The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a good week. Lots of work, some milder weather and I finished a really good book! I’ve been busy with tour work, 3 new sign-ups posts went live this week: two book blitzes and a cover reveal. Two cover reveals took place this week and I had 5 or so tours running as well. Some other tours wrapped up after Monday. I am nicely on schedule with my assistant work as I did a nice amount of work for that as well this week.
When it comes to work I found a pretty good rhythm/ schedule for my work were I put about 3 to 4 sign-up posts live each week. That does mean some authors have to wait a while before I get to their sign-up posts, but that amount of work is manageable for me and I don’t overwhelm my tour hosts with e-mails.
I had have a nasty headache Wednesday evening again and took part of the evening off from work and we watched a bit of a movie instead. We had some colder and stormy weather this week, but it seems it getting warmer again now. I also had my computer troubles starting up again after weeks of no crashes happening I got a bunch of crashes again this week.
After the reading slump from last month, I am now trying to find a new balance in my reading of review copies and non-review copies. At the moment I am trying a 50/50 type of balance. First I read a review book, then a book I really want to read, then a review book etc. We’ll see how it goes. This week went well so far. I started a new series The Tainted Accords series by Kelly St Clare and so far it’s really good. I read book 1 within a few days, then read a review book and after that started book 2 and I am already halfway through that one.
Last weekend we watched the movie Jupiter Ascending, it’s a great sci-fi movie! The graphics looked great and the story was a lot of fun as well. Do you have any recommendations for good sci-fi movies?
I am joining Coyer
I am joining the Coyer reading challenge this summer! Coyer is a reading challenge hosted by Michelle from Because Reading is Better Than Real Life, Berls from Fantasy is More Fun and Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My!. The summer Coyer is always more relaxed than winter, basically you can read every format book no matter how you got it. I always have a lot of fun with this reading challenge, so if you were thinking of joining, I would definitely recommend it.
Picture of the Week
Sorry no picture this week 🙁
What did I read this week?
Fantasy of Frost was so good! I was really impressed by this book and I just wanted to keep reading. I forced myself to read a review copy in between and read paper Cranes. It’s a beautiful fairytale retelling with a very well done modern fairytale feel, but at the same time I felt like it wasn’t quite the book for me.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
- Sunday: Lukewarm Couscous Salad
- Monday: Peanut Pasta
- Tuesday: leftover Peanut Pasta
- Wednesday: Curry Rice
- Thursday: leftover Curry Rice
- Friday: Tomato soup with french bread
- Saturday: Japense Curry
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Crazy by Eve Langlais
– Review: Witch Summer Night’s Cream by HY Hanna
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Doughnuts and Deception by Agatha Frost
– Review: fantasy of Frost by Kelly St. Clare
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Newborn by Edward Hoorneart
– Necromancer by Graeme Ing
– Teach Your Heart by Tracey Alvarez
– Naughty or Nice by Jessie Logan
– Right Under Your Nose by Holly Tierney-Bedord
– Fated Memories by Joan Carney
– Remember by Joan Carney
– Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis
– Making Bad Choices by Rita Stradling
– Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop by Isabella Louise Anderson
– Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets by J.C. Roberts
– A Distant Voice by Bridie Blake
– Mother of Wolves by J Aislynn d’Merricksson
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
– The She-Wolf of Kanta by Marlena Frank – 15 June
– Crash land on Kurai by SJ Pajonas – 16 June
– It Starts With L by Cassandra Fear – 21 June
– After I Break by Mandy Peterson – 7 July – New!
– Book Blitz: Little Miss Tress by Tressa Rabbit – 4 till 10 June
– Blog Tour: Scandal by Athena Grayson – 12 till 25 June
– Book Blitz: All That Glitters by Tracy Krimmer – 19 till 25 June
– Blog Tour: Hold Me Captive …Forever – 26 June till 9 July
– Book Blitz: Freak by Erin Lee – 27 June till 3 July – New!
– Blog Tour: Home Field by Laurie Winter – 30 June till 13 July
– Book Blitz: Your crossroads. Your choice. by EJ Apicello – 3 till 9 July
– Book Blitz: Withhold by Andrea Pearson – 18 July – New!
Book Haul:
Only one new book that i bought this week, I also got a bunch of freebies though. After reading my first book by this author recently I’ve been wanting to read more of her books, so when I saw this one was discounted I had to buy a copy. And it’s a crocodile shifter, how cool is that?
Freebies I grabbed:
You can stop by my facebook post here to see some freebies and cheap/ discounted book I found last week. Here’s the Facebook post for next week.
Sounds like a good work and reading week, but sorry about the headache and computer troubles again. I like your balanced reading idea and did a bit of that myself this week. I have been in a weird reading mood where I don’t seem to want to read any of my planned books so I’ve just been picking whatever catches my eye. Guess I have summer fever now that it’s heating up outside. LOL
I need to read that shifter series at some point, too, I look forward to your thoughts on the Crocodile shifter. 🙂
Have a good week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Yakkety Yak – Gaining Ground On My Book Goals
I had really hoped the computer troubles were over, so it’s frustrating to have them return.
Sometimes picking what catches your eye works the best. It’s nice to be able to switch things up a bit and not only read books from a list anymore.
It sounds so fun it’s about a crocodile shifter. I heard a lot of good things about that series so far!
Sorry about your headaches and computer problems. Neither are fun. I hope that both are resolved soon. I’m excited that you got Croc’s Return. I love that series. I hope you love it too.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Audiobook Review: Double Cross by Carolyn Crane (@mlsimmons, @CarolynCrane, @audible_com)
I hope the computer troubles resolve itself soon, as for the headaches, I think I will be never fully free from those.
I heard a lot of good things about that series, so I was happy to get Croc’s Return for cheap now so I can start the series and see if I enjoy it as well :).
I’m delighted you have found a good work balance – it’s important when you work for yourself. My work levels, like yours, are constantly changing so there are times when I’m top of it and times when I feel overwhelmed. Sorry to hear about the headache and the computer troubles again. You don’t need that! Hope this is a good week for you, Lola – and that it stays manageably cool – My Sunday Post –
sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing
Yes finding a good work balance is really one of the biggest troubles when working for yourself. It’s good to know what I can do in a week and sometimes not push myself to hard is more effective in the long run.
I hope this week will be headache free for a change. And I had hoped I had solved my computer troubles and now suddenly it starts up again, it’s so frustrating. I did got some extra reading done while my computer was restarting, so I guess there’s that. But I still rather just have my computer work normally.
It’s back to a bit too warm now in terms of weather, but not too bad yet.
Yes… it must be such a worry with the computer playing up. Occasionally after an update, mine just jams. I’ve learnt how to deal with it, but when that flipping black screen appears, I still feel sick…
sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing
Every time that error screen pops up I also feel sick for a bit. I know restarting it works most of the time, but it’s still a pain and with my computer being old that restarting does take up a bunch of time. I just can’t figure out what’s wrong with it or how to solve it. I just hope it resolves itself eventually.
Fingers crossed… Though I wouldn’t go back to my old computer – this new one with the solid state C drive is so FAST – I can get so much more done!
sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing
Maybe next year or so I can invest in a new computer. Mine isn’t really old yet, but they do get outdated fast nowadays and it’s old enough that restarting does take it’s time.
Sounds like you had a good week, minus the headache and computer problems. Coco shifter is a new one, hope you enjoy it. Have a great week!
I meant Croc shifters. Coco? I must be wanting some chocolate or something lol.
I figured that’s what you meant, although a coco shifter does sound original as well ;).
It was a good week except for those two things. Crocodile shifters is one I haven’t seen much except for this one.
Lots of work is good! It keeps me busy! 🙂
Your balance made me think of what I might be able to do it I do the physical on the weekends and ebook on the weekdays. I might actually get a lot more read that way, just need to start writing stuff down more so I don’t get confused. Need to start using my review notebook again.
Glad you are joining COYER. Summer is always fun because it’s so laid back.
Have a great week, Lola! Happy Reading! ox
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…So much to tell you but I am officially back! 🙂 ~ WIR & SP
I always like seeing how you design the tour banners. I also got a lot of great feedback from author’s on them :).
I think reading two books can really work if you separate them well and it helped me read more this way.
I am looking forward to Coyer :).
I was wondering about Jupiter Ascending! Nice to know that it’s good. The only sci-fi movie I’ve watched recently was Arrival, which I really liked. Oh and Passengers, which was kinda good. I have a review of that one coming up if I can ever get it scheduled lol.
Sorry to hear about the computer crashes. That must be very frustrating. Glad you found a rhythm with the review/ personal books and also with your tour posts. And I’m so glad COYER is back! should be fun…
Hope your new week is a good one.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #198
I hadn’t heard much about Jupiter Ascending, but I thought it was a great sci-fi movie. Lots of action and great visuals and a solid storyline and itnerestign world building as well. I’ll have to look up Arrival and Passengers. I’ll keep an eye out for your review of Passengers.
The computer crashed are very annoying, especially as I thought it was resolved now, but apparently not.
Computer troubles are the worst. I get so frustrated if something isn’t working properly on my pc. I have lot of patience normally, but not with technology not working.
Sounds like you’ve got a good working method. 😉
Have a great week and happy reading!
Maureen Bakker recently posted…The Sunday Post #52: Last Free Days
It’s so frustrating when something like a computer doesn’t work,e specially as it takes a lot of time usually to figure out why it doesn’t work. I have found one thing that helped a bit and a few other things I can try/ check, but it still crashes now and then.
Reading slumps are the worst but I’m glad you figured out something that works for you to get you out of it!
Have a great week!
Me too, it’s been great to really enjoy my reading time again :).
I use that method of reading Lola but I am also very selective about how many review books I take per month. Hope the reading slump passes. A lot of folks have been suffering.
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #269 Heat Wave
I am getting better at accepting less review books, which definitely helps indeed. So far this method of reading really works for me.
How do you manage to do so much. After work these days, I’m dead tired. Been trying to be more selective of the books I read, but now that I have BEA books, I’m going to have to be selective in what I read. Your new books look interesting.
Grace Fonseca recently posted…Stacking The Shelves, Bought, Borrowed and Bagged, Coloring Book Updates
The tour company is my work, so that really helps. I try and accept less new review books lately, which helps.
I know I said I wasn’t visiting Sunday posts today, but I wanted to see how your week was 🙂
What works for me really with keeping the balance is that I make a list of review copies, and then I choose based on my mood from that list. Like, if I’m in the mood for urban fantasy, I pick an urban fantasy from the review copy list. Or if I have no idea what I’m in the mood for, I just pick a review copy with an upcoming release date. Or, if I really don’t feel like any of the books on my list, but I do feel like a different book, then I’ll just give myself a break and let myself read a non review copy. But we all have to find what works for us! And it sounds like you’re finding balance in everything, so that’s good 🙂
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…The Weekly Update: 6/11/17
Thanks for stopping by :).
That does sound like a good way to handle review copies. I am considering making a list of my review books, so I can easier see which genres and such have and can sort on that.
Lately I’ve been picking the next book with a release day next every time, which probably only made the whole forced feel worse and contributed to the slump. I really like being able to review books around the release day, but for now I decided to let that goal loose a bit if necessary. And indeed if you have no idea what to pick, picking the one with the closest release date is a good idea.
I love Eve Langlais so I hope you like that one. Sounds like you’ve been keeping yourself busy.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Review: Addicted by Charlotte Stein
I read one of her books so far and really enjoyed that one, so I hope I like this one too :).
Croc’s Return was a fun read for me. I liked it. I still need to pick up the others in the series. So far behind =/
It sounds like you had a good week and that you are finding balance with your review and what you want to read books. Now that it’s summer I’ve cut back on the review requests. I’ve got to be in the RL. I’m picking up a bunch of books from the library (Library Love Challenge) and if I don’t read them I don’t feel bad, I can always pick them up again. Have a great week and happy reading!!
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…Buy The Books: New Releases 6/12 – 6/16 #BookDeals #Free
That’s good to know you enjoyed Croc’s return. I hope I can read it soon!
I also am cutting back on review requests and am trying to focus on arc teams I am part of and authors/ series I already started. I hope I can keep this balance between review books and the ones I want to read.
Sounds like a pretty nice week! I feel like I’ve been bad with keeping up with comments/visiting blogs, but other than that, not too bad. 🙂
I really want to try reading more of my own books too. I’m getting through a lot of review books at the moment so I’m close to being fairly caught up.
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Straight Expectations: The Story of a Family in Transition by Peggy Cryden
I also have been bad with commenting on other blogs lately. I feel pretty bad about it. I am sorry about not visiting your blog in a while. I hope to stop by tomorrow if I can.
It’s nice to get to some of my own books as well as review books this way, instead of only focusing on review books.
You got the double whammy.. headache and computer problems. Hope the reading plan works out for you. Have a great week.
Nise’ recently posted…Weekly Reading Wrap Up (SP/IMWAYR?)
It wasn’t fun having both of those in one week. The reading plan is working out for me so far :).
We’re in the middle of a winter spell which is better than that horrible heatwave we had! It’s really depressing when your computer keeps letting you down…I had enough of that last year. Have a good week!
A winter spell does sound better than a heatwave. It has been really warm here lately, so i could go for some colder weather.
A great week except for the headache!! It’s always good to find some balance, and you did that with your business and reading. Nice! I’m looking forward to the cover reveal on Friday for Crash Land. Even just a little extra exposure for the book is great. 🙂 Have a great week!
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – June 11, 2017
It feels nice to finally feel a bit more balanced both with work and reading. I a also looking forward to the cover reveal for Crash Land :). And I hope it brings you a bit of exposure for the book.
Lola recently posted…Review: Doughnuts and Deception by Agatha Frost
oh I am glad to see that you are finding a balance with life and blogging and reading. I am trying to balance things out too.
loverofromance recently posted…Book Review-A Scoundrel In Moonlight by Anna Campbell
It really helps to have found a bit of a balance everywhere :).
Lola recently posted…Review: Fantasy of Frost by Kelly St. Clare