Sunday Post #226

Posted April 16, 2017 by Lola in Sunday Post / 34 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was a nice week, with lots of work! I put lots of new sign-ups posts live this week, three new cover reveals, a book blitz and a blog tour. And I already have some torus booked for which sign-ups posts will go live next week. The sale is going well so far.
The fifth week of the Myths & Legends took place this week and next week is the last week of this tour. And a blog tour for a YA Fantasy book is running. If you like this genre you might want to enter the tour wide giveaway. There are few entries, so you have a good chance to win :).

Two less good things that happened this week is that I am having some computer troubles and I had two headaches this week. Some days my computer randomly crashes and I have to restart it. There doesn’t really seem to be a pattern about the crashes. I am still trying to figure out what’s wrong with my computer as sometimes it works great and other times not so much. The only good things is that I got some extra reading done waiting for my computer to restart after crashing.

And remember how last week I said I wanted to try and read ARC around release day? I am doing pretty well with that this month so far and this lead to actually make a list of books to read next. I know weird huh for a moodreader like myself. But I’ve been in this mood lately where I want to read everything so having a list actually helps me decide what to read next. We’ll see how long I can keep that list thing up, so far it’s going well and I stuck to the list for this month so far. I have my next 5 or 6 books lined up already.

At the moment we’re taking a short break from watching Star gate to watch the third season of Star Wars Rebels. It’s a fun series so far. And last weekend we watched the movie Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them, I quite enjoyed it. I especially liked seeing all the magical creatures and getting a different glimpse of the Harry Potter universe. Have you seen the movie and what did you think of it?

Picture of the Week

Rice Crackers
I mentioned last week that we bought some new snacks to try out. Here’s another one of the snacks we got. These are rice crackers with a bit of salt on top. They taste pretty good. Have you ever tried rice crackers?

What did I read this week?

Four Puddings and a FuneralFaerie HuntLocked TightRenegade

This was a great week for reading. First I finished Four Puddings and a Funeral, it’s a great series and this book was really good too. I also finished Faerie Hunt, which was a good book, I am hoping I can read the 7th book in that series as that will be the last book. Locked Tight was probably my favorite read of this week, it was so good! It releases tomorrow and I’ll have my review up then as well :). It’s an awesome series and I am so happy there will be more books in this series. And I also finished a novella, named Renegade. Which I started before Empowered Agent, the first book in the series. It was a nice novella and I am reading book 1 now.

What did I cook for dinner this week?

This week I blogged about:

Review: Alien Mate by Cara Bristol
Review: Lemonade and Lies by Agatha Frost
Lola’s Ramblings: My recent lack of discussion posts and balancing things
Review: Magic’s Not Real by JL Hendricks

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Locked Tight by Susan Kaye Quinn
– Review: The Royal pain by Erin Hayes
– Lola’s Kitchen: Chocolate Covered Coconut Balls
– Review: Renegade by Ivan Dale Smith

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunities:
Here Comes the Witch by Ani Gonzalez
Newborn by Edward Hoorneart
Necromancer by Graeme Ing
Teach Your Heart by Tracey Alvarez
Naughty or Nice by Jessie Logan
Right Under Your Nose by Holly Tierney-Bedord
Fated Memories by Joan Carney
Remember by Joan Carney
Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis
Making Bad Choices by Rita Stradling
Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop by Isabella Louise Anderson
Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets by J.C. Roberts
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.

Cover Reveals:
Before I Shatter by Mandy Peterson – 17 April
From Russia, With Love by Erin Lee – 24 April – New!
Rebel Cause by Cassandra Giovanni – 28 April – New!
Tide by Deirdre Riordan Hall – 2 May – New!
Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault by Candace Robinson – 3 May

Book Blitz: Myths & Legends – 14 March till 18 April
Blog Tour: Issaura’s Claws by Katharine E. Wibell – 10 till 23 April
Book Blitz: Twice Upon a Time by Santana Blair – 17 till 19 April
Blog Tour: The Lily Singer Adventures by Lydia Sherrer – 28 April till 14 May
Blog Tour: Black Dawn by Mallory McCartney – 1 till 21 May
Blog Tour: Just Things by Erin Lee – 1 till 21 May – New!
Book Blitz: Saying I Do by Tracey Alvarez – 19 till 25 May
Book Blitz: Temptation Trials Part 1 by B truly – 30 May till 3 June – New!

Book Haul:

CrazyLove, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: AlliesLove, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Legends

I bought Crazy as it was discounted on Kobo for Easter, yay! I had my eye on this one for a while. And how cute is that cover? I got Allies and Legends because I backed the kickstarter for these books. I can’t wait to read these two!

Freebies I grabbed:

You can stop by my facebook post here to see some freebies I found last week. Here’s the facebook post for next week.


34 responses to “Sunday Post #226

  1. I really hate it when the computer starts playing up-it drives you mad when you rely on it for blogging needs. It is especially bad for you with running your own business so I hope you can things fixed soon. I haven’t had the chance to watch Fantastic Beasts yet but hope to soon.

    • Yeah it’s driving me nuts trying to figure out what’s wrong and some days it works fine again. It’s really strange. And it is bad as I rely on it for my blog and business, so I just need it to work.
      I hope you have the chance to watch Fantastic Beats soon, let me know what you think of it when you’ve watched it!

    • Yeah the headaches were pretty bad this week :(. But it was good to have gotten some extra reading in. The rice crackers are really good. If you have an Asian supermarket close by you could see if they sell some here. I also hope I can figure out my computer issues, it has been doing great the past few days, so who knows, maybe one of the things I tried worked after all. I can only hope that’s the case.

  2. So sorry to hear of your computer crashing – they definitely have a lifespan whereby they get to a point where they slow up and/or become unreliable. The last two times that’s happened I’ve kept hold of my old model longer than I should have – I cannot believe just how much more work I can get done with this one as it’s sooo much faster! No waiting for it to boot up or open up programs, etc. Hope you manage to fix your issues soon.
    We loved Fantastic Beasts to the extent that we went out and bought the DVD for the children – I think Eddy Redmaine puts in a fabulous performance and the creatures are just wonderful. I enjoy rice crackers – the apple-flavoured ones that are advertised as a baby snack are tasty, I think. But I don’t think much of the plain ones which are a bit cardboardy and I wouldn’t want anything with salt – I have enough problems keeping sufficiently hydrated. Glad the reading is going well and hope your have a good week. Fingers crossed the computer behaves itself! My Sunday Post –
    sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars SingMy Profile

    • I think my computer is now somewhere around 3 years old if I remember correctly. Maybe I should just open it up and clean it out on the inside. I definitely notice it’s getting a bit older now. I have to wait 5 minutes or so until it’s full started up. Not sure if a new computer is in my budget, so I hope this one will last a year or two more. He’s been doing well these last few days, so who knows, maybe I did fix it accidentally.

      The creatures were really amazing to watch and I thought the actors did a great job as well.

      I don’t think I’ve seen rice crackers with apple flavor so far, but not you do make me curious. Will have to take a look next time to see if I can find those here.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #226My Profile

  3. I read the prequel to the series by H.Y Hanna and loved it so much I went ahead and one-clicked the first book. I’m looking forward to reading it once I get a couple of ARCs out of the way. 😀

  4. Christy LoveOfBooks

    Oh no, that stinks about the computer problems. Hope you get it sorted out soon. That snack sounds yummy! Have a great week and enjoy your new books! They look fun.

  5. I haven’t seen Fantastic Beasts yet, and I have the Stargate series on my list to watch since I think Netflix has at least one of them. Plus I just started a seris on Netflix called Travelers, which I think is by the Stargate guy (Brad Wright)?but I’m only one epsiode in, so not sure how good it is yet.

    Congrats on all the good work- related stuff. That’s awesome. And those rice crackers look kinda good- I don’t think I’ve tried anything like that.

    Have a super week Lola!
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #190My Profile

    • Fantastic Beast was a good movie. I am enjoying Stargate so far. I hadn’t heard of Travelers so far. Good to hear it’s good so far!

      I hadn’t had these type of rice cracker before, but I like.

  6. Computer wierdness is so frustrating! I hope you’re able to figure out what’s causing the random crashes and get it working again. Rice crackers are good; I haven’t had those, but my mom gets several kinds because she is trying to avoid gluten. We saw Fantastic Beasts in the theater with our college-age daughter; we all loved it! I’m looking forward to the second one, even if some of the casting is a bit… controversial.

    Have a lovely week, and enjoy your new books!
    Lark @ The Bookwyrm’s Hoard recently posted…Easter Sunday – 4/16/2017My Profile

    • I agree computer issues are frustrating. I still haven’t figured out what was wrong, but it is doing better nowadays. So I guess something I did must’ve helped a bit.

      I hadn’t heard anything about the second movie yet, except for the fact there would be a second one. I hope it’s as good as the first movie.

  7. Sorry about the computer crashes and headaches :-/

    I’m a mood reader too, as you know, and the way I handle is ARCs is by keeping a spreadsheet of them in date order so that when I need a new book, and I can see if any upcoming deadline ones meet my mood. Except right now I have no deadlines, so I just have a big list that includes both review copies and library books and other books that meet goals I have or that I just know I want to read this year, and I choose from that list when I need a new book.

    I totally stopped watching Star Wars Rebels :-/ I don’t even remember what season I ended on. But ooh, I want to see that HP movie! Glad you liked it! And I’m glad you had a great reading week!

    Good book haul too. I really wanted to try the Hocus Pocus books when you sent out the thing about the tour, but I’ve been stressed enough lately and couldn’t deal with a deadline :-/ Maybe I’ll get a chance to try them in the future though!
    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…The Weekly Update: 4/16/17My Profile

    • That does sound like a good way to handle ARC’s, I am working into that direction as well. Only at the moment I have so many books I want to/ have to read right now basically I just made a list and follow that. Which is working out so far.
      That must be nice to have no deadline at the moment! And just pick what you want from that list.

      I was wondering if you were still watching Star Wars Rebels. I wasn’t sure about the HP movie at first, but I am glad I watched it as it was a good one.

      The first two Hocus Pocus books go on sale around the release date of the latest two ones, so maybe you can pick them up then :). I loved book 1 and 2, so I am really looking forward to read 3 and 4!

  8. I’m sorry about the headaches and computer issues. I get headaches a lot now. I use to not have them, but then I hit a certain age and it seams I have one once a week or every other week. You don’t feel like doing anything, but life doesn’t stop, so you keep plowing on.

    Glad to hear the tours and business are hitting it off. Hope you have a great week and Happy Reading!
    Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Giveaway Hop ~ April 15th – 30thMy Profile

    • I used them have headaches even more often when I was younger, but nowadays they seem worse, even though I get them less often. But last week was pretty bad with two of them in a week.

      It’s been a good year for business so far!

  9. Computer problems are horrible. Mine has started crashing after saying one of my drives has a problem and it restarts my computer when it finishes its tantrum. Not sure whats up with that, but it’s happened too many times! Hope you get it all fixed.Of course the only thing I know to do to fix anything on my computer is clean out my cookies 🙂 Headaches are bad too. Are they migraines? I get really bad sinus headaches thanks to my allergies, but since I am on Singulaar, I do a lot better, although still headachy at times. I hope you are feeling better! Have a good week!
    Lorna recently posted…Audiobook Review: Lost Wolf by Stacy Claflin (@Mollykatie112, @StacyClaflin, @TantorAudio)My Profile

    • It’s so hard to figure out what’s wrong with computers. I am not sure if I got it fixed yet, but it’s crashing less often now? So that’s progress.

      I am pretty sure they are migraines as that runs in my family. And I have the ones with aura as well, just very rarely. I had one of those last week as well. I’ll have to ask my doctor about it once. Sorry to hear you have allergies :(. Headaches are nasty.

  10. Ugh, sorry to hear about the computer crashes and headaches. I’ve had more headaches than usual lately but I think it’s due to allergies. My medicine is doing a great job of keeping the allergies reasonable, but still, somedays are better than others. Looks like you had a great week of reading and I’m excited to hear that people are taking advantage of the blog tour sale too! Yay!
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – April 16, 2017My Profile

    • Last week was particularly bad with two headaches in a week and both were pretty bad ones. Sorry to hear about your allergies, but that’s good the medicine’s working mostly.

      I compensated for that good reading week by only finishing one book this week. It’s mostly a case of timing.

      And yes it’s been a great month for business so far and I am glad people make use of the discount :).
      Lola recently posted…Lola’s Kitchen: Chocolate Covered Coconut Balls RecipeMy Profile

  11. Sorry about the crashes and the headaches. I wonder what it is but I also had more headaches in fact I had two this week and it was annoying because both days I woke up with them 🙁 I hope the next week is headache free!
    Olivia recently posted…Sunday Post (14) – EasterMy Profile

    • I woke up with these headaches both times as well, it’s annoying to wake up like that. I don’t know why some weeks are worse than others in terms of headaches. This week has been headache free so far.

  12. Sorry to hear about your computer and headaches Lola but at least work has been very productive!
    I have to make a reading list too because if I don’t I completely ignore my ARCs lol

    I loved it Fantastic Beats too! I even reviewed it on my blog 🙂 5-star review of course 😉

    Hope you find what is wrong with the computer soon. I can only imagine how stressful that must be!
    Dragonfly @ Our Familiarium recently posted…Book Review: Cress – 5 Constellations!My Profile

    • Yes work has been amazing, I am so happy about that :).

      I never used to make a reading list, but I have so many ARC’s and books I want to read. A list seemed like the best option.

      I think I read your review of Fantastic Beats? But not 100% sure. It really was a great movie.

      My computer seems to be doing better this week. It more than halved the amount of crashes. So maybe it’s recovering, lol.

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