Sunday Post #183

Posted June 19, 2016 by Lola in Sunday Post / 30 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was a really great and busy week. Two new blog tours, a book blitz and two new cover reveals got booked in one week. Not all of them are live yet, but I am working on getting them all live. And I am extremely grateful for all the new work, but it’s also been a crazy week with me trying to get as much work done each day. As a result I haven’t had as much time to read or do other fun stuff, but it was worth it. And my banner maker has been great keeping up with my demand for new banners. And she even made two promotional banners for me, but I haven’t had time to share them yet.

There were also some errands we had to run this week, so this week was extremely full with work and other stuff. We had to pick up new hay fever medicines for my boyfriend, which luckily work a lot better then the ones he previously had. And we spent half a day looking for new glasses for my boyfriend. After visiting 6 different stores we finally found one store that sold glasses that he liked. Now we only have to go back there this week to get his eyes measured there. We did have a nice lunch at a bagel store while out looking for glasses and I got a blueberry muffin as well, they sell the best blueberry muffins there!

We finished watching Star Wars Rebels season 2, it was a fun season. I enjoyed seeing some recurring characters from the Clone wars series and was especially happy to see Ahsoka again. The last episode was particularly good and with the way things ended I am really curious about season 3. It’s also a bit of a cliffhanger and some things that are set-up which makes me want to know how they will impact the rest of the series. The only thing I am sad about is that with the way the movies happen you know that certain things or characters won’t change or events won’t leave as big of an impact as you might hope.

Picture of the Week

Our grocery store has this section with gluten free product, salt free and other similar things. My boyfriend and I like to walk through there and see what products they have. Last time we found this Banana Bread flapjack snack. It’s gluten free, filled with protein and vegan. It sounded tasty so we bought one to give it a try, it tasted quite good, so I bought another one this week and a chocolate one version for my boyfriend which was good too. I like trying out new products, what’s the last new to you product you tried?

What did I cook for dinner this week?

This week I blogged about:

Review: Cornered by JA Belfield
Review: June by Audrey Carlan
Lola’s Ramblings: My Favorite Cozy Mysteries
Lola’s Kitchen: Five ways to eat tortilla wraps
Review: The Case of the Wilted Broccoli

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Faerie Magic by Emma L Adams
– Review: Yours Truly by Jen Meyers
– Lola’s Ramblings: How I come up with Discussion Topics
– Review: I do Believe in Faeries by Erin Hayes

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunities:
Indestructible by Emma L Adams
Saven: Deception by Siobhan Davis
Summer Haikus by SJ Pajonas
Dominic’s Nemesis by D. Alyce Domain
Secret Baby Scandal by Joanne Rock
Micah by Lee DuCote
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.

Cover Reveals:
Saven Defiance by Siobhan Davis – 17 June
The Nogiku series by SJ Pajonas – 21 June
A Tragic Consequence by JC Morrows – 29 July – New!

Blog Tour: Sunborn Rising by Aaron Safronoff – 27 June till 10 July
Book Blitz: True Calling series by Siobhan Davis – 28 June till 4 July
Blog Tour: Across Borders by Lee DuCote – 28 June till 18 July
Blog Tour: The Daydreamer Detective Braves the Winter by SJ Pajonas – 11 till 15 July
Book Blitz: Teenage Temptation & Personal Honor by Meena Jelks – 11 till 15 July
Blog Tour: Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy by Paula Berinstein – 18 till 31 July
Blog Tour: Iron Goddess by Dharma Kelleher – 18 till 31 July – New!
Blog Tour: A Cunning Plan by Astrid Arditi – 1 till 14 August – New!

Book Haul:

JulyJuly (Calendar Girl #7)
by Audrey Carlan

Format: e-copy
Source: lended by Berls
You can find July on Goodreads

Hip-hop, Miami heat, and the Latin Lov-ah.

The second half to this year-long journey has taken me to Magic City…Miami. I’ve been hired by the nation’s top hip-hop artist, Anton Santiago. His name is as sexy as he is, and it rolls off the tongue the same way his muscled form rolls to his music. He goes by the name Latin Lov-ah, and boy does he work that title from his rock-hard body, Latin hip-hop fusion dance moves, to the way he beds his women.

He’s raw, dirty, and one hundred percent player…and I want to wrap my naked body all over him and forget about everything.

Every word that comes out of his mouth is a siren’s song.

Every thrust of his hips draws me closer.

Every breath against my neck sends me into a tailspin of need and desire.

After what happened in June, I need to rip the bandage off. Move on. Anton could be just the thing I need to get my groove back.

I was hired to play the part of a seductress in Anton’s new music video, but, in the end, I’m the one being seduced.

In the seventh book of the Calendar Girl serial, Mia is sent to Miami, Florida. Still on her mission to save her father, she is hired to be in a hot new music video where her unique look and recent popularity will prove invaluable.

Each installment in the Calendar Girl Serial will release every month throughout 2015. The stories will feature Mia’s journey as an escort to twelve clients in twelve different locations.

Warning: This book is designed for audiences 18+ due to language and graphic sexual content.


30 responses to “Sunday Post #183

    • This week is a bit calmer and I got some more reading done. I am reading a few short stories which makes me feel like I am reading more, which is nice.

    • I agree exciting and tiring is a good way to sum it up. I am really happy my business is continuing to grow and busy months like this make me happy, but it also is tiring at times.
      I quite like this banana flavored ones and they fill quite well, so they are handy to have around. Fun to hear they have these Trek bars where you live as well :).

  1. Super news that your business is keeping you going with projects.

    Ugh, I hate shopping for glasses frames and I need to do it at some point this year. Glad you guys found some he likes. And the blueberry muffin sounds good.

    At some point I need to get caught up on the Star Wars series. I’ve only watched a few of the earlier ones.

    Have a good week, Lola!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Side by Side Apart by Ann Galvan #SweetDelightMy Profile

    • Thanks! It’s been exciting to get so much new work in one week! I am really happy with the extra work 🙂

      It was so difficult to find the right glasses, my boyfriend prefers pretty small glasses frames and the fashion is all big ones and it just doesn’t fit with his face. We were so glad when we finally found a nice pair.

      The blueberry muffin was really good!

      I really liked the animated Star wars series so far, they keep the feel of the original movies and add a lot of story and more adventures in that universe. I hope you can get caught up eventually!
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #183My Profile

    • I agree it’s definitely the good kind of busy :).

      That new snack you bought sounds interesting, I hope it’s a good one and they taste as good as they look. Trying new things can be a hit or miss sometimes.

  2. Are you looking forward to the Star Wars movie this December? Rogue One. Since it’s set before Star Wars IV I wonder if it will have Asoka or some of the Rebels/ Clone Wars people? Anyway glad it was a good week and that business is going well.

    That Trek looks interesting, I don’t know if I’d like it but I do like taste of banana bread so there’s a good chance I would lol.
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #147My Profile

    • I think that movie is set around the time of Star Wars Rebels right? It would be great if we see some of the Rebels or Clone Wars characters in there. I definitely am curious about the movie.

      It’s not the same as banana bread, but it did have a god banana flavour. And it’s a nice snack for when you need something filling.

  3. It does sound like you had a busy week, but at least you found what you needed and got a lot of work stuff 🙂

    I agree with Mary, to me, flapjack means pancake, so I’m a little curious as to what those protein bars are like. Plus I like banana bread. I eat a lot of protein bars though because they’re easy to grab and are more filling and nutritious than most other snacks. Obviously not as good for you as fresh food, but still.

    I still have not gotten caught up on Star Wars Rebels since you mentioned it last week lol. Glad you’re enjoying it though!
    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…The Weekly Update: 6/19/16My Profile

    • It sure was a productive week and it’s exciting to be working on new tours.

      Not sure why they choose that word for them. They are more like cereal bars than pancakes. I never have eaten protein bars a lot, but I did like them. They are filling and easy to grab as snack and when you don’t have time or motivation to make something more.

      We watched the whole second season in little more than a week. I am a bit sad we already finished it as now we have to wait for season 3. We usually wait till a series has ended so we can watch it all in a row. We now started watching Firefly.

    • Already finished the new book I got last week :). I am reading some short stories and novella’s, which is nice as it makes em feel like I read more.

  4. You had another busy week but it’s good you were able to relax with Star Wars Rebels. I need to watch that. I only read the first book of the Calendar Girl series so I need to catch up. I really like Mia so I have to see what happens to her. I hope you have a great week!
    Kathy recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #98My Profile

    • It was nice we had some time to watch Star Rebels, it was fun, we’re caught up again now I think. the Calendar Girl series is still enjoyable, there were some episodes I enjoyed less, but there as an interesting twist in this one. I hope you can catch up soon!

  5. Sounds like you had a pretty good week. That banana bread thing sounds really good. I love banana bread, but I rarely get any. I don’t ever make it and I don’t know if we have something that I can buy around here. Most places around here make it with nuts, and I prefer it without. I should probably learn how to make it. I hope you have a great week.
    Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Review: Z by Larissa Ione (@mlsimmons, @LarissaIone, @1001darknights)My Profile

    • I have made banana muffins once, but not sure if I have eaten banana bread so far. I plan to make it once, there’s no place it buy it around here either. These banana bread bars are pretty good.

  6. We both had busy weeks! Sometimes it’s really hard to pick out the perfect pair of glasses. I haven’t worn glasses in almost ten years now, but I remember the pain of having to pick them out!

    I’m trying to think if I’ve tried any new products recently and I haven’t! I’ll have to change that soon and let you know about it. 🙂

    Have a great week!
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – June 19, 2016My Profile

    • Indeed, seems we both had busy weeks. It was quite difficult to find a good pair of glasses this year, the fashion this time was all big glasses and my boyfriend prefers smaller ones.

      I like trying new products, this one was a good one. Sometimes trying new things doesn’t go as well and you end up with something meh. And yes please let me know if you try something new :).

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