The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a pretty busy, but mostly good week. There were a few stressful parts, I don’t want to go into details about that, but it put a damper on some of the days. And now I am tired. Overal it was a good week though. I am slowly trying to do better with taking time off and also still getting a good amount of work done.
This was a good week for work, I got a good amount of work done this week and I felt productive with getting a lot done during the time I worked. No new sign-up posts this week for Lola’s Blog Tours, but I did do some work on my open tours and on some future tours. I also got some hours of assistant work done and I am trying to get ahead a bit so I can take a few days off around Christmas.
On Friday evening we went out for dinner with my mom and her husband. We had a great time talking and catching up and had some delicious pizzas for dinner.
Besides that I finished my audiobook this week and already started a new one. As well as a fiction and a non-fiction book. I was struggling with one of my current reads, Blood Trial, so decided to take a break and read another book in the meantime and then come back and try again, but it might just turn into a DNF. I am so sad as it’s by an author whose books I usually really enjoy and I am hoping it will get better, but the story just isn’t gripping me somehow.
2020 New Release Challenge
In 2020 I am again joining the New release Challenge. I read quite some new releases each year and I like this challenge as a way to keep track of it.
What did I read this week?
Shy Girl Vs Popular Boy was a great read, Bianca and Cam’s romance was so sweet and in contrast what Stacey goes through is so heartbreaking. I love this series! Book Review Companion is a good non-fiction book about reviews especially for new authors who want more reviews and don’t know where to start. For me personally the writing style didn’t work and some of the author’s ideas didn’t really mesh with what I would recommend. Stitches and Witches was a fun second book in the series, I enjoyed the narration and the narrator did a good job with the different accents and voices.
Food Corner
Today’s topic for food corner is coconut. I like coconut and it does well in many types of recipes. I made some coconut chocolate cookies this week, which are delicious. Only 3 recipes for today, but they are all really good.
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Cabin Boy by Drake LaMarque
– Review: The Queen’s Gambit by Jessie Mahalik
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Cobblered to Death by Rosemarie Ross
– Review: Spellbinding his Ranger by Shannon Pemrick
– Review: Shy Girl vs Popular Boy by Jordan Ford
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Brimstone by Justine Rosenberg
– Review Opportunity: The Christmas Walk Caper by JB Michaels
– Book Blitz: Dirty Game by Mika Lane – 2 till 8 December
– Book Blitz: The Christmas Walk Caper by JB Michaels – 6 till 12 December
– Cover Reveal: Coven of Fire Series by Sierra Cross – 12 December
– Blog Tour: A Player Romance series by Mika Lane – 6 till 19 January
– Blog Tour: You Too? by Janet Gurtler – 6 till 24 January
– Blog Tour: The Incarn Saga by Katharine E. Wibell – 20 January till 2 February
Book Haul:
I bought these books this week. The Frost Arcana box set was discounted to 99 cent and I couldn’t resist grabbing it for that price as I’ve been curious about this series. Dear Writer Are You in Burnout I bought as I am currently reading book in this series and so far it’s really good.
Sorry to hear about your stressful situation and wishing you well through that. Yay for a good week of work and dinner out with your folks.
Always a tough call about when to DNF a book that might get better, but, then again, might stay boring. Glad the rest were good reads.
I’m not fond of coconut, but your recipes all make me wish I were. 🙂
Nice haul this week and hope you sale deal will turn out great.
Have a good week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…To Read or Not to Read … Read! – November 2019
Thanks! I hope most of the stressful stuff passes soon, but it will probably carry over low key for a while longer.
I ended up DNF’ing sadly, but I am glad I gave it a good chance and even read through 50% before deciding if it still wasn’t better it probably wouldn’t get better.
That’s too bad you don’t like coconut.
🙁 sorry this week was stressful. I am glad you had a nice visit with your mom and her husband.
I just had to check out the coconut balls, I LOVE coconut! They might be a good Christmas treat. I wonder how they would taste if you toasted the coconut. 🙂
Have a great week, Lola! Happy Reading! xx
Michelle@Because Reading recently posted…The Sunday Post ~ The year is almost over ~ Week in READview!
I hope we get some better weeks soon. The dinner was a lot of fun and good food.
If you decide to try the and toast the coconut first, let me know how it turns out. I figure it will taste different, but maybe in a good way? They would make for a good Christmas treat I think.
Oh dear – sorry to hear you had a stressful time of it and I hope that the coming week will be a kinder one.
Thank you for the scrummy recipes – as several of the family are allergic to chocolate, do you think replacing the choc chips with dates would work in the coconut and choc chip cookies? I really like the idea of making some vegan treats for Christmas…
Thanks for your kind words. This week wasn’t a kinder one sadly, but hopefully next one.
I think you could skip the chocolate in the chocolate chip cookies altogether and be fine with just the coconut. Or maybe dates would work indeed. I don’t really like dates, so can’t gauge how well the taste would go together, but I remember seeing a recipe for coconut rice pudding with dates once so I think those flavors should work together then.
We all have stressful situations that happen in our lives so I think we can all sympathize with you on that front. I hope things get less stressful.
Those chocolate covered coconut balls look delicious.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #108
Thanks, I hope so too.
The chocolate covered coconut balls are really good. I haven’t made them for a while, I should make them again soon.
Lola I love rice pudding! I think it reminds me whan I was a little girl and my mom would do that pudding when I came home from school! Glad to know your week was productive!
I never had rice pudding as a kid as my mom never made it, but my boyfriend’s mom made it a few times and I liked it, so I am glad to have a recipe for it now.
Oh, I hate when I am not liking a book, it could go either way, get better or get worse. 🙂 Those foodie pics are great and making me want sweets…lol. 🙂
Have a great week and happy reading!
Stormi Johnson recently posted…The Week In Review #275
I kept reading till 50% and then DNF’d it as it wasn’t getting any better.
I’m glad that your week was good overall despite the stress. I’m glad you enjoyed Stitches and Witches, it does sound fun.
Wishing you a great reading week
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundayPost #SundaySalon
It was a fun audiobook and I plan to listen to the rest of the series as well.
I’m sorry about the stress, I hope it’s temporary and won’t be with you again this week!
I seriously LOVE coconut, so I’m about to be all over those recipes 🙂
I hate when I don’t like a book enough to DNF and ESPECIALLY when it’s from an author I typically like. Bummer 🙁
Have a great week!
Berls recently posted…Sunday Post with Berls | A good week!
It probably will be a bit stressful for a while longer, but I hope it gets a bit better soon.
I also love coconut and wanted to share these recipes. i made the coconut cookies last week and they were so good.
It’s really frustrating as I wanted to like the book and it wasn’t bad, but just very meh and not gripping me. I ended up DNF’ing as it didn’t improve sadly.
Mmmm, chocolate covered coconut balls. For some reason, maybe because I’m hungry, those totally jumped out on me. Sorry that the books will most likely be a DNF. I hate that!
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – November 24, 2019
The book turned into a DNF indeed, I was so sad as I wanted to love it. Luckily I managed to avoid a book slump by picking up another book at least.
Those chocolate covered coconut balls are really good, I’ll have to make them again sometime soon.
Mmmm, the chocolate covered coconut balls look yummy!
I’ve never heard of the New Release Challenge but I like the sound of it. 🙂
Hope this week has been stress free!
Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books recently posted…9th Annual Book Bonanza!
They really are good, I have to make them again sometime soon.
I like the new release challenge as there are always plenty of new releases I read.
It’s always sad when you’re not enjoying a book from an author you usually love. Sorry to hear that!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 12/8/19
It’s just sad when that happens and I wish I would’ve enjoyed it more.