The 2015 Bookish Resolutions Challenge hosted by A Reader Lives A Thousand Lives and Because Reading is Better Than Real Life.
Every month on the 30th I will be doing my recap of that month. You can check out my goal post here
February Recap
- Accept no more than 1 book with a deadlines each month. I already failed this goal in February when I signed-up for two deadline books in March and in April. I did complete this goal for February and January. I had quite some deadlines for this month and so far I have two deadline books for next month. How did I ever think I could reach this goal, lol.
- Read at least 3 (cozy) mysteries. No progress on this, still at zero cozy mysteries read. I have grabbed some free cozy mystery books though, does that count as progress? I guess not, but there is still time.
- Read at least 3 historical romances. I read 2 historical romances so far. I read The Mine by John Heldt. It’s actually a bit of a crossover book with time travel and historical romance elements, but I thought the historical romance elements where prominent enough to count it as historical romance. And last month I read In for a Penny by Rose Lerner, which was a lot of fun. I have grabbed a few free historical romances and own a paperback historical paranormal romance, so at least I have enough books to read in this genre.
- Read at least 20 review books this year. I am doing great for this goal, I read 28 review books so far! I can’t believe how well I did with this goal! Next goal is reading at least double of my original goal, namely 40 review books! I can do this!
- Organize at least 30 tours with Lola’s Blog Tours. I organized 14 tours so far, so almost halfway this goal! I already have two more tours booked but that is for far away and doesn’t have a banner yet. I am also doing well with my cover reveals and review opportunities.
You are doing better than me. I wanted to take on less review requests, but saying ‘no’ is really hard and I haven’t said it as often as I need to. I’m doing better about reading through my TBR pile. I’ve attempted more interviews like I wanted to practice doing. As to challenges, I’m doing really well on those.
Sophia Rose recently posted…His Captive Princess by Sandra Jones #Review #AfternoonDelight
It’s so hard to say no to review requests, while I am reading a lot of review copies my pile is still way too high. last time I checked I had around 50 unread books that I got for review, oops. It’s good you’re doing well on your bookish resolutions :).
I only have a couple of goals this year. I want to read 42 books total this year, but I think I’ll be able to read 50 at the rate I’m going. And, I want a couple of them to be classics. I’ve already read two. So, I’m doing pretty good!
Good job on the goals you’re doing. It looks like you’re making good progress, even if you can’t say no to reviews. 😉
Jenni Elyse (@jenni_elyse) recently posted…Getting to Know You: Bucket List
My yearly goal was 55 books, but I have read enough novella’s that I think I’ll get over that goal. It’s fun to do better than planed :).
I don’t feel too bad about failing the deadline challenge as I broke it for books I wanted to read.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #124
Wow, tons of tours going on! That’s awesome:)! Looks like you got a lot of books finished up as well, very nice.
Lanie recently posted…A-Z Challenge: Zombies
More than half of these have ended already, but I list them all to show which tours I organized so far this year. And it’s just so fun to see all the banners next to each other like this. And I am reading more than I expected this year, which is good, I am still ahead of my goodreads challenge as well 🙂
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Kitchen: Potatoes and Peas Curry Recipe
It’s fun to see all you’ve accomplished and they look good all spanned out like that:D! Very nice, no point in having a book site if you never get to read what you want, ya know ;)!
Lanie recently posted…Graphic Novel Review: Attack on Titan, Vol. 3 (Attack on Titan #3) by Hajime Isayama
Thanks! I really like these monthly recaps and showing off how I am doing :).
You’re doing so well with your goals! My main goal for this year was to read 100 books — which I completed this week, so I’ll definitely have to up that goal further. Another resolution of mine was to read more classics novels; I’ve only read one this year, but I do plan on working on that in the near future.
Kara @ Diary of a Teen Writer recently posted…Friday Photography (16)
Wow that’s awesome you already read so many books this year! I think my yearly goodreads goal is at 55 books and I am already ahead. And some goals take time, like my cozy mystery challenge, let’s hope I have more progress to report there next month or mayeb the month after that. And good luck with your reading goals!
Man, I totally understand not being able to live up to that goal! Me and review books have am up and down relationship – I can stay away for a while and then I got wild and grab too many! Otherwise you’re doing great though, so I’d call this a win!
Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…Pinching Pennies | April 2015 Book Budget
Yeah same here, I stay away for awhile and then there are all this great books and tours popping up and I need to have them. At least I failed this challenge for some good books ;). And indeed beside that one goal I am doing pretty good!
Yey go Lola! That is fantastic progress 🙂 (I gave up a goal too so can say that!)
Laura @ trips down imagination road recently posted…Book: Cupid’s Enchantment by Michelle M Pillow
Thanks! It’s sad to fail a goal, but sometimes it’s necessary.
Lola recently posted…My To-Be Read List #9: poll
You are doing well on your goals overall, Lola. That’s wonderful! You set more goals that I did and I think you should be proud of yourself. 🙂 Good luck with this month!
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Review ~ Alpha & Omega ~ Patricia Briggs
Thanks! I am definitely happy with my progress so far! Now if I can also make some progress on my cozy mystery goal, that would be nice.
Lola recently posted…Cover Reveal: Mail-Order Groom by Cindy Flores Martinez