Sunday Post #508

Posted September 11, 2022 by Lola in Sunday Post / 14 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This week didn’t go smoothly at all and was a bit of a struggle. After my migraine last week I still felt pretty tired and low on energy and this continued through most of the week.

Then we had a bunch of appointments, which almost all took longer than expected. They finally came to replace the kitchen cabinet, but it turned out they didn’t get the right cabinet and now they had to take new pictures and order a new one. They tried to get the new cabinet installed instead, but that didn’t work out, so now we’re waiting again for the correct cabinet the arrive this time. What a pain. I also called with the company that needs to fix one of our faucets, but they were so busy they told me to call back another time and then I didn’t get around to doing that.

I didn’t get as much work done as a result and it just left me feeling off and annoyed as there are plenty of work I want to do. I got the sign up post for a new YA blog tour live on my website. I also am mostly finished with the work for one of my authors already, which is nice. I made some progress on other tour sign up posts as well as some other assistant work, but not as much as I had hoped. I hope next week will go better.

What did I read this week?

Vesper's Artifacts

Vesper’s Artifacts was a fun adventurous fantasy read with interesting characters.
I also finished my ARC of Myra’s Big Mistake which will be in Pets in Space 7. I enjoyed being back in this universe and following Myra, but it was tough to read how hard she was on herself. Her skunk pet was awesome and I liked the love interest, even though I would’ve loved to see more romantic sweet scenes between them.
Then I DNF’d Christmas at the Borrow a Bookshop as it just wasn’t working for my current reading mood. The writing style didn’t work for me and I hadn’t realized it was the second book in the series.

This week I blogged about:

Review: Steeped to Death by Gretchen Rue
Review: Vesper’s Artifacts by Kay MacLeod

Review: Steeped to Death by Gretchen RueReview: Vesper’s Artifacts by Kay MacLeod

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Sundays with Oliver by Kelly Jensen
– Review: The Holiday Trap by Joan Parrish

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: Little Women Mermaid Edition by Megan Lois Whitehill
Review Opportunity: Bly by Kelsey Ketch
Review Opportunity: The Republic of Reality by Adam Rowan
Blog Tour: Burning Secret by R J LLoyd – 19 September till 9 October
Bookstagram Blitz: Chasing Tarzan by Catherine Forster – 26 September till 2 October
Blog Tour: Beneath the Smiling Moustache by Belinda Lara Robinson – 26 September till 16 October
Blog Tour: The Question is Murder by Mark Willen – 3 till 16 October
Book Blitz: Pets in Space 7 – 4 till 24 October
Blog Tour: Abby’s Pony Love by Susan Count – 10 till 23 October
Blog Tour: Neverdying by Shanti Hershenson – 10 till 30 October – New!

How was your week?


14 responses to “Sunday Post #508

  1. I’m sorry that you are still feeling washed out by the migraine and I hope the cooler weather is being kinder to you. Vesper’s Artifacts looks like something I’d enjoy – I’m all about fun and adventurous right now:)). I hope you have a better week, Lola.

    • Those migraines really can hit hard and still impact me days afterwards. The cooler weather has been nice here. I really enjoyed Vesper’s Artifacts, fun and adventurous was just the vibe I was in the mood for.

    • I agree home renovations and upgrades definitely can be a pain, we’ve been workign through some things as well this year. It’s been slow going and annoying. Good luck with your home renovations and upgrades!

  2. Yes, all that would make a rough week. Hopefully the cabinet and the faucet will be sorted out soon so your kitchen is all set. Good that you’re up on most of your author work, too. My week was mixed with things that get me stressed and some good moments. Bummer about the Christmas book, but glad your other reads were great. I can’t wait to get my hands on the Pets in Space 7 and read the new stories.

    Have a good week, Lola!

    • I hope everything with the repairs gets sorted soon, but waiting on the new cabinet will like take a while.

      Sorry to hear your week was a bit mixed too.

      I am also looking forward to Pets in Space 7. Not much longer now 🙂

    • This was actually the aftermath of the previous migraine.

      I totally agree it’s a pain these things can’t be fixed the right way, it’s all taking way too long and too many appointments.

    • I hope it all can get fixed soon. Luckily we made progress with the faucet issue this week at least. Myra’s Big Mistake was a good read and I liked Mochi 🙂

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