Sunday Post #287

Posted June 17, 2018 by Lola in Sunday Post / 20 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This week was pretty busy and full. It was a bit tiring, but mostly a fun week. We cleaned out one of the rooms in our house that was stashed full with junk. we looked at what we still wanted to keep and what would go away. We donated a few things to a second hand store and threw away a lot as well. It’s so nice to have finally a room we can use again. I can’t believe how long we kept procrastinating this task, so it’s great to finally have the room cleared out.

Besides that it also was a busy week for work. I put a new sign-up post live for a review opportunity and I did a lot of hours of assistant work as well this week. And a blog tour and book blitz I organized started this week and a cover reveal took place as well.

We also gamed quite a bit of a new game we bought. I haven’t had as much time to visit blogs and reply to comments tough, but I hope to do a bit of that today. I also still have some reviews I have written, but not yet scheduled on my blog yet.

And last week some of you asked for pictures of the crocheted rats my mom made for me, so here they are.



And I also realized I had taken a picture of two of our new plants. The one in the penguin pot (painted by my boyfriend’s mom) is a new one and behind it in the black pot you see another one of the new plants.

What did I read this week?

Zero FluxThe Mermaid's Return

Zero Flux was a fun novella in this universe. The Mermaid’s Return was a great ending to this series.

What did I cook for dinner this week?

This week I blogged about:

Review: Priestess Unleashed by Lidiya Foxglove
Review: Fallout by Athena Grayson

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Blinded by Teyla Branton
– Review: Zero Flux by Carol Van Natta

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunities:
Signs of Innocence by Rumer Raines
After All by Laurie Winter
Death Island by Kelsey Ketch
Passage by Indie Gantz
Hiding by Jenny Morton Potts
Love & Alliances by Davina LaceyNew!
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.

Cover Reveals:
There are no cover reveals open for sign-up at the moment.

Blog Tour: Ullr’s Fangs by Katahrine E. Wibell – 25 June till 15 July
Blog Tour: Everything Under the Sun by Jessica Redmerski – 30 July till 12 August
Book Blitz: All That Doesn’t by Tracy Krimmer – 20 till 21 August

Book Haul:

IncognitoShift of Destiny

I got both these books for review this week. I already started Incognito and hope to read Shift of Destiny next as book 1 was awesome.

What’s one task you know you have to do, but keep procrastinating?


20 responses to “Sunday Post #287

  1. Congrats on getting the extra room cleared out. Keeping from accumulating clutter is a constant battle around our place. It’s a great feeling to sort through things and toss them or give them away. Good for you.

    Your plants look really nice and healthy setting on the window sill. Ahhh, the rats your mom made you are adorable.

    Your spicy pointed cabbage sounds good. πŸ™‚

    Looks like you got some good ones in the haul this week. I liked Carol Van Natta’s stories in the Pets in Space antho and I’ve enjoyed seeing you enjoying her series of books.

    Have a good week, Lola!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…What Book Are We Packing Next? Summer Reads!My Profile

    • Same here, it’s so easy to keep something and think you might need it later or stuff it out of sight and forget about it. That whole room we had was full of things like that, it’s great to have it cleared out.

      I like having them in the window sill, so they can get some soon. I agree the rats are really adorable.

      I really enjoy Carol Van Natta’s books so far :).

  2. That is what we need to do with out Basement. My husband wants to do a garage sale but i would rather just give it all way. Nothing I want to keep anyway and it’s so unorganized that it’s almost not worth the time to have the sale.

    Oh Goodness! Those rats are ADORABLE! She did a great job with them. The penguin pot is super cute also.

    I hope you have an awesome week, Lola! Happy Reading!

    • It is nice if you can sell some of the stuff, but at the same time sometimes you just want it all gone. It was nice to sort through the stuff we had and throw things either away or give it away.

      I agree the rats really turned out great. And we have two painted pots like that we got form my boyfriend’s mom, they are so colorful and cute!

    • They really are adorable. I think I already almost killed one of the new plants already, it’s difficult to figure out how much water a plant needs when you get a new one.

  3. Going through stuff to clean it out is so tiring but feels so satisfying once it’s done! Glad you got that finished πŸ™‚ Aww the rats are so cute! And your plants look lovely! That’s good you even got some gaming in πŸ™‚ Have a great week!

    • Exactly, it was tiring cleaning it all out but also very satisfying to have it all done now. I am really happy with the rats and the new plants :).

  4. Go you for decluttering and tidying a room! I’ve got a house to organise – we’ve lived here for over 20 years and accumulated far too much detritus… I love your plants – the little succulent looks really healthy:). Have a great week, Lola.

    • It’s amazing how much clutter you accumulate over the years. I really like the look of this succulent. I never had seen one like that before.

    • I agree, she really did a great job with the rats :). I also love penguins, so that’s why she painted the pot with them :). We also have one with sheep.

  5. Oh my goodness. The crocheted rats are so adorable! Your mother did a great job with them! It’s nice to hear that you have extra room now. I could use some extra room in my house too. πŸ™‚

  6. I liked your rats, especially the white one although both are cute. Have to ask what is “pointed” cabbage? I’ve never heard of that. And Yay for getting your room cleaned out. I’ve got way too many things I procrastinate about so I try not to think about it! But I guess writing reviews is my big one.

    • It’s a type of cabbage shaped with a point on one side. If you google it, it shows you some images of them.

      It’s nice to finally have that roomed cleared out, it was one of those task I never feel like doing, but it’s great to have finally done that.

  7. Hello from Idaho and stop in from “Dark Thoughts” one of my Aunts crochet all sorts of Aniamals.
    It goods to clear things out.
    If you fine the time stop in for a cup of coffee.

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