The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was one of those weeks were it felt that almost everything that could go wrong went wrong. It was a bit of a weird week. On Monday someone had to stop by to clean out the ventilation system, but he never showed up. Then I called the company on Tuesday and the guy stopped by that day instead. Then later that week a bike repair peep would stop by to fix my boyfriend’s bike, who also was delayed. I wanted to pick up some discounted product at the grocery store while waiting for him to show up and it turned out it was sold out. I bought a pint of pistachio ice cream instead to cheer me up. Then I had a DNF book as well and all those things just brought my mood down and brought a kink in my working routine.
Luckily I still did get a bunch of work done, it just felt less smoothly than normal with everything going on. I had a cover reveal take place this week, a 3 day book blitz run and a two week blitz that started. I sent out the media kit for the tour that starts next week and put two new sign-up posts live. I managed to stay on track with my assistant work.
There were some good things that happened this week, work was great, it was busy and I got some new clients; I bought pistachio ice cream, there’s this brand of pistachio ice cream that I am loving right now and this week just needed more ice cream. And I am currently reading an awesome book, Chaos in Kadoma Ward by SJ Pajonas. It totally sucked me in and I have the hardest time putting it down as I just want to keep reading. My sister visited on Monday, which was fun. She’s reading a series I’ve read as well and it was fun talking about it among other things.
Oh and twitter upped their character limit for tweets. I am still sort of surprised and weirded out by it as I am so used to condensing everything into 140 characters and now the limit is a lot higher. On the one hand I think it’s great as I can fit so much more in a tweet now and on the other hand it’s just weird and off as twitter is supposed to have only 140 characters per tweet.
What did I read this week?
Foul Play was an awesome ending to the series and I loved the couple in this book! It also had a well done mystery/ suspense plot line throughout the series that got wrapped up in this book. And three epilogues. It was awesome.
Christmas at the Candied Apple Café was a DNF, I liked the idea for the story and the characters, but it didn’t work for me. I didn’t care about the characters and decide to DNF it. I wrote a DNF review for it on Goodreads and have a DNF round-up post scheduled for the end of this year.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
- Sunday: Veggies in chili sauce with veggie nuggets and wraps
- Monday: Peanut Pasta
- Tuesday: Peanut Pasta
- Wednesday: Fried Rice
- Thursday: Fried Rice
- Friday: soup with bread
- Saturday: Mashed Potatoes with Onion and carrot
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Christmas at Cade Ranch by Karen Rock
– Lola’s Kitchen: Onion Pie Recipe
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Fantasy of Freedom by Kelly St Clare
– Review: Chaos in Kadoma Ward by SJ Pajonas
– Review: Foul Play by Jordan Ford
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Right Under Your Nose by Holly Tierney-Bedord
– Fated Memories by Joan Carney
– Remember by Joan Carney
– Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis
– Making Bad Choices by Rita Stradling
– Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop by Isabella Louise Anderson
– Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets by J.C. Roberts
– A Distant Voice by Bridie Blake
– Mother of Wolves by J Aislynn d’Merricksson
– Until Love Finds You by Pamela Aares
– Snowbound with an Heiress by Jennifer Faye
– The Breakup Support Group by Cheyanne Young>
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
– Something Just Like This by Tracy Krimmer – 20 November
– Rescuing Prince Charming by Edward Hoornaert – 21 November – New!
– The Lost Savior by Siobhan Davis – 27 November
– Burning Westchester by H.L. Roberts – 8 December – New!
– Rogue by S.A. Stephenson – 13 till 19 November
– Book Blitz: Rescuing Prince Charming by Edward Hoornaert – 28 November till 11 December – New!
– Book Blitz: There be Demons by MK Theodatus – 1 till 14 December
– Blog Tour: True Horizon by Laurie Winter – 1 till 14 December
– Blog Tour: Dying for Space by S.J. Higbee – 14 till 31 December
Book Haul:
I did pretty well this week with not buying too many new books. I bought the box set book Kelley Armstrong released for Double Play and Perfect Victim. I enjoyed the Nadia Stafford series and I think it’s awesome she wrote two more novella’s in that work. I am currently reading Double Play. And I bought Air and Ash as it was discounted to 99c, it sounded like a great fantasy read and that cover looks so awesome.
Freebies I grabbed:
You can stop by my facebook post here to see some freebies and cheap/ discounted book I found last week. Here’s the Facebook post for next week.
That is frustrating when repair folks end up coming a whole day later, but hey, you got ice cream out of it. 🙂
I know what you mean about a DNF book unsettling things until you can get back to a good one. I’m hoping that I can go a long time without hitting another one.
Looks like you got some good ones in your haul. Kelley Armstrong’s are typically fantastic. I did pretty good not grabbing review books this week, but I did get two $.99 specials with the Lara Adrian novella bundle and Wild Man’s Curse. They were on my wish list so I was glad to see the sales.
Have a great week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Blade of Darkness by Dianne Duvall
It’s just frustrating when you spend you time waiting for someone who deosn’t arrive.
DNF books always mess up my reading a bit, but I jumped into a book by one of my favorite author right after it. I am currently reading two different books, both by one of my favorite authors. So that hopefully helps 🙂
Nice you also got a week without getting any new review books. Neat you got two 99c deals, I love finding those. Even better if they were for books you already had on your wishlist.
Annoying when lots of little things go wrong, and throw all your plans out. But ice cream is always a good pick me up! I have a DNF post scheduled soon too. I DNF’d a lot of books of the summer, and thought it would be good to round them up and explain why. Delighted to hear you are enjoying SJ’s latest book, it sounds great.
Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…The Sunday Post : Get your bookish news – the struggle is real
Those little things sure can add up when there are lots of them. I only DNF’s 3 books this year so far, but I thought it would be nice to be able to combine all those DNF reviews in one post and being able to share my thoughts about them that way. This new series by Pajonas is great so far!
How very annoying – it always makes me very cross when people don’t turn up after promising to do so. It wastes time – time most of us haven’t got. Glad the ice cream was a comfort, though:). Ooo… I’m delighted the next S.J. Pajonas is bringing out her next book – I really enjoyed the first one. I hope this week is smoother and I should have the review copies of Dying for Space ready for you at the beginning of the week – sorry for the hold-up!
It’s annoying to be waiting for someone and then they don’t show up or very late. The ice cream was really good luckily :). I hope you get the chance to read the next book in pajoans’s series soon, it was really good!
I hate waiting…and waiting. Glad things finally got done.
sherry fundin recently posted…Sherry’s Shelves #141 – Golf & Books
Me too, the waiting is so frustrating. But I am glad it got done now.
Sorry your week was so hectic. I grabbed that new Nadia Stafford novella too. I haven’t read the other one yet, but Armstrong did tell me she is working on an audio for them, which will help me tackle them. 🙂
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…A Plague of Giants Audiobook by Kevin Hearne (REVIEW)
I already bought the first novel back when it released, but also now bought the bundle book with both of them. I just finished Double Play and am currently reading Perfect Victim. I hope they will be in audio son so you can listen to them that way!
Oh no, it sounds like your week didn’t really go as planned at all 🙁 it sucks when that happens, but I also think it means you’ll have a good run for a while. Fingers crossed next week is better!
I’m sorry Christmas at the Candied Apple Café didn’t work for you, it’s disappointing that it didn’t live up to that cute cover.
Wattle recently posted…Letting The Fangirl Out #1
It’s frustrating when things don’t go as planned. This week was better luckily :).
I really liked the concept for Christmas at the Candied Apple Café, but the book just didn’t work for me sadly.
There is nothing worse than waiting for someone to show up who doesn’t. Seems like it causes the whole day to be off. However, pistachio ice cream can fix a multitude of things Lovely Lola! (lol) Hugs…and Happy Sunday!
RO recently posted…WHY DO YOU BLOG?
Yeah the whole day just felt off when the person didn’t show up. I am glad it’s all fixed now.
The pistachio ice cream sure helped :). It’s one of my favorite flavors at the moment.
I feel your frustration on waiting for repair people who never show up! That’s what happened to me last week with the dishwasher! Thankfully I solved that problem by buying a new one. Lol. I’m so glad you’re loving Chaos in Kadoma Wards far. That was such a fun book to write, and I guess that’s coming through with the people who read it. I hope this week goes better for you!
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…NaNoWriMo Update – November 9, 2017 – Fukusha Model Eight
I just hate the waiting as I can never fully relax when I know I am waiting on someone to arrive. Luckily they both showed eventually.
It’s a fun book to read so far :). I am about 70% I think, so I should be able to finish it before release day.
Aw, sounds like a pretty tough week. But at least there was loads of ice cream 🙂
I am not sure how I feel about the double-length tweets though. I think they’re a bit too long. Maybe like 200 characters would have been enough?
Evelina recently posted…Sunday post #32
Yeah maybe a short increase would’ve worked better. I don’t think I’ve needed the maximum length more than once so far. But it is handy that you can fit more in one tweet now.
Weeks like that are horrible! I hope this week is better for you. I hate DNF’ing a book but sometimes you just have to. I had one a couple of weeks ago, and it was one that I was excited for too. Broke my heart. There are so many amazing books to read, so that’s what I remind myself of. Happy reading Lola!!!
I agree sometimes you just have to DNF a book. It’s sad when you’re excited for a book and then it doens’t live up to the expectations.
It’s funny how relatively small frustrations piled on top of each other can really mess up your week. It’s not so much each thing in itself, it’s the way they accumulate. I’m sorry, and I hope this week goes more smoothly for you.
I’m of two minds about the tweet length. On the one hand, I appreciate the brevity of a 140-character tweet. On the other hand, the extra length came in handy the other day, when I was posting about the various stories in my News & Notes post.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm’s Hoard recently posted…Sunday Post – 11/12/2017
Yeah those small frustrations can really pile up and get worse and mess up a week. This week went smoother luckily.
I totally agree, I do like the extra length as I don’t have to be so careful and crop half of my tweets, but on the other hand the longer tweets do lack the brevity a bit that I am used to from twitter.
Some weeks are just like that! Sorry to hear it was a rough one, I hate those. Ice cream fixes many things. 🙂
Glad it was a good work week though! And I was surprised by the Twitter thing…
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #219
Ice ream does make things a lot better :).
I am kind a liking the longer tweets now that I am a bit used to it. But it’s still a bit weird.
Sorry so many things went wrong :-/ But I’m glad you still got your work done and that some good things happened 🙂
I like the new Twitter limit! 140 was just too short and half the time we had to split up tweets which was a pain.
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…The Weekly Update: 11/12/17
I am glad the week had some good things too.
I am slowly getting used to the new twitter limit. I did often have to crop my tweets, so it’s great I don’t have to do that anymore 🙂
What a frustrating week! I’m sorry to hear that – but I hope this week will be MUCH better. That’s great you are currently reading a great book, and yay for some yummy ice cream. 🙂
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Lace-Covered Compromise by Silvia Violet
This week went a lot smoother luckily. And the ice cream sure helped a bit 🙂
Sorry to hear about all the things that went wrong this week. I almost had a DNF but I have OCD when it comes to finishing books. lol
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Hell Life #1
I usually do finish books, but when I don’t feel like reading because I am not enjoying the book I prefer to DNF the book.
Sorry to hear about your off week – they’re never fun and always feel like a pain to get over. (I usually blame daylight savings time – or is it lack there-of this time around?) Hope this weekend has you feeling back on track!
This week was a lot better again so that’s nice and I feel back on track.
Sorry your week wasn’t great. It’s frustrating when people don’t show up when scheduled too. I hope this week is better and your reading is more enjoyable.
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…Book Tag: Book Blogger Test Tag
It was frustrating to sit waiting on them and then they don’t show up or late.
I always dread when I have to wait for someone to show up. It really gets me when they don’t and can’t be bothered to let me know. It does sound like the good outweighed the bad for you in the end:)
Laura Thomas recently posted…What’s New On My Bookshelf #232 and The Sunday Post
I just wish they communicated when they cna’t stop by, one of them did call, but then we still had to wait till he did show up. Luckily there were some good things that happened too.
It sounds like you had a frustrating week. I hope this week is better. Enjoy your new books!
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #122
It was. luckily this week went better.