Sunday Post #190

Posted August 7, 2016 by Lola in Sunday Post / 50 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This week was a busy week, but also a nice week overall. I got some work done and made a start with this month’s marketing assistant work. I still feel like I am constantly falling behind on comments though, I don’t know why, but for some reason I just can’t keep up.

My sister came to visit on Tuesday evening, so that was fun. And on Friday evening my mom and her husband came for a visit. So it was a busy week in terms of social activities ;).

Oh and did you see the new goodreads layout? I kinda like it to be honest and I love the fact you can now keep scrolling forever, although that’s the reason why I always keep stuck on facebook, so maybe it isn’t a good thing. What do you think of the new layout?

Picture of the Week

These handy one person portion ice creams are sold at your supermarket. This is one of favorite flavours, mango sorbett ice cream. It’s really good. I sometimes buy these as they taste good and are yummy. What kind of ice cream do you like? Do they have one portion ice cream where you live?

What did I read this week?

The Immortality CureAll-Butter ShortDead

I read two books this week and they were both 4 star reads, so I think it was a good week for reading. And I made some nice progress on my current reads as well.

What did I cook for dinner this week?

This week I blogged about:

Lola’s Advice: How to use reviews to promote your book
Review: Jaxson by Alisa Wood
Review: Pirate Nemesis by Carysa Locke
My To-Be Read List #24: poll

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: How to Write Sizzling Synopsis by Bryan Cohen
– Review: August by Audrey Carlan
– Lola’s Ramblings: Ten Games that make me feel nostalgic
– My To-Be Read List #24: the winner
Remember that interview on Daniela Ark her blog I did a while ago? And how people said they would be interested in game related posts, well I am going to give it a try. For the next three months I have one gaming related posts scheduled each month. So we’ll see how that goes and if I decide to do more after that.

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunities:
Summer Haikus by SJ Pajonas
Dominic’s Nemesis by D. Alyce Domain
Secret Baby Scandal by Joanne Rock
Micah by Lee DuCote
Across Borders by Lee Ducote
Don’t Call Me Kit Kat by K.J. Farnham
Before I Shatter by Mandy Peterson
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.

Cover Reveals:
Winell Road by Kate Foster – 12 August

Blog Tour: The Dragon Sphere by Abel Gallardo – 8 till 21 August
Blog Tour: Here Comes the Witch by Ani Gonzalez – 7 till 20 September – New!

Book Haul:

Ghosts and KissesAll Butter ShortDeadHeart of a DragonJaredOne Night with the Golden GodessOne Night in the Mummy's LairStar NomadBound by Faerie

Ghosts and Kisses was a box set for 3 books for only 0.99$ and it sounded fun so I bought it with my amazon gift card money. Heart of a Dragon, Jared and Star Nomad were also books I bought with my won amazon gift card money. All-Butter ShortDead was a book I got for review (it’s free last time I checked) and it’s a prequel to the series. And the two One Night books were freebies after joining the author her newsletter. I got Bound by Faerie for review and I am looking forward to reading it.

Freebies I grabbed:

I grabbed the following freebies this week: Random Acts of Murder (Cozy Mystery), The Vampire’s Mail Order Bride (Paranormal Romance), Witch Is When It All Began (Cozy Mystery), Witched At Birth (Paranormal Romance) and Becoming Human (sci-fi dystopia).


50 responses to “Sunday Post #190

  1. Every ice cream portion is a one-person portion for me, haha. Actually I don’t eat regular ice cream anymore, but I do sometimes have coconut milk ice cream (though I got kind of sick of that and haven’t had it in a while) or frozen kefir. Almond milk ice cream is good too, but it doesn’t have as much good-for-you stuff as the other two.

    Anyway, it does sound like you had a nice, social week!

    I don’t love the new GR layout. The three column thing just looks cluttered and confusing to me. And the way they show the posts that friends have liked or commented on also confuses me because I keep thinking it’s just my friend’s post when it’s actually a stranger’s. But I’ll get used to it eventually, I’m sure.

    Wow, you got a great book haul this week! Enjoy your books and have a great week πŸ™‚
    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…The Weekly Update: 8/7/16My Profile

    • I don’t think I ever had coconut milk ice cream or almond milk ice cream. I would like to give them a try, just not sure if they sell those over here. What’s frozen Kefir? I don’t think I ever heard of that.

      Yes lots of social this week, we also went to a medieval festival yesterday with my boyfriend his mom, but I was too tired yesterday evening to add that to the post.

      It does always takes some time to adjust to a new change on goodreads. And in general I do prefer a two column layout, it’s less cluttered, but I don’t mind a three column layout either if they aren’t too busy.

      Yes lots of new books this week, but only one is a review coy.

  2. I wish Goodreads would let us hide things we don’t want on our front page though. Glad that quote of the day is gone but I don’t want things like recs and featured groups but you can’t hide them. The rest of the new page is ok. Like the Tori Centanni and WB McKay covers-nice!
    chucklesthescot recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #143My Profile

    • I agree it would be nice if you could choose what you want to see on the front page and what not. Then everyone could pick what they want to see and what don’t.

  3. You can get a single serve ice cream but it’s usually only like vanilla or chocolate. Ben & Jerry’s offers small tubs, but it’s more than one serving. Mango Sorbet sounds good. I loved all of ANi Gonzalez’s books hope you do too!
    Shandy Jo recently posted…Sunday Cup of…My Profile

    • Here the options are more limited for single serving ice cream, but I think they do have like 6 different flavours of this brand.

      I am looking forward to read one of Ani Gonzalez her books, they all look so fun!

    • Sorry! Maybe buying single portions does help though ;). I really like these single portions ones so i don’t have to scoop the ice cream to a bowl first.

  4. I haven’t even checked out the new Goodreads yet, can you believe it? I need to do that today. I’m so behind at updating over there… I think my “currently reading” book is one I finished weeks ago lol.

    I love sorbetto or sorbet- my favorite flavor (around here) is lemon, it’s tart but so good. There’s a place in the northern part of the state that has the best. That mango one I would try in a heartbeat! πŸ™‚

    Yay for game related posts. I like to see those.
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #154My Profile

    • I only stop by goodreads to update what I am reading and posting my reviews, but that’s usually a few times a week.

      Oh lemon ice cream, that sounds good too. Not sure if they sell that here, but will have to check.

      I hope you’ll like my game related posts! I am a bit nervous about doing them as I am afraid no one will like them, but we’ll see how it goes.

      • I imagine your game post will go well! Michelle at Because Reading was doing App reviews for a while, and read Me Away was doing game posts- they were always fun to read. With all the games out there it’s fun to see what people are playing…
        Greg recently posted…The Olympics Book TagMy Profile

        • Thanks! I’ve done a few game posts a few years ago and they didn’t got much attention back then and as my Ramblings posts are normally my most popular posts I guess I am just afraid they won’t do as well now that I am talking about games. But maybe that’s just my worrying nature :).

    • It’s a great flavor, I really like it. I agree it will take a bit of time getting used to it, as with all changes, but I do like the new layout πŸ™‚

    • Same here, I love visiting other blogs and talking to other bloggers, it’s one of my favorite parts of blogging. But it’s hard to make time for it some days.

  5. I love the new goodreads layout! I thought I was the only one!!! I have an ice cream obsession but in an attempt to cut down on calories, I have been eating cashew milk ice cream and I love it!
    Enjoy all your new books!
    Samantha recently posted…Sunday Post: Week 31My Profile

    • Same here, it seemed everyone hated the new layout, but I really like it. Glad to know I am not the only one ;). I have to see if we have cashew milk ice cream here as it sounds good!

  6. I am always behind on commenting and keep so many blog emails waiting in my email that sometimes the ones I especially want to read, get lost. Yes they have one serving ice cream in smaller than normal tubs here. And a bit bigger ones for two-three servings. I am not sure about the GoodReads layout yet-I like that you can keep scrolling but still haven’t had a chance to really look at anything else. Hope you have a good week!

    • I wish I could keep up with commenting more, but eventually I will answer them all, it just takes time.
      Oh that’s fun they have all those different sizes. Here it’s mostly these smaller ones and then different sizes of larger ice cream packages.
      I really like that you can keep scrolling as I always would’ve liked that feature and now it’s here.

  7. I’m looking forward to the Ten Games that make you feel Nostalgic to see if I know any of them! It will be fun to see which ones you pick. And I always, ALWAYS feel behind on comments, I hate that as I know it makes people feel unappreciated and that’s not true. I value every comment. But it’s just so hard to make time. All we can do is try!
    By the way, I think you are great at comments!
    Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…The Sunday Post : Get your Bookish News 07.08.2016 – August ProjectsMy Profile

    • Looking forward to hear if you know any of the games I listed :). I hate being behind on comments, as I love replying to comments and visiting back. But it’s so hard to find the time sometimes. I try to be a little easier on myself and if I fall behind a few days it’s okay, I know I eventually will answer them all. And thanks for the compliment, that makes me happy to hear πŸ™‚

    • I hope you find the synopsis book helpful! I thought it was well written.

      Ah it makes sense things changed on Goodreads for authors too. It always takes some time getting used to a new layout, but I really like it so far.

  8. oh I just love the small portioned ice cream cups…mostly because if you give me a half gallon carton of ice cream, I eat way TOO much hehe so the small ones gives me what I love but keeps the portion size of it lower. I actually love the new goodreads layout. I like the two side bars, and that currently reading books are BIGGER!! I have been waiting for that aspect for quite a long time.
    loverofromance recently posted…Lusting For Covers (219) When A Marquess Loves A WomanMy Profile

    • I always scoop my ice cream out of the carton and into a bowl.

      Indeed the currently reading books are bigger, which I like as well. This layout work quite well for me and I like it πŸ™‚

  9. I’m glad you got to catch up with some family this past week, Lola. When your family lives away from you, getting together is so great and I hope you had a really lovely time with your sister and mother! And that it isn’t too long before you get together again.

    I haven’t had single serve icecream in a long time. There was this really great one you could buy a twopack of, and my mother and I shared it. Chocolate flavoured, it was… gelato, I think, and gorgeous. But I’m vegan now, and I haven’t seen any vegan single serve ice creams around. I should keep an eye out, though, because it’s a nice thing to have. I definitely had a soft spot for any mango flavoured icecream as a child, also lemon sorbet/gelato was always my all time favourite. For someone who loved sugar and sweet things, the fact I liked the semi sour one most is rather amusing! *laughs*

    I hope this week is as lovely as last, Lola. xx
    Romi recently posted…On diversity in fantasy and books in general.My Profile

    • My mom lives a few hours away, but my sister lives pretty close by luckily. But we still make time to see each other regularly or talk/ phone online.

      Oh I hope they will make some single serve vegan ice cream eventually. I quite like the single serve ice cream portions, they are so handy. I am a vegetarian, but I don’t think I could ever go vegan. I don’t think I ever had lemon ice cream, someone else mentioned that as well and now I want to try it!

    • I don’t eat ice cream that often, but I usually do like to have a pint at the freezer. Strangely enough I don’t like chocolate ice cream, but I do like chocolate.

  10. Glad you were busy with work projects and got to visit your sister, mom and her husband. The mango sounds like a good flavor. I love most frozen treats especially in summer.
    Wow, nice haul! I have an Ani Gonzalez for review- one of the older ones on the pile- Must Love Ghosts. Hopefully your buys and review books will be good ones.

    I’m intrigued by your first game post.

    Have a good week, Lola! No worries if you don’t get around to visiting our blog. I know how busy life gets or even if you just don’t feel like visiting posts and commenting. πŸ™‚
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Blood Moon by M.J. O’Shea #YoungDelightMy Profile

    • It was a nice week with the visits and work. I bought a bigger box with only mango ice cream now, which is really good. I really like the mango flavored ice cream.

      Must Love Ghosts is the first book in this box set. I hope we’ll both enjoy it! Her books sound really fun.

      I hope you’ll enjoy my game post! I am quite nervous about posting it to be honest.

      I miss visiting your blog :(. I just stopped by as I saw a sci-fi romance review you did pop up on facebook.
      I do want the visit posts and comment, but I just can’t seem to find the time to do so. I just try and get a few comments done each day and then catch up in the weekend, which seems to work, but I preferred my previous schedule were I was only a day behind on commenting max.

    • Some of the flavours like mango sorbett they don’t have in pint sized portions and sometimes the individual portions just are easy to eat as you don’t have to scoop the ice cream out of the pint. I hope you’ll have a good week!

  11. Mango sorbet, yummm. I can’t manage ‘proper’ ice cream, either. So I generally have sorbets – lemon is my favourite. Your book haul is impressive – I particularly like the look of Star Nomad. Have a great week.

    • Now I really want to try lemon sorbet ice, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that flavor so far here.

      Star Nomad sounded really good and it was pretty cheap, so I had to grab it.

    • I’ve read one of Alisa Woods her books and enjoyed it, so I am grabbing her others when they are on sale/ cheap. I really like the sound of this dragon series.

      Good luck with the giveaway! I really enjoyed The Immortality Cure.

    • These are still pretty decent sized for one portions, really makes for a good dessert. Those 3 bites ones seem a bit too small for one portion serving.

      Glad to hear you also like the new layout, it works for me too πŸ™‚

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