My To-Be Read List #11: chosen book

Posted July 11, 2015 by Lola in My To-Be Read List / 24 Comments


My To-Be Read List is a meme hosted by Because Reading is Better Than Real Life where at the beginning of the month visitors can choose which book I’ll be reading this month. On the first saturday of a month the poll will be up, then on the second saturday of the month I’ll announce the book that won and on the last saturday of the month I’ll post my review of the book.

Last week you could vote for which book I would read and review this month and the winner is:

the lady of soulsThe Lady of Souls (The Beacon Campaigns #1)
by Jenn Gott

Find The Lady of Souls on Goodreads

For Praxis Fellows, greatness has always been a given. But life doesn’t always go according to plan, and now she finds herself half a world away from where she started. Banned from using magic, employed by the son of a railroad baron to realize a dead man’s dreams, Praxis’ life has become a sort of living death.

Kaedrich Mannly has never done anything of consequence. As the newest member of the household staff of Brindlewood Hall, his role in simple: stay out of sight, and do as he’s told. It’s a far cry from the dreams of his childhood, when he and his twin would rule their imaginary kingdom in the forest, but even if he was brave enough to take on the hero’s role these days, there’s too much at stake for him to risk stepping out of his narrow comfort zone.

When a mysterious beast attacks the local village, both Praxis and Kaedrich end up with more than they bargained for. Soon they find themselves bound together on a quest to discover the source of a growing breach between the land of the living and the dead, on a journey that will take them far beyond the walls of their quiet lives—if they have the nerve to see it through. Because as they both soon realize, saving the world isn’t quite the fate that they’d dreamed it would be.


24 responses to “My To-Be Read List #11: chosen book

    • Yay! It was a close vote this time, I forgot to mention the number, but this one had 6 votes and the other both 4 votes.
      I hope I’ll enjoy this one. I also am reading Freya’s Inferno as I already stared that one. There is a bit fo a love triangle as you predicted, but it’s more that both men are interested in her and she’s just focussing on the problem at hand and not really getting into any drama about the love interests, lol. It’s well done so far.

  1. This is the first time i’ve come across this meme, What a great idea.
    It’s very trusting of you to allow your readers to pick your next book.
    Have you ever found it difficult to get in to a book because it’s just not what you fancy, but you have had to continue because you committed to reading it here?

    • There are only three options to choose from, so that makes sure the blogger still has some sort of control on what book to read. It’s fun to hear which book my readers are more exctted for and then read that. It’s a great meme.

      I think I enjoyed all the books that got picked here so far, although it does happen sometimes that I rather read another book and then have to read my to-be read list book first. I never had a book that I didn’t like and would probably DNF a book if I really didn’t enjoy it and then just read the book that got the second place if possible.

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