The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a pretty good and productive week! I sent out a media kit for next week, I had two blitzes run this week and a blog tour, that ended later this week and a new blog that started and will run till the end of the month. I also got a lot of assistant work done.
On Sunday and Monday it was very cold weather here and we even had snow. It looked really beautiful until it turned to mush and then two days later everything was gone again. We also set-up our Christmas tree last weekend. We visited a Christmas market this week, which was fun, except for the rain and cold. And we went out for dinner with my mom, her husband and my sister and her boyfriend yesterday.
I continued my moodreading this week and finished some good books. On Goodreads you can see my year in books.
What did I read this week?
The truth of Letting Go was really good, it had a road trip and two cousins who couldn’t be more different. There also was a bit of romance and I had fun reading this book. Ghosts and Grudges was full of action and Japanese mythology.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Blood Oath by Kelly St Clare and Raye Wagner
– Review: How to talk to Ghosts by Erin Hayes
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Etched in Tears by Cheryl Hollon
– Review: The Truth of Letting Go by Amy Sparling
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop by Isabella Louise Anderson
– Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets by J.C. Roberts
– A Distant Voice by Bridie Blake
– Mother of Wolves by J Aislynn d’Merricksson
– Until Love Finds You by Pamela Aares
– The Breakup Support Group by Cheyanne Young
– Sweet Hollow Women by Holly Tierney-Bedord
– Review Opportunity: Deck The Malls with Purple Peacocks by Amy Gettinger
– N. N. Light’s Book of Daily Inspiration by N.N. Light
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
– Groupie Games by Rebecca Lewis – 18 December
– Burning Westchester by H.L. Roberts – 21 December
– Something Just Like This by Tracy Krimmer – 14 till 15 February – New!
Book Haul:
Both of these I got for review through netgalley. Biscuits and Slashed Browns is the next book in one of my favorite cozy mystery series. And dangerous Moves is the start of a new romantic suspense series by Karen Rock. I really liked her contemporary romance books and the one romantic suspense she wrote so far, so I am excited about diving into this story.
Yay for a productive week. We got our first big snow, too, and its still around several days later since we stayed cold. Got my exercise shoveling the drive and walks. 😉
How fun that you got to go out to eat with your family, visit a Christmas market, and get your tree up. We are all decorated for Christmas and got our shopping done, too.
Oh, neat! I’ll have to check out Karen Rock’s new romantic suspense.
Have a good week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: The Ladies of Ivy Cottage by Julie Klassen
Most of our snow is gone now, but it’s still cold.
It was a fun and busy week :).
I am really curious about Karen Rock’s new romantic suspense, it sounds so good. And I hope I can read it soon.
Glad you had a productive week. I am looking forward to this week coming up besides the chaos it’s my favorite time of year. It snowed, got mushy and disappeared here too. We still have a little all over the grass but the roads are clear.
You did good on your reading stats this year. I need to share mine to but I wanted to wait until the end of the year because I plan to read a few chapter books in the next few days to help kick this dreaded never ending slump I am in. 🙂
I hope you have a great week, Lola! Happy Reading! ox
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…Cold, Breakfast and Chaos~ WIR & SP
Almost all of the snow here is gone, but we also had some days after it just snowed that it was still on the grass, but the roads were clear.
I’ll probably finish a few more books as well this year, but thought it was fun to share the Goodreads thing now already. I am surprised at how much I read this year, I hand’t expected that.
We had snow, too, which disappeared again. And apparently, it snowed during the night between Friday and Saturday, but it was all gone in the morning.
It sounds like your tours are running quite smoothly, which is awesome 🙂
Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Weekend Wrap-up #217 – Last Week of School
The snow is so pretty when it just falls, but I don’t like it when it turns to mush.
The tours are going well indeed 🙂
Yes – we haven’t had snow, but it has been cold. I always HATE the mushy part of snow, so it’s a good thing it’s gone. Are you expecting a white Christmas? The Christmas market sounds lovely, though being cold isn’t much fun. Hope you have a great week – many thanks for all your hard work to make the launch for Dying for Space smooth and I hope the coming week is a fabulous one with much more mood reading:)
When it just falls it’s so pretty, but then when it turns to mush I hate it. So good it’s gone instead of the mush then. I don’t think we’re getting a white Christmas as this week it was much warmer again, but who knows?
The Christmas market was fun :). And I am glad the tour for Dying for Space is going well.
We had the same weather, and it was fun while it lasted! But I’m still glad the snow didn’t linger, as it makes travel so hard. You must show us your Christmas tree next week!
Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…The Sunday Post : Get your bookish news – holidays are coming!
I agree, the snow is nice while it lasts, but I am also glad it’s gone soon as it does make travel hard.
Glad you had a good week! And snow too- although yeah it sometimes is nice when it goes away quickly so not everything gets slippery. 🙂 The Christmas market sounds fun too, would love to wander through something like that.
Mood reading is my favorite way to read these days, seems like. Hope your books continue to be good.
Biscuits and Slashed Browns looks fun!
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #224
I like snow, but I am also happy if it doens’t stay around too long as it does cause some problems. We didn’t buy much, but I just love strolling past all the stalls and seeing what they sold.
I want to find a good balance with not accepting too many review books and hopefully getting them early in advance if possible so I can moodread more. It really makes me happy when I can mood read.
I really like that series, so I hope to start Biscuits and Slashed Browns after I finish my current read.
Lol sorry your snow turned to mush so quickly. Glad you had a good week though! The Christmas market sounds fun 🙂
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Book Review: The Demon King and the Boy Who Hardly Knew Anything by Pat Ellis
I like the snow, until it turns to mush. Luckily the mush was gone altogether again soon. The Christmas market was fun 🙂
Glad to hear it was another productive week. The market sounds wonderful. I love the title for the cozy cracked me up.
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer recently posted…Sunday Post #296 One week to Christmas…eep!
The Christmas market was fun. Those cozy mystery books always have such fun title, I really like this one too.
We’ve had some snow, which we kept for several days. It warmed up this weekend and now we just have mud from the rain. I think it is supposed to stay warm this week. I hope it cools off by Christmas. Have a great week.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Review: Rifts by A.C. Donaubauer (@mlsimmons, @AC_Donaubauer)
We had a pretty warm week now as well, especially compared to last week. I kinda like the snow, but not when it turns to much or mud.
Our snow is all slushy and gross too. It’ll probably snow again soon, though. Have a great week!
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #127
I like the snow for the little while when it’s pretty. The mush is just gross.
Glad it was another productive week. No snow for me in CA… I miss the snow. Just doesn’t feel like the holidays without it. ^_^ Have a wonderful week and happy reading!
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…Sign Up Open ~ 2018 Library Love Challenge
Sorry to hear you didn’t get any snow. The snow is nice, but also a bit annoying. But it does fit the holidays feel.
I do remember snow being a pain, but it’s also lovely and makes the holidays feel more like the holiday.
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…2017 End Of The Year Book Tag
Especially if you have to travel somewhere the snow can be annoying. But it does look pretty and adds to the holiday feel.
Sounds like a great week. I hope you enjoy your new books and have a wonderful reading week. Happy reading. 😁❤️
Thanks! Happy reading to you too!
Yay for the productive week. No snow here since the big snow Friday and Saturday last week. Just some flurries. Enjoy your upcoming week and the new books too.
Thanks! The snow can be fun if you don’t have to anywhere.
I downloaded the sample for GHOSTS & GRUDGES and we’ll see if I like it. 🙂 I heard it has Japanese mythology so I thought I’d check it out.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – December 17, 2017
I think you’ll like the Japanese mythology aspect of it. It has lots of mythology, although it did went a bit overboard in the middle in my opinion. But overall it was a solid read.
I adore colder weather and 2 days of lovely snow, then having it disappear is perfect. Yay to getting all the Assistant work done. Hugs…RO
RO recently posted…MIX IT UP MONDAY
I agree! It is nice seeing the snow, but also nice it doesn’t stick around too long.
Snow can definitely be really pretty!! I haven’t gotten too much yet. I’m glad you had a really productive week. 🙂
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Romance Redefined by SJD Peterson
Snow is pretty when it just falls indeed :).
Snw would be nice. The last time we had snow was in 2008.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Happy Raturday!
We usually get snow a few times each year, but I guess it makes sense that were you live snow is not as common.
Lola recently posted…Review: The Truth of Letting Go by Amy Sparling