The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
Again a busy week, I had a lot of work on Lola’s Blog Tours again, but it was all fun and I enjoy being busy. We got some colder weather finally and it was nice for a change to not have it too warm. I also tried out 4 different recipes from pins on Pinterest and I had fun cooking new things! I made Creamy Spinach Dal, Spiced Potato and Pea Parathas, Vietnamese Spring Rolls with Crispy Tofu and Lemon Crinkle Cookies. They all turned out pretty well :).
Last Sunday we had a one shot Fate roleplaying campaign with some of my boyfriends friends and we had fun, although I noticed I hadn’t preprared as well as last time and some things didn’t go as I wanted. I already started preparing the campaign with some of your friends which we’ll be finally starting next week. I hope that goes better!
Skittles health kept declining, monday evening she looked so bad we thought she wouldn’t make it :(. Skittles is normally our most active rat and it was breaking my heart to see her sitting in a corner of her cage sleeping and her fur looked so bad. She didn’t seem to have the energy to clean herself or do anything and she looked really bad. Then we found out she didn’t seem able to eat and drink anymore, so we started feeding her porridge and that seemed to help, each day she started improving a bit more and on on thursday evening she started eating a bit herself again. We did kept feeding her porridge, because she still seemed to weak to eat enough herself. We also mixed her antibiotics twice a day with the porridge as she didn’t notice the taste of the antibiotics when mixed. And suddenly yesterday evening she got worse again, she looks bad and her fur is standing on end and she doesn’t seem to have enough power in her body to move or eat. I am constantly worrying about her and wonder whether she’s going to make it or not and it’s so sad to see her struggling. We don’t think she’s going to make it, she looked even worse this morning :(.
My boyfriend and I conitnued watching Star Trek Voyager and so far we’ve almost finished the first two seasons. I keep predicting who will end up with whom, although so far there isn’t much actual romance in the series yet, but I have several predictions. It’s a great series and I like seeing how the characters change and how some plot lines take some time to evolve over the course of several episode. And I have to say episode “Threshold” was a bit disturbing O_o. I really liked the episode Prototype. |I am starting to really like Chakotay and B’Elana as well!
I did got some reading done this week, although still not that much. I took a break from work on theusday as I wasn’t feeling too well and finally finished reading Reunited! Once I picked it up again I just had to keep reading till I finished it. I got some money from my grandma to spend on fun things, so I pre-ordered a few books with that and bought some new hammocks for our rats!
On the blog font I participated in a new meme called Read Play Blog, it’s a gaming meme for book bloggers. And I had so much fun participating in it! Beside that i did some thinking about the direction of my blog and so far didn’t come much further then deciding that I want to try to have at least 1 review and the Sunday Post each week. I briefly considered choosing days for different type of stops, but then decided I didn’t want to limit myself like that.
Random Picture of the Week:
We had two lemons left in the fridge and my byfriend asked me what we could do with it. Just that day I had come across a recipe on Pinterest for lemon cookies and we decided to try making them. They turned out really well! Yum!
Games I played this week:
I didn’t play any games this week.
This week I posted about:
– Blog Tour: Upside Down by Lia Riley
– Release day Blast: Hereditary by JA Belfield
– Review: Reunited (Nogiku series #3) by SJ Pajonas
– Read Play Blog #1
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Ante Up by Amanda Carlson
– Cover Reveal: The Understatement of the Year (Ivy Years #3) by Sarina Bowen
– About Me: How do you find new blogs to follow?
– Review: Upside Down (Off the map #1) by Lia Riley
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Chills: a short story collection by Sahar Sabati – sign-ups open till further notice
– Review Opportunity: Flawless by Jennifer McGill – sign-ups open till further notice
– Review Opportunity: Paranormal Keepers by Jen Naumann – sign-ups open till further notice
– Review Opportunity: The Luthier’s Apprentice by Mayra Calvani – sign-ups open till further notice
– Blog Tour: Fairytale Apocalypse (The Verge #1) by Jacqueline Patricks – sign-ups open till 21 September
– Book Blitz: Promises Under the Peach Tree by Joanne Rock – sign-ups open till 1 September
– Cover Reveal: The Understatement of the Year by Sarina Bowen – sign-ups open till August 18
– Cover Reveal: Willows of Fate by Suzanna J Linton – sign-ups open till 2 September
– Blog Tour: Willows of Fate by Suzanna J Linton – sign-ups open till 2 October
– Blog Tour: On the Move by K.V. Flynn – sign-ups open till 30 September
– Blog Tour: The Sonar Series by B Truly – sign-ups open till 5 October.
Book Haul:
Second Daughter (The Dharian Affairs #2)
by Susan kaye Quinn
Format: e-copy
Source: bought it myself
You can find Second Daughter on Goodreads
The sequel to the steampunk fantasy romanceThird Daughter (The Dharian Affairs #1) is here!Assassins, skyships, and royal intrigue…
With plans for a second skyship exposed, Third Daughter Aniri fears her sister, Seledri, will be caught in a war between the three Queendoms. Seledri is the Second Daughter of Dharia, which means she had no choice in her arranged marriage to the First Son of Samir—a country with whom they may soon be at war. As Aniri fights to free her sister from a husband and a country she does not love, she questions her own rushed betrothal to Prince Malik, the noble barbarian who controls the skyship—and whether a love pledged in the heat of adventure can survive the looming threat of war.
Second Daughter is the second book in The Dharian Affairs trilogy (Third Daughter, Second Daughter, First Daughter). This steampunk-goes-to-Bollywood (Bollypunk!) romance takes place in an east-Indian-flavored alternate world filled with skyships, assassins, royal romance and intrigue.
From the author of the bestselling Mindjack Trilogy, The Dharian Affairs is a new series filled with equal doses of action-adventure and romance, meant to appeal to fans of Mindjack.
I loved the first book in this series, so I am really happy I finally got to buy it!
I’m sorry to hear about your rat. I had to stop getting pets as I got so emotional over them. Mind you I cry at ANYTHING on TV…Sounds like you are keeping pretty busy so I hope you still get the chance to relax and read!
chucklesthescot recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #45
I get really emotional about my pets, but also in a good way. They brought so much fun and joy into my life. Although it’s terrible so see Skittles suffer like this :(. Next week will be busy as well, so I don’t think I’ll have time to relax soon.
YUM. lemon cookies. Or just FOOD in general. I’m awfully fond of it. 😉
I’m really sad about your rat. That’s horrible to watch a pet suffering. We had a dog that went through some serious health issues and eventually had to be put down and it was heartbreaking. It’s been years now but I still occasionally miss the little thing. *sigh* Pets just totally steal your heart, right?! I hope your rat gets better.
My Sunday Post!
Cait @ Notebook Sisters recently posted…Honest YA || Covers Part 3
I am really fond of cookies and other sweets as well. The lemon cookies where delicious!
And it’s horrible to see her suffer like this, tomorrow we’ll go to the vet with her, but I don’t think there’s much they can do at this point except put her to sleep :(. They steal your heart indeed and way faster then you expect.
So sorry to hear about your pet.
Thanks for sharing your recipes. Always looking for new ones to try!
Here’s my Sunday Post!
I’ve got a lot of recipes pinned on a food board and it’s fun to have some time to try them once in a while.
Thanks for stoping by!
Oh No poor Skittles! I hope she gets better (((HUGS))) it’s so hard to watch a furry baby not feeling well.
My favorite was Star Trek the Next Generation, I couldn’t get into the other ones, I still watch Generations now if it’s on. I love Captain John Luke Picard 🙂
I LOVE cooking and those cookies looks delicious. Pinterest is an amazing and dangerous website. I get lost of hours on it and then wind up making a bunch of stuff yummy stuff.
Have a great week, Lola! I will be praying for Skittles! <3
It’s really hard to see her like this. We placed her apart yesterday as we’re afraid she would infect the other rats. It almost seems like she got an urine tract infection to gow ith her ear infection, probably due to fact she can’t clean herself properly. She’s sleeping on her side the whole day, we think it hurts for her to lie on her belly. It’s so sad, we’ll bve going to the vet with her tomorrow. Not sure if she survives.
I think we’re watchign the Next Generation after we finished Voyager. I’ve seen some memes around the web with Captain John Luke Picard.
I agree Pinterest is amazing and dangerous. It can really suck up your time sometimes! But I also found soem hidden gems there!
Thanks Michelle!
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #87
I’m so sorry to hear about Skittles. I had a rat in college that had a similar incident and it was quite sad as well. Hugs. I loved Voyager! Janeway is one of my favorite captains. Such an awesome woman. I’m going to check out your recipe pins on Pinterest. Those all sound really good.
Thanks! I hope Skittles will recover, but at this point we’re searching for a miracle, she looks so bad. :(.
And I really like Janeway as well, she has to make some difficult choices and handles everything going on pretty well!
I hope you find some new recipes to try :).
Awe, poor Skittles. 🙁 I hope she gets better. You got some good book and I hope you have a better week.
Jenea @ Books Live Forever’s Sunday Post
I hope for the best, but fear for the worst. She looks so bad and we’re doing anything to make sure she’s comfortable.
I love dals ! And lemon, I adore lemon ! And the springrolls and peas thingy, can I come over and eat your cooking please ? Putting this on top of your post is totally devilish, I assure you, young lady.
On the other hand, I’m so sorry for Skittles…
Hugs, sweetie !
Red Iza recently posted…Sunday post #23 : What’s up ?
I am developing a love for dals as well, this spinach dal was really good and I plan on making it more often! And sure you’re welcome to visit any time, I would love to make those spring rolls again. I had enough for two days of dinner and I want to eat them again already!
I am really worried about our poor Skittles, we don’t think she’s going to make it. She doesn’t even want to eat porridge anymore :(, she doesn’t drink or eat and falls on her side when she’s trying to clean herself. It breaks my heart to see her like this :(.
Thanks for the hugs, I’ll need them!
Oh I’m so sorry to hear about Skittles! It’s awful to have a pet so sick and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m glad you’re still enjoying Star Trek. It’s been awhile since I watched it but I don’t remember there being much romance! The lemon cookies look fab! Unfortunately I’m the only person in my house who likes lemons and I most certainly don’t need to eat a whole batch by myself! Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – August 17
It’s so difficult to not be able to do anything for her. We try to make her comfortable and give her yummy food, which she doesn’t eat 🙁
No there isn’t much romance at all, but as I love some romance it’s fun to predict who will end up with who. Who knows they might all end up single at the end XD.
My boyfriend and I ate the whole batch with just the two of us, they stay well for a few days, so you have some time to eat them. Or maybe only make half a batch? I am not such a big fan of lemons, but I did love these cookies!
I’m sorry to hear about Skittles, that’s hard to go through. Here’s hoping he pulls through. 🙂
I think it’s great people are watching Star Trek shows, it’s nice there is still an interest out there. The RP campaign sounds fun. Have a great week. The lemon cookies look good…
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #57
She didn’t pull through. We went to the vet today and had to put her to sleep, she was so weak and sick :(.
The Star Trek show is really fun and we plan on watching the other series as well.
Oh no! Poor Skittles! I sure hope things turn around for her – I know it must be hard to see her doing so badly. I’ll be thinking about her and keeping my fingers crossed.
I’m glad you’re enjoying Voyager, I forget how the show ended, but I remember enjoying it. And those cookies look yummy 🙂 Here’s hoping your week goes better!
Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…COYER-SV Update |We Have A Mailing List!
Things actually turned worse, we put her to sleep today. We went to the vet, but there was nothing they could do for her, she was just too weak. The only good thing is that she isn’t in pain anymore.
I am curious how Voyager will end, we still have 2 seasons to go!
I’m so sorry to hear that Skittles isn’t doing well, Lola. It’s always hard when a pet is sick, it’s so difficult to know what to do and how to help them feel better!
Your random picture of the week looks very yummy! And your description of the vietnamese springrolls made me very hungry 🙂
Have a fantastic week and happy reading.
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Cover Reveal: Outing The Quarterback – Tara Lain
We went to the vet with Skittles today adn they put her to sleep, she was so weak and sick there was nothing else they could do for her. At leats she won’t suffer anymore now, but it’s been really difficult on us.
The vietnamese springrolls where delicious and I can’t wait to make them again.
Great now I need some cookies!
I’m the same, when I see pictures of cookies I want some. Now I want to make those lemon cookies again, but we don’t have any lemons left :(.