Sunday Post #318

Posted January 20, 2019 by Lola in Sunday Post / 32 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Itโ€™s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This week was still a bit bleh and had days I struggled through, but I think in general it was a bit better than last week. So that’s good. I also struggled a bit concentrating on work at times, but still got the most important things done. I put a new sign-up post live for a blog tour, send out the media kit for next week’s tour and got my hours assistant work done.

We had to go to the dentist this week and luckily all was well, so that was good news. I also cleaned out the freezer this week, which really was necessary and I am happy to have it clean again. I baked American pancakes and roasted chick peas again last weekend. I plan to type out some recipes soon as I have 3 I still want to type out, just need to find the time and motivation. I even already made pictures for all of them I think, so I only have to type out the recipes and schedule them.

I also had my first 5 star read of the year listening to Jumper’s Hope by Carol Van Natta. And I also read in Graves Below by her, which was great. I think I averted a reading slump as my current reads are pretty good too. Although I can’t fully get into my new audiobook Chase the Dark yet, while the world building is interesting I haven’t warmed up to the characters and the narrator makes Piper sound a bit whiny sometimes.

What did I read this week?

In Graves BelowJumper's Hope

In Graves Below was a great read, I really liked these characters and their romance and had a blast reading this. I loved Jumper’s Hope and the audio version was just awesome.

What did I cook for dinner this week?

This week I blogged about:

Review: Overload Flux by Carol Van Natta – Audiobook
Review: Witchslapped in Westerham by Dionne Lister
Review: Him by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Over The Falls by Jordan Ford
– Review: The Lion Mistress Book 1 by R.A. Steffan

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunities:
The Beast of Black Pond by Nancy Gray
Building Your Empowered Steps by LM Preston
Behesians by Isaiyan Morrison
Empty Eyes by Nancy Gray
Golden Skies by Juan Zapata
Poseidon’s Academy by Sarah A Vogler
The Firefly by Nancy Gray
The Krampus by Nancy Gray
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.

Cover Reveals:
There are no cover reveals open for sign-up at the moment

Book Blitz: Winner Takes All by Laurie Winter – 21 till 27 January
Book Blitz: The Tempted Series by B Truly – 28 January till 10 February
Blog Tour: The Jade Rebellion by Alanna Mackenzie – 18 February till 3 March – New!

Book Haul:

Don't Bait MeMimic

I bought both of these. Don’t Bait Me is the third book in a series I like (although I still need to read book 2, oops). And Mimic was only 99 cents for for all 9 episodes, I thought this series sounded interesting before, but wasn’t sure if I wanted to buy it, but with this price for the whole series I decided to pick it up.

What’s something positive that happened to you this week?


32 responses to “Sunday Post #318

  1. To bad about the blah mood. Glad you were able to work through and stay out of a reading slump with a couple good books. Yay for having an all clear at the dentist. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’ve got a couple book series that I don’t find the narrator is a good match and I prefer them in print. I read Chase the Dark a while ago and I can’t remember what I thought of the heroine. I don’t think I considered her whiny so your probably right about the narrator.
    I look forward to seeing your recipes. Mimic looks good. I’ll have to check into that one.

    Have a good week, Lola!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…To Read or Not to Read โ€ฆ Read! โ€“ January 2019My Profile

    • I am glad I managed to avoid a reading slump and happy that I got an all clear at the dentist.

      I think I might go with the ebook version for Chase the dark. I think the narration just ins’t working for me, but it’s hard to tell as I haven’t listened to many books yet.

      I was excited to see all 9 Mimic books for only 99 cents as I had been curious about that series.

  2. I think it’s the time of year for feeling blah Lola, I feel it too. Mostly because I keep getting sick. Yay for your first five star read though, it’s great to get one early in the year. I’ve had mine too ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you have a good week.

    • I haven’t been sick yet luckily. I am trying to go outside a bit more, hopefully that helps. It was nice to have a 5 star read already. Neat you already had one too already.

    • Maybe it’s the winter weather. I am trying to go outside a bit more hoping that will help. I am glad I managed to avert my reading slump at least.

  3. I always fear going to the dentist but most of the time he does not find anything bad so pfew! Funny you menton cleaning the freezer because that’s just what I’ve done yesterday! I hope your week will be great!

    • I had a lot of cavities a few years ago, so I keep fearing that happens again. I am glad nothing was wrong this time. What a coincidence you just cleaned your freezer too.

    • Sorry to hear you also have been in a blah mood :(. I hope it passes soon. I hate going to the dentist, so I was really happy it went well.

  4. It’s a hard time of year with the low light levels and short days, isn’t it? Though it sounds like you got plenty of work down and cleaning the freezer is a chore that always feels good once it’s been done:). I hope the coming week is less meh, Lola!

    • I am hoping that’s it and that with spring it gets better. I am trying to go outside a bit more and get some sun. I am glad to have the freezer cleaned out, it really needed to be done and it feels good to have that done.

    • It was a re-read and I already almost gave it a 5 star last time. I think it might be the narrator that isn’t working for me, so maybe I’ll just try the ebook instead.

  5. Sorry to hear things have been blah. I hate that. But hopefully some sunny skies will help with that! I just finished an audiobook so I now I have to find a new one. I hope I like the new one. It’s always tough at the beginning of a story to get into the world-building and characters.
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update โ€“ January 20, 2019My Profile

    • I hope so. This week we had some sunny skies and I tried going outside a bit more to catch the light.

      I am not sure whether it’s the story, the characters or the narration that isn’t quite working for me in my current audiobook, so I might just pick another one.

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