Sunday Post #243

Posted August 13, 2017 by Lola in Sunday Post / 40 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was a bit of a meh week, but some good moments as well luckily. It started with a bad headache early in the week and I took most of the day off as I didn’t have as much work anyway. Then later in the week we had a bad night of sleep when a mosquito had invaded our house. Eventually we managed to get it out of the bedroom so we could sleep. I was tired the rest of the week and resorted to taking naps to keep my energy up.

I did manage to read a lot, do a bit of gaming and even a bit of coloring. I also got some work done, a new sign-up post for a cover reveal went live, I worked on a new blitz, I now officially organize bookstagram blitzes and added that to the site (still have to send out an e-mail about it to my author’s list) and I sent out three media kits for events next week.

I made cookies with flax seed egg for the first time. I didn’t want to buy a whole carton of eggs when I only needed one of them this week, so I decided to try a flax egg instead. I wasn’t sure if it would turn out well, but the cookies turned out great, you don’t notice it all that there is no real egg inside. I definitely plan to use flax egg more often instead of egg. Have you ever baked with flax egg?

Picture of the Week

Sorry no picture this week

What did I read this week?

Fantasy of FireDances Under the Harvest MoonWitch Chocolate BitesThe Chase

This was a great week for reading. I finished 4 books and all of them were 4 star reads. Fantasy of Fire was another great book in the series and I bought book 4 so I cna read that soon and finish this series. dances Under the Harvest Moon was an awesome read and I was happy to return to Heartache! I have book 4 and 5 already, so I hope to continue the series soon. Witch Chocolate Bites is part of a paranormal cozy mystery series that I am enjoying a lot, this book was no exception, although I did figure out who the murderer was quite early. I read my first book by Athena Grayson earlier this year and ever since then i wanted to try out her already finished series too. The Chase was great! And the world building is so well done. I have book 2 and hope to read it soon.

What did I cook for dinner this week?

This week I blogged about:

Review: Sanctuary by Melle Amade
Review: The Royal Mistake by Erin Hayes

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Cracked Open by Susan Kaye Quinn
– Lola’s Ramblings: Do you clean out your pile of review books?

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunities:
Newborn by Edward Hoorneart
Necromancer by Graeme Ing
Teach Your Heart by Tracey Alvarez
Naughty or Nice by Jessie Logan
Right Under Your Nose by Holly Tierney-Bedord
Fated Memories by Joan Carney
Remember by Joan Carney
Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis
Making Bad Choices by Rita Stradling
Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop by Isabella Louise Anderson
Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets by J.C. Roberts
A Distant Voice by Bridie Blake
Mother of Wolves by J Aislynn d’Merricksson
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.

Cover Reveals:
Journey from Skioria by Kandi J Wyatt – 17 August – New!
Temptation Trials Part 2 by B Truly – 18 August
Mend Your Heart by Tracey Alvarez – 23 August
The Bride of Glass by Candace Robinson – 24 August

Book Blitz: The Sullivans Boxed Set Books 1-3 by Bella Andre – 14 till 27 August
Book Blitz: Sunsets at Seaside by Addison Cole – 23 August till 5 September

Book Haul:

Fantasy of FreedomRitualsTouching InfinityDominion RisingGhosts in Glass Houses

I bought Fantasy of Freedom as it’s the last book in this series. I just finished book 3 so I hope to read book 4 soon. I pre-ordered a copy of Rituals and it arrived this week. Sadly this book is a centimeter higher than the other 4 books in the series :(. I can’t wait to read this one and see how this series ends. Touching Infinity I got for review from the author and it’s also part of the Dominion Rising box set which I bought for only $0.99. I’ve been hearing about the Dominion Rising box set for a while now and it had some stories by authors I already knew and some other ones that sound good, so I decided to buy a copy. Ghosts in Glass Houses I got as I supported the book on kindle scout.

Freebies I grabbed:

You can stop by my facebook post here to see some freebies and cheap/ discounted book I found last week. Here’s the Facebook post for next week.


40 responses to “Sunday Post #243

  1. You picked up some great books this week!

    Sorry you weren’t feeling all that great and mosquito are jerks. I can’t wait for the summer to be over so they can all go away! lol

    I was able to do some gaming, still playing Star Stable which seems to be taking all my time, I love my horses! 🙂

    Have a great week, Lola! Happy Reading! ox
    Michelle Parsons recently posted…Vacation was fun, now back to work ~ WIR & SPMy Profile

    • It was a good haul this week 🙂

      The mosquito’s just have to stay out of my house, they can be so annoying.

      I am still playing Stardew valley and trying to play a day each day. I remember you post about that Star Stable game on your blog :).

  2. Sorry to hear about the headache:(. I hope you’re now fully recovered. Yes, I have tried backing with flax-seed eggs and with mixed results. Apparently, especially if you’re making a sponge mix with them, you get everything else prepped, then mixed up the egg powder and immediately add it so that the fizzing bit doesn’t stop as that helps the rise. Good luck! I’ll be in touch this week, regarding a blog tour for my book…
    sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars SingMy Profile

    • It was a nasty headache, but luckily it went away after a little more than a day.

      I figured the flax egg probably wouldn’t work as well in every baking, but in these cookies it worked great!

      I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you regarding a blog tour!

    • We keep our eggs on the counter and they usually stay good for a long time, but i didn’t feel like buying a lot of eggs when I wasn’t sure if I would use them all. It was interesting to try the flax egg.

  3. Yuck for the headache and the annoying mosquito. Hopefully this week will be better for you. Wow! Love seeing all the reading and high ratings. Neat about the Flax egg. I put flax seed on my cereal a lot so I’ll have to try the egg substitute.

    Glad Dance Under the Harvest Moon was good. I still need to finish that series.

    Have a great week, Lola!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Heartless by Gail CarrigerMy Profile

    • This week was again a bit meh, but slightly better than last week. At least I am having some great reading weeks, I am reading a lot and lots of great books!

      I started using a bit of flax seed in some dishes, haven’t tried it on cereal yet.

      Same here, I hope to finish the Heartache series this year. I am starting so many new series, might as well finish some too ;). I have book 4 and 5 waiting on my e-reader. I hope you get to read Dances Under the Harvest Moon eventually, it was a good read and I am curious to hear your thoughts as I know you enjoyed the first two books.

    • I follow this vegan food blog that always uses flax seed egg, so that’s how I heard of it. In things like cookies and cakes the flax egg seems to work great as substitution. I do like eggs, but sometimes I don’t really feel like using eggs or don’t want to buy a whole carton and risking not using them all before they go bad. So this is a great alternative to have :).

  4. Sorry you weren’t feeling well this week! A night of bad sleep can impact you for days. (Dratted mosquitoes! I had a mosquito night this week, too.)

    I didn’t even know flax eggs were a thing! I just looked up how to make them. Interesting! And useful for vegans or people allergic to eggs.

    Have a great week and enjoy your new books. I love the cover of the chocolate-bar witch book.
    Lark @ The Bookwyrm’s Hoard recently posted…Sunday Post – 8/13/2017My Profile

    • Sorry to hear you also had a mosquito night this week. A night of bad sleep can really negatively impact your days indeed.

      I follow a vegan blog that regularly mentioned them, so I decided to give it a try finally :).

      I agree the chocolate bar covers look great!

  5. Ugh mosquitos, I remember once when one got in and every time I was just relaxing I’d hear that little mosquito noise. Drove me nuts lol. Especially when you’re trying to sleep!

    Glad you got some gaming time in. I need to work on that, there are games I want to play that I never seem to get to. Love that cover of Fantasy of Fire too.

    Rituals has an awesome cover too. Sorry to hear it’s a little out of size though, that SO aggravating! Anyway have a good week.
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #207My Profile

    • Yes I hate that annoying noise they make, it’s so annoying when you’re trying to sleep and you keep hearing that. And I am a bit allergic to mosquito bites too so if they bite me that’s annoying too.

      I try and get in half an hour of gaming on most days of the week. So I make a little progress at least.

      The new covers for that series are so pretty! Love them. And I agree the cover for Rituals is nice too, I am just so sad it’s a little out of size. And it’s the same publisher too, so I don’t get why this hardcover is a tad larger.

    • I heard of flax egg a while back, but only got around to trying it now as I had some flax seed on hand :). I am glad the cookies turned out well and how you can’t even tell I used flax egg.

    • It was a good week for reading at least and I am excited about the new books I got. I hope you have a fun time with your family and get some reading done as well.

    • I do like naps, so that helps. But it is annoying to be so tired that you need them. I managed to finish the coloring page I was working on yesterday :). Nice to hear you got sem coloring done too!

  6. Ugh, I’m so sorry to hear about your headache and the rest of the week being meh. Headaches can really ruin pretty much everything! I have cooked with flax egg before, and though I like the consistency, I feel like it’s harder to get the proportions right for a recipe. I use egg replacer though a lot, which is like a tapioca starch, and I keep that on hand all the time. I was also thinking about trying aquafaba, which is the chickpea can liquid. I need to figure out how much of it you use to make an “egg.”
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – August 6, 2017My Profile

    • Yes headaches can ruin pretty much everything and really put a damper on your day.

      For these cookies I used one tablespoon flax seed and 2,5 tablespoons water and that seemed to work well. But I noticed when looking up recipes that it varied how much water people added, so I can imagine getting the right proportions can be tricky.

      I had heard of aquafaba before even though I never used it in cooking so far, but I hadn’t heard of egg replacer. It’s nice there are so many alternatives nowadays :).

  7. I have a bad headache every week, sometimes multiple days xD but I always work through those. I would have to take off wayyyy too much time. They suck!
    Is flax egg like a ready made product there? Cause I don’t think we have it here, but I’ve heard recipes where you can use flax seed as a substitute. So I was wondering if you could prepare it from scratch. Sounds very cool either way!
    Evelina recently posted…Sunday post #19My Profile

    • I am sorry to hear about your headaches.

      No it’s not a ready made product. I made the flax egg by combining flax seed with some water, 1 tablespoon flax seed with 2 1/2 tablespoons water I used. It was handy to use this as egg :).

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