Bookish Resolutions Challenge: August Recap

Posted August 30, 2015 by Lola in Challenges / 6 Comments

The 2015 Bookish Resolutions Challenge hosted by A Reader Lives A Thousand Lives and Because Reading is Better Than Real Life.

Every month on the 30th I will be doing my recap of that month. You can check out my goal post here

August Recap

  • Accept no more than 1 book with a deadlines each month. I failed this one in february already.
  • Read at least 3 (cozy) mysteries. Does Visions count as a mystery? In my opinion it does, so I listed it here. Below the books I read for this goal:
  • Read at least 3 historical romances. Made it! I even read 4 historical romance so far and one DNF. Links to the books I read for this challenge are below:
  • Read at least 20 review books this year. I read 54 review books so far this year, totally powned this goal! I keep adding books to the list as well though, so I am not really making a dent in my for review pile.
  • Organize at least 30 tours with Lola’s Blog Tours. I organized 29 tours so far! Almost reached my goal!

How are you doing with your (bookish) resolutions so far?


6 responses to “Bookish Resolutions Challenge: August Recap

  1. Good Golly! Nicely done there.

    I have a few similar goals. I wanted to read more Historical Romance this year and I’ve done well there. I wanted to take less review commitments- hit or miss on that one. I did well over the summer. I wanted to read more from my TBR pile and I have (the most in a year I’ve ever read from my TBR pile, in fact), but not as much as I should have. I wanted to watch how much time I spent on social media and I’ve done much better with that (timer works when I get on Pinterest or Facebook). I also resolved to stop reading if I really didn’t care for a book and I’ve done better this year.

    I am pleased with my efforts though I still want to keep working on my goals. Love seeing all your good work toward your goals, too.
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Yakkety Yak, Let’s Chat … Blog Tours #YakketyYakLetsChatMy Profile

    • I really didn’t do well with the less review commitments, but I think I set that goal too low. Only 2 new reviews books each month just wans’t doable. I do read a lot of review books though, but I keep adding as well.
      Some days I can really get sucked into social media, although I try to avoid that, I think having a timer sure would beneficial at times.

      It’s nice to hear you’re doing well on your bookish goals as well. And indeed they do require constant work, but it’s nice to see the work helps and makes a difference.

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