The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was another busy week. I had a lot of work going on and have been busy trying to keep up and getting some things finished. Last weekend daylight saving time started, which made me feel tired and out of my routine most of this week, luckily I am finally getting used to the new time. I managed to get my taxes for last year done and was happy to have gotten that done. I struggled a bit finding the right book I wanted to read and tried multiple books before finding what I was in the mood for. I managed to bake some cookies later this week which helped me feel a bit better.
Work was busy. I am glad it’s busy, but I am hoping I can get some of the longer ongoing tasks finished soon so I have a bit less tasks on my plate to focus on. I sent out two media kits for tours, two tours I organized started this week and I put a new sign up post live for a cover reveal. I replied to emails and did some preliminary work on two future tours.
Besides that I worked on a bunch of other things. This was the last week of March, so there was a lot of finishing up assistant work for my authors and some tasks in progress. I ran into an issue for the book I was formatting for one of my authors, which took more time to resolve and I couldn’t figure out why the book wasn’t looking the same as last time. After emailing support for the formatting software, it turned out the program had changed the font which was causing the issue. I made some progress with the proof listening for the audiobook I got. And I am almost done with the batch of social media posts I am writing for an author. I hope to get some of these tasks finished next week so I have a bit less ongoing projects on my plate. I have two new tours I hope to work on next week too.
Here’s a picture of the cookies I made, snickerdoodles with chocolate chips.
What did I read this week?
Unfortunately A Hint of Mischief was a bit of a mixed read for me. I love the fun and unique theme with fairies and fairy gardens, but the mystery didn’t grip me and the plot felt slow in places.
I really enjoyed Copper Mage. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to read and finally figured out this fast paced urban fantasy read was a good fit for my reading mood. I enjoyed it even more than the first book. There is not a dull moment and enjoyed seeing how the plot progressed.
I also DNF’d Going Public as it wasn’t gripping me.
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Only a Country Doctor can Save This City Rose by Sophia Quinn
– Review: Wrongfully Infused by H.Y. Hanna
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: A Matter of Trust by Greta van de Rol
– Review: Imprint by Ember Hollis
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: All Men Love Leah by Ksenija Nikolova
– Review Opportunity: The Pig Wars by M.K. Theodoratus
– Review Opportunity: What They Don’t Know by Susan Furlong
– Cover Reveal: Dark Goddess by Kelsey Ketch – 6 May – New!
– Blog Tour: The Glass Stone by Sara Michaels – 5 till 25 April
– Blog Tour: Dissatisfied by Ksenija Nikolova – 25 April till 8 May
– Book Blitz: Cerebral Palsy: A Story by Ilana Estelle – 1 till 5 May
– Blog Tour: Shadowdays by Polly Schattel – 2 till 15 May
– Blog Tour: Under Fortunate Stars by Ren Hutchings – 10 till 23 May
Hi there Lola!
You seem quite busy, but definitely at your A-Game. So glad for you!
I am still not going to even take a peak at your open tours, I still have a few reviews coming up for April. May will hopefully be a bit better and I will sign up for sure.
Have a good week!
Mareli Thalwitzer recently posted…The Sunday Post #66
It certainly have been some busy weeks, but it’s also been good to have so much to do.
I hope you can get some of those reviews done. It’s hard sometimes to get caught up and not keep requesting more books for review.
It can be a challenge some weeks getting just the right amount of work to keep busy without being too much. Hopefully, it will balance out soon. Yay for finishing up your tax work. I’m always relieved to have ours done for another year. Your chocolate chip snickerdoodles look delicious.
Have a great week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Bride for a Day by Carolyn Brown
It sure is tough to get the right balance. It often seems to be just a bit too busy or not enough work. This week is got more balanced with the right amount of work, so I hope it stays that way for a bit. I am always so glad to get the tax work done. The chocolate chip snickerdoodles really hit the spot.
Balancing too much and not enough work can be hard.
The cookies look great.
Have a great week.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #298
The cookies were really good.
My husband and I are on a cookie kick right now. I’ve made chocolate chip and sugar cookies this week lol Happy reading!
Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook recently posted…The Sunday Post: Where the Heck Have I Been?
I love cookies. I just made another batch of a different cookie this week. That’s nice you made some cookies too!
Every time you make the snickerdoodles with chocolate chips, I get jealous. 🙂 Mmmmm. Glad to hear work has been busy. I know sometimes that can be a double-edged sword.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – April 3, 2022
It’s such a good combination of flavors for a cookie!
The work is definitely is a bit of a double-edged sword, it’s so nice to have plenty of work, but it would be even better if it was a just a bit less busy. It either seems to be too much work or too little.