Sunday Post #142

Posted September 6, 2015 by Lola in Sunday Post / 42 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This week has it’s up and downs. I had a few bad days where I missed the rats very badly, but also some good moments. It was a busy week and I worked on some new tours this week and business is going good this week again, so that makes me happy. The slower weeks always get to me, so I am happy to be organizing new tours again. This week 2 new cover reveal and 3 book blitzes went live and I feel like I am back in the work flow again. It did make for some busy days, but the good kind of busy. I also planned an ad for Lola’s Blog Tours on a blog for October, I hadn’t done one in a while and I noticed a blog I visit regulary offered ad space, so I decided to book an ad there.

Friday was my boyfriend his birthday I made cinnamon sugar twisters and brownies for him and got some extra yummy food while grocery shopping. And I bought a game for him on steam. On saturday his parents visited and they had brought corn dogs. They also made some vegetarian ones, which was nice of them. The dough was pretty well done, I always thought corn dogs were cripsy, but the dough was pretty soft. Although I am not a fan of vegatrian saucages in general, they had one type I liked, but I don’t think they sell it anymore.

Random Picture(s) of the Week

Colouring Mandala red, pink and purple
I finished one of the colourings in my new colouring book. It’s the mandala colouring book I got for my birthday last week. I decided to go with red, pink and purple colours for this one and am really happy with the end results. There were a few small mistakes I made when it came to choosing colours at first, so I know to be more carefull with deciding next time, but it still turned out very nice. This one took me about 3-4 hours to colour as the colourings are all pretty large.

Saté Noodles
This is one of the brand instant noodles I sometimes buy. I sometimes eat them as lunch or as evenign snack when I am hungry. My favourite flavour is this saté flavour. Like the brand name says these are good noodles, they aren’t perfect, but they are affordable and the taste is good.

Cinnamon Buns Ben and Jerry
My boyfriend bought this ice cream for me this week. One of my favourite flavours, it’s very cinnamony flavoured and has small pieces of cinnamon flavoured rolls in them. Do you like Ben and Jerry’s ice cream? What’s your favourite flavour?

What did I cook for dinner this week?

  • Sunday: storebrought salads
  • Monday: Storebrought pizza
  • Tuesday: Veggies in peanut sauce
  • Wednesday: leftover Veggies in peanut sauce
  • Thursday: Mashed Potatoes and curry sauce with red bell pepper and vega minced meat
  • Extra: Cinnamon Sugar Puff Pastry Twisters
  • Friday: leftover cMashed Potatoes and curry sauce with red bell pepper and vega minced meat
  • Extra: Brownies
  • Saturday: Spring Rolls

This week I blogged about:

Review: Destiny Rising (True Calling #3) by Siobhan Davis
Review: Daemons in the Mist (The Marked Ones #1) by Alicia Kat Vancil
Lola’s Ramblings: Does it Matter in Which Language you Read a Book?
Coyer 2015: recap post
My To-Be Read List #13: poll

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: The Duality Bridge (Singularity #2) by Susan Kaye Quinn
– Review: The Storm Behind Your Eyes (The Marked Ones #2) by Alicia Kat Vancil
– Lola’s Ramblings: What Makes for a Good Cover?
– Lola’s Kitchen: French Bread Pizza Recipe
– My To-Be Read List #13: chosen book

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Review Opportunity: The Other Side of Summer by Elyse Douglas
Review Opportunity: The Case and Hard Case by Marc Hirsch
Review Opportunity: Love Spell by Mia Kerick
Review Opportunity: Son of Set (Descendants of Isis #2) by Kelsey Ketch
Review Opportunity: The Cursed Ground by A. Roy King
Review Opportunity: 3volve and The Shadow of Loss by Josefina Gutierrez

Cover Reveal: Maiden of Secrets by Paul Neslusan – 14 September – New!
Cover Reveal: Live by Gillian Zane – 14 September – New!

Book Blitz: The Bro Code by Jacqueline Patricks – runs from 6 till 12 September
Book Blitz: Best Friends… Forever? by Krysten Lindsay Hager – runs from 14 till 20 September
Book Blitz: The Grave Winner by Lindsey R. Loucks – runs from 15 till 21 September
Book Blitz: Maiden of Secrets by Paul Neslusan – runs from 1 till 7 October – New!
Book Blitz: Live by Gillian Zane – runs from 13 till 19 October – New!
Book Blitz: Sonar the Cyclone by B Truly – runs from 30 november till 4 december – New!

Book Haul:

Flipped for MurderFlipped For Murder
by Maddie Day

Format: e-copy
Source: for review through netgalley
You can find Flipped for Murder on Goodreads

In this freshly baked series, author Maddie Day lifts the lid on a small town in southern Indiana, where a newcomer is cooking up a new start–until a murderer muddles the recipe…

Nursing a broken heart, Robbie Jordan is trading in her life on the West Coast for the rolling hills of southern Indiana. After paying a visit to her Aunt Adele, she fell in love with the tiny town of South Lick. And when she spots a For Sale sign on a rundown country store, she decides to snap it up and put her skills as a cook and a carpenter to use. Everyone in town shows up for the grand re-opening of Pans ‘n Pancakes, but when the mayor’s disagreeable assistant is found dead, Robbie realizes that not all press is good press. With all eyes on her, she’ll have to summon her puzzle-solving skills to clear her name, unscramble the town’s darkest secrets, and track down a cold-blooded killer–before she’s the next to die…


42 responses to “Sunday Post #142

  1. That mandala is beautiful, I love the colors ! And I hate cinnamon, lol, but I ate a lot of pepper bells this week, it made me think about you 😉 I have the habbit of making “pizzas pita” : I buy packs of pita bread, spread tomato sauce or vegan pesto on them, then add everything I want : sliced tomatoes, slices of onions, squares of pepper bells, herbs, etc. Then I fix a quick humus and serve it along, it’s very good, very quickly done and appreciated by the whole family. Have a great week, Lola !

    • Thanks! I am glad I went with these colours, at first I wanted to try adding more colours, but I am glad I didn’t.

      I love red bell peppers, I eat them almost every day ;). Oh that’s a good idea to eat pizza sauce on pitta’s for a chance! Will have to try that next time. It sounds easy and yummy!

    • I agree! I really enjoy colouring, although I don’t always make time for it. I especially like seeing how it turns out after all those hours of work I put into it. It’s very relaxing and fun!

  2. Oh, I am impressed with your coloring page. I haven’t colored in years and I know I wouldn’t have done that well or matched the colors so brilliantly.

    Fun to do something special for your boyfriend’s special day. I’ve had crispy and spongy corndogs so I guess it just depends on whose making them. Would you believe I’ve never had Ben and Jerry’s icecream? I love ice cream, but tend to stick to a few local dairies around here for my ice cream.

    Have a good week!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Treasure, Darkly by Jordan Elizabeth #YoursAffectionately #ReviewMy Profile

    • Thanks! It was pretyy difficult to match the colours right and I made a few small mistakes in the beginning, until I noticed the pattern and decided which lines to colour what. On the picture you can’t see it, but not all parts are coloured perfectly.

      Oh I can definitely recommend Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, we don’t buy it often as it’s very pricy, but it’s very good as well. I don’t like all of their flavours though, I am not a fan of their Core line of ice creams, but this one was very yummy!
      I am kinda jealous you actually have local dairies where you can buy ice cream, my mom once bought ice cream for me at a local farm when we were on vaction and it was really good.

  3. Gorgeous mandala – I love the colors! I just bought my first “adult” coloring book – Secret Garden by Johanna Basford. I can’t start coloring for a while though, not until my wrist is doing better. As for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, I love it, but usually decide it’s too expensive and stick to Breyer’s or Edy’s instead. We did get to visit the B&J factory near Stowe, Vermont, back in 2010. That was a lot of fun!
    Lark @ The Bookwyrm’s Hoard recently posted…Sunday Post – 9/06/15My Profile

    • I have Johanna Basford her forest colouring book, her colouring books are very pretty. They have a bit of a mystical feel. I hope you’ll enjoy colouring!

      Same here we usually don’t buy Ben and Jerry’s as it’s too pricy. I often buy the brand of our supermarket instead as those are affordable at least. I don’t think we have Breyer’s or Edy’s here.

      Oh that must have been fun to see a B&J factory!
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #142My Profile

  4. We used to have a Ben and Jerry’s store over in a town not far away, where they served their ice cream and all that- it was a nice place, but they went out. 🙁 That was a bummer.

    Your new mystery looks good!
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #107My Profile

    • I didn’t even knew they had Ben and Jerry stores, here they sell a few of their flavours in our local supermarket, but they don’t have all flavours.

      I keep planning to finally read some mysteries this year, but so far I haven’t read any, so I hope I can read this one soon.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #142My Profile

    • Most days things go great and at other moments it can suddenly hit me that they aren’t here anymore, it’s weird.
      I hope you’ll enjoy colouring! I hope you’ll share a picture of one of your colourings once your colouring book is there.
      I haven’t seen the wafflecone flavour here, but it sounds good.

  5. The mandala looks really nice! I like the colors you chose for it.

    I used to be a big Ben & Jerry’s fan many years ago. And then they got rid of my all-time favorite ice cream ever. I’ll occasionally buy some still, but not very often. Wavy Gravy hasn’t been on the shelves in 14 years, but I can still remember it. *laughs* Caramel, cashews, chocolate fudge and roasted almonds in brazil nut ice cream.
    Silvara recently posted…Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass #3) by Sarah J. Maas (review)My Profile

    • Oh that flavours sounds delicious! Yum! Now you make me sad they don’t seel that flavour anymore and I never got the chance to try it :(.
      This cinnamon bun flavour is really good, I also like the chunky monkey and cookie dough flavours, beside that I have tried a few I liked less.

      Thanks! I had a lot of fun colouring that mandala, I hope to start another one soon!

  6. Bea

    Flipped for Murder looks good and your Mandala is gorgeous! I rarely buy Ben &Jerry’s ice cream as it’s so expensive.

    Have a good week!

  7. It’s good to hear this week was better and you will always have ups/downs with your recent loss. I hope the good memories and staying busy will help you through the bad days.

    I love your coloring! I just got my first coloring book. What do you use to color with? I love how bright the colors look.

    Flipped for Murder sounds really good but I’m staying away from Netgalley. I just have too many ARCs to review. But this one sounds really good so maybe I’ll buy this after I read your review.

    I hope you have a great week!
    Kathy recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #68My Profile

    • It’s hard to adapt to life without them, it seems like I am only now realizing how much of my day involved the rats. When I am cooking dinner I want to give them some corn or when I walk into the living room I have the urge to chekc up on them. It’s still so hard to not have them around anymore. I miss them so much.
      I am so sorry to hear your Scribbles isn’t doing well either, it’s so sad they don’t life as long, they are such great pets.

      I’ve never eaten buttered pecan, they don’t seel that flavour over here, although I’ve read some books where they mention the flavour. I love chocolate, but I am not a fan of chocolate ice cream, but I do like ice cream with chocolate pieces.

    • This week is going well so far, got some more marketing assistant work this week that’s keeping me busy. It get’s easier not to have the rats around, but some moments it really hits me.

  8. Glad to see you enjoying the colouring, it is so much fun.

    I love Ben and Jerry’s especially Phish Food but I did not know there was a cinnamon bun one, that sounds delish.

    Sending hugs too, I know how it feels to be without a pet, it does get easier but yes you do get some moments where you will find yourself sad.

    Take care and have a good week!
    Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…REVIEW – The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky ChambersMy Profile

    • I agree colouring is so much fun! I really should make more time for colouring.

      I think I have tried Fhish food once as well. The Cinnamon bun flavour is really good, yum!

      It get’s easier indeed, but there are still moments of sadness as well.

  9. All of those desserts sound REALLY good right about now. I’m craving sweets like mad! I love the way your mandala turned out! I haven’t been coloring in a while. Maybe I should take a break and sit down with one soon.
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…On Not Fitting InMy Profile

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