About Me: Our Rats

Posted March 15, 2014 by Lola in Lola's Ramblings / 12 Comments

Today I am going to talk about my rats today. We have 4 rats and I love them so much! They are called Smarties, Snickers, Skittles and Pita. Pita is the only rat who’s from a different nest and while she is half a week younger than the other rats, she actually is the biggest rat. Smarties and Snickers look pretty much alike on pictures and it’s difficult to determine who is who. Snickers is slightly bigger and has a broader face and Smarties has a white stripe on her belly. In behavior they are really different though.

Their cage get’s cleaned every 3 to 4 days. They always love exploring their new cage. As rats get bored soon, I change the interior of the cage every time. We have some bought toys/ sleeping places and hammocks for them, but most of the hammocks are handmade by my mom. Their favourite sleeping place is something called the Sputnik, I’ll share a picture of it later on. I also sometimes construct buildings from old tissues boxes or empty food boxes to create a nice playground for them.

And here are some picture of our cute rats!
This here is Smarties (I think), one of our sweetest rats, she loves sitting with me for hours and often falls asleep in my lap while I work or read.
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This here are Smarties and Snickers in a hammock made by my mom. It’s funny how theyΒ  try and fit together on hammocks that should be too small for more than one rat.
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And this one is Pita, she is our most lazy and fat rat and she is absolutely adorable and knows it.
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And here a picture where Pita sits on my shoulder:
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Pita eating something, Pita loves eating
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Pita Sleeping in the Sputnik (their favourite sleeping spot)
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And this here is Skittles, she is really skittish, fast and active. She is a siamese rat, I love her colouring.Β  She has a teary left eye for around a half year now, probably due to stress, the poor thing. On this picture you only see her good eye.
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And here is another picture of Skittles
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And this is Snickers in the Sputnik. Snickers likes to bite me sometimes, not hard, just a nip to get my attention. We have this theory that she does this to get some attention or get petted. But it can be really annoying. She is one of the most beautifull rats in my opinion and she looks so cute when sleeping.
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This picture is of both Smarties and Snickers in the Sputnik .
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And Snickers again, with Pita on the background. Pita is lying underneath a half Sputnik. The first Sputnik we bought for them got broken once, so now we use one half like this and the other half sometimes stands on the bottom of their cage.
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And last one, group picture! All 4 rats in one sputnik:
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Do you have any pets? What kind? How Many? And what are their names?


12 responses to “About Me: Our Rats

  1. We currently have 2 cats, sisters, and they can be everything from entertaining to just lazy in about 2.5 seconds.

    My youngest daughters used to have pet rats. They arensomenof the beat pets around. Sociable, quiet, and they don’t stink like hamsters and guinea pigs do. They had one who was the Houdini of rats, she was always escaping her cage. Seeing your habitat setup, I wish we had tried hammocks, I bet they would have loved them. Now I kind of want another!
    Marni J recently posted…Vote For Your Favorite Cover for Don’t Fall by Rachel SchieffelbeinMy Profile

    • Cats are great pets too!
      Our rats also can switch moods really fast, one moment they are running around their cage and fighting and the next moment they al sit somewhere quietly and sleep. At first we didn’t have that many hammocks, but we quickly found out they love hammocks. Many pet stores don’t know that much about rats or sell many things for rats, there is this online shop in the netherlands where I bought a few of their hammocks. And I am happy my mom is so handy and can make these things herself.

  2. I use to have hamsters when I was younger but never rats my mom wouldn’t let me. But as soon as I moved out I got myself a dog.

    We now have a grumpy cat Buttons, shes 12 and a Cockapoo Puppy Dexter, he’s 3. We use to have a cocker spaniel and buttons and him were like BFF so when he passed we waited to get another dog because she was so depressed. But now we aren’t sure if she loves him or hates him lol she spends a lot of time kicking his butt, it’s hilarious!!! Animals make a house so much fun, I don’t think I can never not have any animals in my house. Oh I also have two kids who act like monkeys (Ryan and Julia) does that count as animals too πŸ˜‰
    Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…My To Be Read List 3/15My Profile

    • I am terrified of dogs, even though I also think they are cute, so I could never get a dog. I always wanted a cat when I moved out, but when my mom moved out she got my sister and I a cat and that cat preferred my sister, so now she’s my sister’s cat. Then a bit later y boyfriend convinced me rats where nice pets and then we got rats and I am so glad we did! And I agree animals make the house so much fun! It takes a lot of time taking care of them, but it’s so worth it, you get so much love back!

    • That’s the ‘Sputnik’ and they love it, it’s one of their favourite sleeping places. And they are so adorable when they sleep πŸ™‚

  3. Carol

    Really love those pictures ^^
    And it’s fun to read about how much you like the rats πŸ™‚ I’m sure they love you a lot!

    • I choose the best pictures ;). Actually half of the pictures I take from them are bad as they don’t want to sit still when I am photographing them. I love them so much!

    • aww thanks :). I love scrolling through pictures of them too, they are so adorable. I might have to make a new post with recenter pictures in a few months.

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