Armchair BEA 2014: Introduction

Posted May 26, 2014 by Lola in Lola's Ramblings / 34 Comments

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Last year I saw a lot of bloggers participating in Armchair BEA and it looked like a lot of fun, so decided to join Armchair BEA this year. More information about this event you can read on the Armchair BEA site. Also as I live in the Netherlands attending the real BEA convention isn’t really an option, but everyone can attend Armchair BEA.

So today is the introduction post, there is a list of question from which each blogger can choose 5 questions to answer, so here we go :). I’ll answer the 5 questions I choose, you can view the whole list of questions here.

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from?pony klein
Hi I am Lola, I am 23 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I live in an appartment building with my boyfriend, our four rats (Smarties, Snickers, Skittles and Pita), my sister and my sister’s cat Miku. I’ve been blogging since february 2012 when I joined the blog K-Books as a co-blogger. In December 2012 I started my own blog Lola’s Reviews. So now I am blogging for in total 2 years and 3 months and Lola’s Reviews is 1 year and 6 months. I got into blogging when I started reviewing the books I read. I thought having a blog was really difficult, so I am glad I could join as a co-blogger and then learned a lot about blogging before I started my own blog. One of the things I love most about blogging is being able to share my opinions of books with other book lovers. I also love participating in the community and meeting new people who also love to read!

2. Describe your blog in just one sentence. Then, list your social details — Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. — so we can connect more online.
Reviewing and talking about a wide variety of books.

And here are all my social media links
Google+Lola's Blog Tours

I also own my own blog tour organizing company called Lola’s Blog Tours, which you can find here:


3. What was your favorite book read last year? What’s your favorite book so far this year?
My favorite book I read last year is probably Released (Nogiku series #2) by SJ Pajonas, I loved the first book in that series, but I loved the second book even more and it got me in a book hangover when I finished it. It surpassed my expectations and I can’t wait for book 3! You can see my list of best books I read in 2013 here.

My favorite book so far this year is a tie between Wild Justice (Nadia Stafford #3) by Kelley Armstrong and Face Time (Love in Digital Age #1) by SJ Pajonas.

4. What does your favorite/ideal reading space look like? (Pinterest encouraged!)
My favorite reading spot doesn’t really look any special. There’s this place on the sofa where I always it and I sort of consider it my space and I can’t stand it when someone else’s sits there. I usually sit there when I am reading and I always sit against the light blue pillow which even has a name: “Blauwzak”. Which rougly translated means ‘blue bag’. Here’s a picture of my favourite reading spot.
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And here some books with one of my rats Skittles on my favourite reading spot:
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If you want to know more about our rats and see more pictures click here.

What my ideal reading space would look like is probably a window seat with some pillows. I once went on vacation to Scotland and in one of the places we stayed there was a window seat and it was the perfect reading space. I could look out of the window to our beautifull surroundings and I could read with a wall against my back. I would love to have a window seat. I also made a Pinterest board called awesome reading spots which you can check out if you want to.

5. What is your favorite blogging resource?
Okay this may sound weird, but my favourite blogging resource is Notepadd++. I make the html codes for most of my posts first in Notepadd++ and then copy and paste the code to my blog and add pictures. Beside that I don’t use a lot of resources for blogging, mostly my own inspiration or materials provided to me by tour organizers and such for posts.

Are you participating in Armchair BEA this year? Or are you attending the real BEA convention? Tell me a bit about yourself or leave the link to your BEA introduction post!


34 responses to “Armchair BEA 2014: Introduction

    • It’s a comfy sofa indeed :). And i really enjoyed Ghost Hold, although it does end in a cliffhanger. The beginning was tiny bit slow, but after that the pace picked up and I really enjoyed it. It’s just as good, maybe even a bit better then the first book.

  1. Nice intro! Thanks for stopping by my Intro & Lit post earlier! I love your rat names! πŸ™‚ Great post! I think starting off as a co-blogger is a great idea for someone looking into getting into blogging but want to learn as much as they can before starting their own blog. I’ll try to stop by throughout the week and follow up with your other posts too!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know recently posted…Armchair BEA 2014 – Day 1 (Intro & Literature)My Profile

    • For me starting out as a co-blogger really helped to get me the self-confidence and skills to start my own blgo eventually. I am still happy I started out that way. Thanks for stopping by :).

    • I’ll have to check out your pony! A friend of mine designed this pony for me, it’s supposed to be as a pony as I love reading I decided my cutie mark should be a book.
      Thanks :), Skittles is currently sitting with me while I visit some blogs and comment. She’s the most active one of the four and weirdly enough the only one that sits still for pictures.

    • They are really cute :), I still can’t remember how exactly I came up with their names. I remember one day thinking Skittles would make a good pet name. And then when we finally got pets I wanted to name one Skittles and then we came up with the other ones.

    • I might be missing somethign here, but who’s Sheldon? And yeah I really can’t stand it when someone sits on my spot. I also never sit anywhere else to read then in that spot, lol, I know it’s a bit weird. Usually I try to be polite and not mention it when someone sits on my spot, although once I’ve mentioned it to someone, like “hey my e-reader lies on that pillow that means I was going to sit there”. Skittles is our most skittish and active rat, but she will sit still for photographes, she’s a bit eccentric, but we love her. And I would certainly recommend SJ Pajonas her books, they are so original and awesome. So far I’ve given all of her books a 5 star, she’s became one of my favorite authors after that.

  2. Hi Lola!

    This is my first year attending the ArmchairBEA event. I’m a historical fiction author from Indianapolis, Indiana. My blog contains posts about interesting historical places, events and people that most people have never heard of. I also participate in a few blog hops.

    I love to read and write. I can’t get enough of it.
    Allison Bruning recently posted…#ArmchairBEA: Introductions and #LiteratureMy Profile

  3. Hi, Lola! Oh, I would SO like to visit the Netherlands, some day. I hear wonderful things. The Notepadd++ program sounds cool – I’ve always wanted to be able to get complete control over my own website, but I’m not great with coding (and I have very little patience!). Maybe someday when I have plenty of spare time I can do more with it. πŸ™‚ Enjoy BEA Week!
    Adam @ Roof Beam Reader recently posted…Introductions & Literature (#ArmchairBEA)My Profile

    • I lived in the Netherlands all my life, so it can be difficult to see the beaty here. I would love to move to germany later. Notepadd++ actually is a really simply progrma, but if you write your html codes there it doesn’t get messed up (which does happen when you make them in word). I don’t know a lot coding either, but I know enough html to make my own posts, I would love to learn more eventually.

    • Thanks Becky :). A friend of mine designed the pony and I still love it. She did a great job making it look like me. I love our rats they are so much fun and adorable.

  4. It’s nice to meet another international blogger :). And we’ve been blogging for nearly the same amount of time.

    Love the second pic of Skittles. I had a couple of hamsters (not at the same time) when I was a kid, and they were quirky, but nice creatures. Once one of them climbed on my lap when I was studying, without me even noticing at first (I wore a very long skirt). When I did notice, she got scared or something and climbed down. Are rats so chicken, too?

    • Indeed it’s always nice to meet other international bloggers as sometimes the US bloggers seems to be in the majority. And yeah rats are pretty chicken too, it took me a bit to firgure out what you meant. Sometimes I sit on the couch and move my hand and suddenly all rats in the cage get scared and move. And that cage stand like a meter or so away. So yeah they can be pretty dowardly, but then again they are prey animals, so it makes sense.

    • My rats love to sit with me while I am read, probably because I hardly move then. Although they scare sometimes when i move my arm to turn the pages. Cats are so adorable, my boyfriends parent have a cat as well and I always feel bad when he’s on my lap and then i have to stand up. They seem so comfortable in the weirdest positions.

    • Yeah we do have to keep the cat away from the rats, but as the rats are in their cage, the cat can’t really reach them. If they are out of their cage we usually lock the cat into my sister’s room. There are rats that go well with cats, but I don’t want to risk our rats life on it.

      In which city did your friend study? Netherlands may sounds interesting when you don’t live ther,e but I personally find the country a bit boring. It’s difficult to see how it might be special thorugh other eyes. We do have some beautifull places and cities here as well.

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