I don’t have to worry about losing part of my review anymore now,

    • Oh cinnamon muffins, that sounds yummy too! I actually have an adjusted version of that lemon cinnamon recipe as well where I just mix in the cinnamon in the dough and make round cookies form it, I still have to make a post for that one.

      I am really happy they added the draft function, it is really neat.

    • I am glad I seem to be slowly finding a better balance, but it sure is difficult. I have to be careful with those cookies to not add too much cayenne, but that bit really adds some nice spice.

  3. I had no idea you could now save reviews as draft on Goodreads! This is awesome! I usually write them somewhere else can copy/paste them over as I always lose them if I write direct to goodreads… Maybe now I can cut that out!

    Hope you have a good week!

    • I really like the new draft and auto save function, it’s so handy. I lost a few reviews that way as well, so I always copy and paste them somewhere else too, but now I don’t worry about that as much anymore.

    • It does seem to make it into a lot of dishes, I even have some curries where I add cinnamon. And desserts and cookies as well ofcourse. I love cinnamon so that works for me.

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