Tag: 2017 New Release Challenge

Review: Mermaid Fins, Winds & Rolling Pins by Erin Johnson

Review: Mermaid Fins, Winds & Rolling Pins by Erin Johnson

Mermaid Fins, Winds & Rolling Pins (Spells & Caramels #3) by Erin Johnson Rating: 4 stars Genre: Paranormal Coyz Mystery Blurb: Murder at a Mermaid Nightclub The enchanted village of Bijou Mer’s on high alert, with the villainous Horace on the loose. Imogen’s excited to escape the tension with a trip to the underwater Mermaid Kingdom to bake for the young mermaid queen’s engagement to the pirate king. But when the mermaids turn out to be less French Riviera and more Jersey shore, the bakers are wrapped up in their world of clubbing in sea caves and fighting off seals […]

Posted February 5, 2018 by Lola in Coyer, Fantasy, Mystery, Review / 6 Comments

Review: Unknown by L.A. Kirk

Review: Unknown by L.A. Kirk

Unknown (The Secret Life of Cassie Martin #1) by L.A. Kirk Rating: 3 stars Genre: Contemporary Romance/ Reverse Harem Blurb: Cassie Martin is used to being shuffled around in the foster system, so when her newest guardians want to send her away to a camp for “exceptional youths” she sees it as their way to deal with a troubled teen. She never could have guessed they were telling the truth! Soon Cassie finds herself surrounded by other kids her own age who display unusual aptitudes for learning. Faced with a camp bully, and hot guys who seem determined to get […]

Posted January 25, 2018 by Lola in Contemporary, Coyer, Review, Romance / 12 Comments

Review: Ghosts and Grudges by Jasmine Walt and J.A. Cipriano

Review: Ghosts and Grudges by Jasmine Walt and J.A. Cipriano

Ghosts and Grudges (The Shaman Queen’s Harem #1) by Jasmine Walt and J.A. Cipriano Rating: 4 stars Genre: Urban Fantasy/ Reverse Harem Blurb: A hidden world. An ancient power. A trio of hunky, dangerous shamans. What could possibly go wrong? When an ancient spirit awakens a hidden ability within Aika, grateful is the last word that comes to her mind. Being able to summon monsters and spirits to do your bidding might sound cool in comic books, but in real life it brings nothing but trouble. And between chasing after a medical degree, caring for her ailing mother, and running […]

Posted January 15, 2018 by Lola in Fantasy, Review / 14 Comments

Review: Black Arts, Tarts & Gypsy Carts by Erin Johnson

Review: Black Arts, Tarts & Gypsy Carts by Erin Johnson

Black Arts, Tarts & Gypsy Carts (Spells & Caramels #2) by Erin Johnson Rating: 4 stars Genre: Paranormal Cozy Mystery Blurb: With the Summer Sea Carnival visiting the enchanted island of Bijou Mer, Imogen jumps at the chance to help run the royal bakery booth. It’ll get her out of the palace and allow her to continue avoiding her feelings for a certain engaged prince. Imogen’s plans to lay low are shattered when the world-famous necromancer, Madame Zerna, is found dead, sawed in half on the dark magician’s table and Imogen’s friend Rhonda is caught red-handed. With incriminating evidence piling […]

Posted January 11, 2018 by Lola in Fantasy, Mystery, Review / 18 Comments

Review: Distant Light by Chloe Adler

Review: Distant Light by Chloe Adler

Distant Light (Tales From the Edge #1) by Chloe Adler Rating: 4 stars Genre: Paranormal Romance/ Reverse Harem Blurb: Iphigenia Holt is a good little witch who grew up under the thumb of a wicked mother and two powerful sisters. Pegged as a caretaker, Iphi hides a secret that would change the way everyone around her views her: she’s an empath. And yet she doesn’t let that stand in her way. A soaring circus performer with a fierce love for animals and the downtrodden, Iphi tumbles her way through life, hiding the hurt just being around others can inflict… …Until […]

Posted January 9, 2018 by Lola in Fantasy, Review, Romance / 12 Comments

2017 New Release Challenge: Fourth Quarterly Recap

2017 New Release Challenge: Fourth Quarterly Recap

The 2017 New Release Challenge is hosted by Lexxie at Unconventional Book Views and Stormi at Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My. I had a blast participating in this challenge again and will be joining again next year. I more than made my goal of 31-60 books per year – New Release Pro and ended up withr eading a total of 77 books that counted for this challenge from the total of 117 books I read this year. Previous quarterly recaps: First Quarterly Recap – January, February and March – 21 new releases read Second Quarterly Recap – April, May and […]

Posted December 30, 2017 by Lola in Challenges / 6 Comments

Review: The Truth of Letting Go by Amy Sparling

Review: The Truth of Letting Go by Amy Sparling

The Truth of Letting Go by Amy Sparling Rating: Genre: Contemporary/ Contemporary Romance/ Mystery Blurb: The summer before senior year, Lilah Monroe’s parents take a nine-day trip, leaving her as the guardian of her bipolar cousin, Cece. When Cece’s parents died tragically five years ago, she and her brother moved in with Lilah. Her brother soon went missing and was presumed dead. Lilah and Cece couldn’t be more different. They used to be best friends, but high school has changed them both. Lilah likes order, schedules, and a tidy room. She has plans for her future and won’t let anything […]

Posted December 21, 2017 by Lola in Contemporary, Mystery, Review, Romance / 6 Comments