Saven Deliverance (Saven #4)
by Siobhan Davis
Rating: 3 stars
Genre: Science Fiction Romance
The Truth Will Set Us FreeI’ve been lied to and betrayed my whole life.
Revealing the truth is the only thing that matters.
The truth truly will set us free.With the political landscape shifting in the galaxy, and the tenuous situation on Earth growing more fraught by the day, Sadie knows time is running out to save mankind. Torn between conflicting agendas, she is forced to make difficult choices that lead to bloody battles and situations she’s not entirely comfortable with.
But this is war, and war means sacrifice.
Ax’s betrayal weighs heavy on her heart and her mind, but it doesn’t override her concern for his welfare. Her desire to protect both the boys she loves is as strong as ever.
Logan has been inaugurated as the new Saven king, but he’s struggling to cope with the pressure of responsibility and the revelation about who Axton is. His people are strongly opposed to Sadie, but she is his forever love and he won’t do anything without her by his side. Faced with impossible obstacles, he is preparing to make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of love.
When the final battle draws near, and it’s time to fight the enemy head on, who will be left standing? And will there be anything left to fight for?
My Review:
I received a free copy from the author and voluntarily reviewed it.
Saven Deliverance is the fourth and final book in the saven series. And while it’s not my favorite book in this series it is a good series ender. My rating for this one is more towards a 3.5 stars and the series as a whole is a solid 4 star. At times the book could feel a bit rushed and it’s feels pretty fast paced and action packed most of the time. I think it did a great job wrapping things up. By the end the most important plot lines are all wrapped up and the epilogue was very well done. This book is full with action, danger, war and more. At times it felt like it was a bit much. There were quite a bit of open ends at the end of book 3 and it felt like they got wrapped up one after another in this book and hardly giving the characters time to calm down a bit. I did like how some of the plot lines got wrapped up, I didn’t like how some of the others got resolved. That’s probably more of a personal opinion and it did feel realistic mostly, I just didn’t quite like all the resolutions.
There are also a few characters that act just a tad unbelievable in this book. Although it did make mostly sense, I think I had just wished things would’ve ended better. Sadie can finally use her Incendio gift and I thought it was a bit overpowered as she can do a lot with her powers and here proceeded to use it a lot. But on the other hand it was nice to see her finally being able to use her gift. We also get a few chapters from Logan his point of view, which was interesting and fit the book. It was nice to get his point of view as well.
Although I wish there was more time for Sadie and Logan to just enjoy each others company. It seemed that there was so much happening in this book, there was no time for things to quiet down now and then. I would’ve liked a bit more sweet scenes to break up the action packed and sadder parts. There is a lot of action, battle, violence and death in this one. It made me a bit sad to see so much blood shed and so many people dying. It was clear Sadie also struggled with this as well. Logan and Sadie their relationship is one of my favorite parts of this book as it was obvious these two care a lot about each other. And Sadie and Logan both are so warm and caring towards each other. It’s beautiful to see how much they care about each other.
The love triangle already got resolved in the previous book, but I have to say again I thought it was resolved well. The fall out of it got nicely wrapped up here. And while I did think Sadie forgave Ax a bit too easily for something he did, it also was written in such a way that I could understand her reasoning. I am happy how it all ended up, but at the same time I wish they had gotten there a bit earlier so we could enjoy that a bit more.
There also is quite a bit of drama in this book and it seemed a bit over the top at times. The stakes are high and there’s quite some emotions coming out and drama cropping up. And then after that it got resolved a bit too easily suddenly. There are also a few world building related things that don’t quite make sense as I would like or get explained well enough to my liking. There are some more political plot lines here as well and it was interesting to see how that developed.
To summarize: while I don’t think this is the best book in the series it did wrap things up well. It is a good ending to the series and I was especially fond of the epilogue. This book is filled with action, adventure, drama and more. At times it felt like there was a bit too much going on as there was hardly space for things to slow down a bit and just enjoy the characters. There is a lot of violence, battle and death in this one, it made me a bit sad to see so much bloodshed. I would’ve liked a bit more happy scenes to break up the sad parts. The romance between Sadie and Logan was one of my favorite parts of the book. A few things seemed to get solved a bit too easily, especially after all the drama and problems it caused first. All in all a good series ender and I would recommend this series to those who like a good YA science fiction romance series as it really is a great series!
It does sound pretty exciting with all the build up to the end. Sorry it overbalanced into too much drama at times. That sort of thing puts me off, too, even while the overall book is good.
My last series ending book was Wait For It by Molly O’Keefe. Each book is a tough romance that are separate stories though connected enough to be part of a series. Because they are only a little connected though meant I wasn’t affected by the ‘end of the series’ book feel. I was only sad there were no more.
Sophia Rose recently posted…Pucked Off by Helena Hunting #TGPUL #Giveaway
It was an exciting and action packed filled read. It just got a bit too much drama, a bit too much killing and a tad too rushed at times. But it was a good ending to the series overall.
Series like that do have less of a clear series ender feel as series that need to be read in order. It still is sad to see a series you enjoy end.
Sorry to hear the series didn’t end on a high note, but at least, as a whole, the series was good.
My last series ending book…I had to think about that one for a minute. It would have been My Perfect Hope (Inn Boonsboro #3) by Nora Roberts. It’s a contemporary romance with a touch of paranormal and it was a really strong ending that tied everything up.
Angela @Simply Angela recently posted…Something to Stitch About: Dimensions Life is Sweet Apron – Stamped Cross Stitch
It was a good ending to the series, but at the same time it was my least favorite book in the series. It just felt like there was a bit too much going on at times.
I like those series enders that tie everything up nicely 🙂
Lola recently posted…Review: Saven Deliverance by Siobhan Davis
I have just got hold of the first book in this series having read your reviews. Thank you for sharing:). The last ending book I read was Emperor of the Fireflies by Sarah Ash, which was the second in her marvellous duology – a Japanese fantasy. She’s a wonderful writer who deserves to be better known:). The pacing, story progression and characterisation is spot on. One of my favourite reads of 2016…
sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing
I am glad to hear you got the first book in this series! It’s a great series!
That sounds like a really good book! I read a Japanese fantasy book from another author last year and it was really good.
It’s been a while since I have read an end to a series. Most of the series I read now have been going for years.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Review: Wolf At The Door by N.J. Walters
That’s nice too, to have series that keep going for a long time.
My last series ender was probably Swear by Amanda Hocking. I waited literally years for that one. Long story.
Your book sounds exciting but it also sounds like it was rushed and I know what you mean, if you are reading a series with a romance you do want some sweet scenes before it ends. Sorry it wasn’t exactly what you were wanting in a series ender. Swear didn’t end the way I wanted either for that matter! I guess we don’t always get the book we want. Great honest review!
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I agree we don’t always get exactly what we hope for. And overall it was a good book, it was just a tad too rushed and I would’ve liked som sweet scenes. But that’s just my personal preference. It did tie things up well, so that part was well done.
too bad the romance wasn’t what you expected and it didn’t reach a good balance either. Too much actions can be very tiring. That’s the problem with series each book has to live up to the expectations the other books set up foe us.
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The romance was actually one of my favorite parts of the book. Even though the focus isn’t really on that part, they do make for a great couple. It just felt like the author wanted to put a bit too much in this book and it felt a bit rushed at times because of that. And the action all the time was a bit tiring indeed. I wanted a bit downtime as well now and then.
That’s good that all the loose ends got wrapped up, but it can be kind of exhausting when things just keep going and the characters never get a break. As much as I like dark and intense books, even I like when there are some sweet or fun scenes here and there to give the characters a bit of reprieve. And that sucks that you didn’t like some of the resolutions. That’s always tough as a reviewer, when you can see that the ending or resolutions to specific things in a book were realistic and fit but you just don’t personally like them. Sorry this wasn’t the best series ender, but at least it wrapped everything up and was a good ending with a good epilogue.
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Yes it was nice to see all the lose ends get wrapped up, but it was a bit exhausting that the characters hardly ever got a break. This one got a bit dark at times and I would’ve liked a bit more sweet scenes to counter that.
With a series like this you know not everything is going to end well, but I still had hope and one of the plot lines ended quite sad in my opinion. And yes it was realistically, but I personally just didn’t like it. And the epilogue made up for a lot and left me with a happy feeling on how things ended at the end of the book.