Lola’s Ramblings: Why I like and dislike Netgalley

Posted June 25, 2015 by Lola in Lola's Ramblings / 42 Comments


Lola’s Rambings is a feature on Lola’s Review where I talk about me. Usually these posts are everything that doesn’t fall under any standard header, like blog tours, book blitzes, cover reveals or reviews. Lola’s Ramblings posts are are personal discussions of a certain topic. Sometimes about book related topics and sometimes about non-book related topics. This feature was previously known as About Me. The banner for this feature is designed by Michelle from Limabean Design.

I think most bookbloggers have heard of Netgalley. Netgalley is a site where you can request review copies of books in an exchange for an honest review. And while I love netgalley there are also reasons why I dislike netgalley at times or maybe could use more restraint staying away. Those review copies certainly can be a double edged sword at times. In this post I will mention what I like and dislike about netgalley, althoguh the dislikes are not completely netgalley’s fault ;).

Why I like Netgalley


  • Oportunity to request ARC’s. Netgalley offers bloggers and easy opportunity to request ARC’s and review copies. For new bloggers it can be hard to know where to start getting review copies and I think netgalley is a good site to start. And even for seasoned bloggers it’s a great site. So basically I like the concept of netgalley, having a site with a lot of possible review copies by multiple publishers to choose and request from. I still find it hard to request ARC’s from authors, so netgalley or directly from authors is the only way I receive ARC’s and I am happy that netgalley offers that opportunity.
  • No contact necessary with author or publisher. Even though I have been blogger for more than two years now, the thought of directly contacting an author or publisher and asking them for a review copy is a daunting prospect. And I have to amdit I don’t think I ever requested a review copy directly through an author or publisher. I don’t like asking for things and I just can’t make myself actually contact publishers or authors. I either buy books myself or the authors approach me. So that’s one of the things I like about netgalley I don’t have to contact anyone, I just request and the request goes to the publisher and they either reject or accept my request. It also can be hard to send negative reviews to authors sometimes and that’s another reason why I like having netgalley as a sort of buffer between me and the authors/ publisher. Sure it means less personal contact with the author or publisher, but it also means it is less hard to submit negative feedback.
  • Easy to request review copies. Netgalley makes it really easy tor equest review copeis, it hardly costs any time, you find the book you want and hit request, easy as that. There are no mails you have to type no stats of your blog you have to look up again. Everything they need is in my profile already. I just have to remember to update it once in a while, but as my blog doesn’t grow that fast once every few months is enough.
  • Lots of variety. There are other sites who list review copies, but netgalley is one of the bigger ones which means there are lots of books on there. There are multiple genres, authors and publishers on there and lots of books. So for almost everyone there will be a book or genre that appeals to them. I like the variety of choice that netgalley offers.
  • Neat and easy to navigate site. I like netgalley their site, it is easy to navigate and it all looks neat and clean. It’s one of the reasons I never got into Edelweiss as I didn’t like their site and it wasn’t intuitive. Netgalley their site is easy to navigate and I can easily find what I am looking for.

Why I dislike Netgalley

  • The temptation of all the books. Sometimes it’s so hard to stay away from netgalley and the temptation of all the books on there that are calling my name and which I can request. It’s hard sometimes to have that temptation there.
  • Easy to request books. While it’s also a good thing I also think that making it easy to request books can be bad thing. It only takes one click of the button and poof you requested that book. One lapse in self control and you reguested three more books while you were just there to send some feedback. And you can’t take it back after you sent the request.
  • Deadline reading. While I am also happy that netgalley doesn’t really enforce deadlines. I still feel like it would be appreciated if you review the book aroudn the release date. And I often don’t manage that, although I am doing a bit better at this recently and it does make me feel good when I manage to read and review a book before or around the deadline/ release date. Although because there is no contact with the autor or publisher necessary that also means you feel this pressure less than when you had that contact and they actually mentioned the expectation of a deadline. So I usually ignore those deadlines and read the book whenever I want.
  • I can’t see what type the file is before I request a book. I have a kobo e-reader and netgalley isn’t a big fan of epub files it seems, which is the only type of file my kobo likes. See we have a bit of a problem here. Before I request a book I can’t see which format they have available. Almost all books on netgalley work well on kindle, but sometimes there is a pdf and sometimes an epub or sometimes none at all. And often they are acsm files or drm protected, so I can’t convert them to epub. Nowadays I read on my ipad during breakfast which solved this issue partly. I basically read all my netgalley books on my ipad only. Which means at least I can read them now, but I still wish I could read them on my Kobo as well as I like having that choice. And a few of the older books I request I never sent to kindle, so there is no way to download and read them now.
  • Unclear what to do when you don’t want to read a book anymore or didn’t download it in time. I don’t really think this is netgalley their fault, but I’ve had a few issues where I requested books I later didn’t want to read anymore. When I accept a review copy directly from the author they know that might happen, but with netgalley I am always usnure of how to proceed. I have submitted feedback a few times for those books, but it still feels wrong somehow. Or when you didn’t download it before they got archived I guess you can say that’s the reviewer his own fault, but sometimes it happens and sending feedback is the only option you have or directly contacting the publisher. And if you never submit feedback for books you can’t or don’t want to read anymore you still have that count towards your percentage.
  • The pressure of 80%. My current percentage is 63% which isn’t bad, but I really feel that it would be desirable to get my percentage to 80%, also here it’s often the issue that I do read the recently requested book, but some books I requested long ago I lost interest in and I don’t read them. Or I read one book and then when I am there submitting feedback I see another book that catches my interest and I request it and my percentage goes down again. I am hoping that eventually I’ll get to that 80% though.

Most of these aren’t really dislikes with netgalley as a system, but more slightly negative results of using netgalley or having little self-control around netgalley.

What do you like and dislike about netgalley?


42 responses to “Lola’s Ramblings: Why I like and dislike Netgalley

  1. There are two major things I don’t like about Netgalley (apart from the awful temptation, of course !) :
    – They don’t mention when a book is part of a series, or if a series is a spin-off from another series. I’m afraid I’m generally drooling on my keyboard when I request books and don’t think about checking that up, so it’s my fault too. But it would be easier if it was clearly indicated.
    – Their help page comes up as blank sometimes. I sent them mails, I never got an answer. An answer would have been much appreciated ! Well, I managed on my own.
    When I got there first, I requested plenty of books, there was so much choice ! Nowadays, I try to refrain myself to 1 book per month and try to publish the review around the release date. I want to read my own books first and I have quite a lot of them… Great topic, Lola 🙂
    Red Iza recently posted…Cat thursday #44 : Slippin’ and slidin’My Profile

    • The temptation is hard to resist indeed. And I’ve run into the series issues way too often as well. I usually look a book up in goodreads to see if it’s part of a series, but I also did a few impulse request and then ended up with a book in the middle of a series. And I hate starting in the middle of a series and don’t want to have to buy all the previous books first neither. Also it would be such a small and easy thign to fix, to just mention the series name. I have seen a few books were it was mentioned, but most not.
      I never had that help page issue. And that’s a bit weird they didn’t reply. I still requests too many books there, especially now that I know I can read them on my ipad. I wish I had your restraint of only 1 book per month.

  2. The deadline thing is a problem, especially when a publisher approves the book weeks after the request. I wish that there was an option to cancel a request. I learned the hard way at Christmas, that I have to tread lightly when it comes to requesting seasonal reads. There is one publisher that likes to approve all of the Christmas books that I requested a couple of weeks before Christmas. That can create a real scheduling problem. I am really good about not requesting more than I can read, but I don’t have any control over how many will be approved last minute.
    If I am approved the same day as something is archived (that has happened), I simply send feedback letting them know that I wont be reading the book and why.
    Suzi Q, The Book Dame recently posted…Vulnerability Meets Heroism: Walled by Anne TibbetsMy Profile

    • Oh that’s a good one as well, That’s also one of my dislikes. I hate it when that happens and you only get approved weeks later. An option to cancel would be nice, but for this issue and as a way to reverse the impulse request.
      I am not as good with only requesting what I can read and because of the file issue I still have a bit of a backlog, so while I usually get the enw ones read in time, I still have a lot of books from before I rea don my ipad.
      If you get approved on the same day it get’s archived I am sure the publisher will understand why you can’t read it. I mena that’s just weird to approve requests on the archive day.

  3. These are all great points! It’s interesting that you don’t know the file type before you request. 🙁 The NG co-op I use requests ePubs from the authors so I thought that’s what was always posted. Hmmmm.

    From an author standpoint, many of the same points apply to me. It’s nice to put my book there and not have to deal with requesting reviews from bloggers. It’s a set-it-and-forget-it type of thing because the co-op manager handles all of the requests. I do have to pay for my slot, but I consider it money well spent. My goal, going forward, is to always put standalone and first-in-a-series books on NetGalley (I will probably put my short story collection there too once it’s in an omnibus). I find it very helpful in the same ways you do!
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…UtopYA 2015 Wrap-UpMy Profile

    • It’s beyond frustrating that readers can’t see whcih files are available before requesting and it would seem like such a simple thing to add. Nowadays I just send everything to my kindle as then I know it works at least.

      I cna see how netgalley for authros would be a neat solution as well. I think it’s nice you can just put your book on there and people can request it, probably saves a lot of time compared to contacting reviewers with review requests. And I agree that it sounds like money well spent. Netgalley is defintiely a great resource for both readers and authors.
      Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: Why I like and dislike NetgalleyMy Profile

  4. Oh yes, NG, the evil tempter! I get into so much trouble looking over the books and requesting more than I can read. Actually, this year I have done much better. I hate to pass up books, but I just remember the guilt I feel not reading them in time and its easier not to request.

    I don’t have the trouble so much with what format the books are offered b/c I have the free device apps all on my computer if the books can’t be put on my e-reader, but I do wish there was a way to tell before the request was made.

    My troubles have come from publishers/authors waiting too long to respond to my request- sometimes months after I made it- and then they are approved when I don’t have the time to read them. I’ve also had my approval come right before the archive date. A few times I have had to put a note in the explanation that I rec’d the book on such and such date, it archived so I couldn’t read it. Not my fault and I don’t feel guilty.

    The other ticklish things I had to learn by trial and error. Some publishers send out invitations through email for Net Galley links to read their books. The first two times I didn’t realize that if I clicked on the book cover to check out their book then it was an automatic request/acceptance for the book instead of a link to the request page where I could read the blurb and decide. I have also had two books I won through giveaway end up being Net Galley ARCs. Both times it said that the giveaways were for e-book ARCs, but didn’t mention they were through NG. I don’t mind the method, but like you, I try to keep my NG percentage at or above 80%. I feel like I am now forced to read and review their book instead of just enjoying a book I won at my own leisurely reading time. These issues are not NG’s fault, of course.

    Overall, I really like Net Galley and it is my primary source for requesting books. I don’t request as many these days b/c I get many offers from authors or publishers plus I have several of my own books to keep me busy. Good point about it also being easier to be honest in the review when there isn’t direct contact. Not that being honest means being cruel or unprofessional, but its easier to say less positive things if necessary.
    Sophia Rose recently posted…For You by Kristen Ashley and narrated by Liz Thompson #AudioBookReviewMy Profile

    • There are so little books I actualy read in time. I have a lot of books from my early netgalley days when i didn’t read on my ipad yet and then when I couldn’t read it on my kobo I had no way to read the book. So I don’t really feel the guilt anymore as it was normal at first, so it’s hard to change that mindset. Nowadays I actually read most of them in time, although I am still not as strict with the deadlines as I should be.

      I hate reading on my computer, even though all formats can indeed be read there. I am glad I now read on my ipad so I can read the kindle books as well, but still it would be nice to know which format is available before you request.

      I also have heard of the publishers sending out invitations, I only had one author do that and then I already had decided I wnated to read that book and learnt how that worked. I cna imagien the first time would be annoying when you didn’t know it would automatically accept. I think it would bencier to send out real files if you win a giveaway than through NG, not NG their fault indeed, but still unhandy for that percentage.

      Like you said overall netgalley is a great resource and also my primary source for reqeusting books. I am always honest in my reviews, but sending that review directly to the author still feels harder than to submit it on netgalley. By NG I know I never hear back and don’t worry about it. When I sent my link to the author and then never hear back it still feels like I did something wrong :(. I once gave a book 3 stars, but still liked it enough to continue with the series and try other books by the author and then never heard from that author again.

  5. All of these! I do love NetGalley though (and Edelweiss too although I’ll admit that one is hardier to navigate until you get used to it). I’m quite strict with myself on both and never allow myself to have too many unread ones my shelf. My NG ratio usually hovers around the 95% ratio and that’s the way I want to keep it. And I find nowadays that I can get the majority of books I request on there so that makes me even more disciplined as before I used to request extra to allow for the ones that turn me down!

    And I love that cushion between us and the author. I hate when I have to return negative feedback directly to an author and I’m very selective about what books I take on directly from an author. On Netgalley though I’m more likely to take a risk and try something new. Overall I’m all for Netgalley and I love popping on there for a browse just to see what’s coming up.
    Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…Bookish Chat: Why do you read?My Profile

    • I haven’t had the patience so far to figure out Edelweiss, although they have soem books that aren’t on netgalley, so maybe I should give it another try. Oh that’s really neat you keep your NG ratio aroudn 95%. I have had soem issues with books I never read in the past and now don’t want to read, maybe I should just submit feedback for them, so they don’t count against me anymore.

      I also get accepted for most book nowadays and I agree that makes me request fewer as well. While when i just started bloggign I requested a bunch as I knew I probably would be turned down for most of them.

      That cushion between the author and blogger certainly can be a good thing sometimes.

  6. I’ve tried to be careful in what I request from Netgalley. Just because I know if I go request-happy, I’ll never get them all finished in a timely manner. And that worked up until this month.

    I requested the first in a trilogy that was available along with book 2 & 3. I only requested #1. Was approved. Read it. Loved it. And then went and requested the other two! Even though I already had 1 book waiting to be read (not out for a few more months). And then when I went to download them, I saw a book in the released area of the dashboard by an author I love. Again, first in a series. So I had to request that one too.

    Now I’ve gone down from my usual 93-100% to 81%. And I still have a request out. *smacks her own hands* Bad me.

    I also hate when they take forever to approve/refuse you. I requested one in early January. And then it got approved in late March. Well, by that point I’d forgotten I’d requested it! It was pretty much like: Uh… okay? Why did I get this? Oh yeah, asked for it 2 months ago…

    I’ve been pretty good about getting books read before or shortly after their publish dates. So that doesn’t bother me. But that’s also most likely because before this month, I never requested more than 3-4 books at a time. I dread when I finally catch up in my series and ALL THE BOOKS will be out and ready to request the next ones.
    Silvara recently posted…Becoming Jinn (Becoming Jinn #1) by Lori Goldstein (review)My Profile

    • Yeah it’s difficult not to go to request-happy. I have a backlog of books I requested and then never could read as I only read on my Kobo, now I read on my ipad as well and can read them. Because of that I also missed a lot of deadlines. I am at 63% at the moment, so I think your 81% is a great accomplishment. Wish I could reach that number.

      Yeah I wish they were more timely with accepting requests, a week or two max would be nice. On the other hand I also have had requests where I requested the book and got accepted on the same day.

  7. That’s my main problem I have with NetGalley too — while I love that I can get free books in return for a review, sometimes I lose interest in the book or I’ve forgotten to download them in time. Which always counts towards my percentage, so I’ll never be able to get a very high score. I think my percentage is like 50% right now, and I do get denied for certain titles because of it.
    Inge @ Bookshelf Reflections recently posted…The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter by Kate WinterMy Profile

    • My percentage is 63% and I am trying to get it higher, but it is hard as every time I give feedback I often request a new book, which is not helping. I also have a few books I lost interest in completely or will maybe read one day. It’s always a bit hard to decide what to do then.

  8. You hit the nail on the head!:D I hate not being able to see what file i’m gonna get ahead of time, it really throws me off. I’ve gotten a few computer download type files and they drive me crazy! You’re absolutely right though, I always love being able to browse through all the books to see whats coming out.:) The only other issue I have is NG is sometimes not getting a reply either way, if you dont pick me at least let me know, I hate waiting and wondering about approvals. Great discussion hun:D!
    Lanie recently posted…My Thoughts: Black Matter on SyfyMy Profile

    • Not seeing which files there are before you request is one of the things that bother me most and it seems like such an easy thing to fix. I dislike the waiting, I am pretty impatient like that and often prefer to get a response within a book or two. I just want to know whether I cna read the book or not. I also have had a few publisher who reply within a few days and I love that! And it sure is fun to browse netgalley and see all the upcoming releases.

    • i do like the fact that it is not really a big point if you don’t manage to review before the release date, although I still feel the pressure to do so, I don’t actually add the dates to my calendar. A limit would be nice sometimes, but imagine you hit your limit and then see a book you really want, that would be frustrating.

  9. I have problems reading them in time as well. I get a lot of books from Shelf Awareness too. I love getting them, but I never know if they are actually coming after I request. So I almost request everything they have. I always forget to check the pub date on Netgalley, so sometimes I get a few books being released on the same day. I read and then post the review right away, so I don’t have extra time to get the reading done before hand. I feel like it is okay if I review it close to the pub date.
    I hate requesting a book and then when they finally approve I am no longer interested. That makes me feel really fickle, but in reading I guess I am. I need variety to prevent burn out.
    Great topic!

    • I often forget to check the pub date on netgalley as well, I just try and read them as soon as posisble and only after I read them I check the release date to see when I should schedule my review. I have read a few ones early and then try to schedule them around the release day.
      And sometimes your tastes change and it’s annoying that you can’t cancell your request or something like that.
      Lola recently posted…Review: True Colors by Melissa PearlMy Profile

  10. I love these points! I actually *like* the deadline thing, but I think I am just a weirdo 😉 But I agree about the second-or-more in series thing! I learned that the hard way for sure. I now Goodreads check ANY book I think about requesting, just in case! Also, regarding your point about not being able to download the book in time- I have had pubs approve me on the DAY the book was to be archived- so if I hadn’t seen it within a few hours, my window was gone to download BUT my ratio would still take a hit.

    And when I first started, I didn’t know that clicking on one of those “get more info” widgets in random emails would actually just GIVE me the book. Well, NO! That was annoying, and messed up my ratio for a looong time.

    One thing I DO love is the low-pressure thing. Even requesting on EW is full of pressure, because you have to put a REASON, and coming up with all those reasons is stressful! Forget emailing authors and/or pubs, I have an ulcer just thinking about it 😉 At least with NG, rejections sting far, FAR less! Lovely post, Lola! LOVE this topic!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…This Week At Midnight (67)My Profile

    • I don’t like deadline very much, I either try and get it done as early as possible as to not feel the pressure of the deadline or it makes me feel rushed. I also check goodreads usually, although I did make the mistake last month and impulse requested a book and then found out it was the fourth book in a series.

      The first time I got a widget like that the author had asked me first and then send the widget and then I noticed that clicking on the widget automatically accepted it. Beside those I never have gotten them and probably would’ve clicked on them as well.

      I also love the low pressure thing on netgalley. I never really got into EW as it was confusing and while havign to give a reaosn for why you want to read the book might make impulse request less likely, it also seems annoying to have to justify why you want to read a book. And indeed rejection doesn’t sting as much on netgalley as everyone get’s rejected sometimes there, it’s normal.

  11. Now that I have been using NetGalley for 6 months, I understand it a lot better. The 80% is the biggest problem for me. I have reviewed 100% of the NetGalley books I’ve read, but at the beginning I requested too many, assuming I would be declined for most. Even though I didn’t download them all, they still count as requests. I think a book shouldn’t be counted until we download, or we should get a grace/pass number of around 5 books at the beginning, for those who don’t really understand the system. If the stats showed our number over time it would be better also.But if a publisher is just looking at that bottom line number and it’s 65%, they don’t look to see how long you’ve been on NetGalley or read the quality of reviews you write in the end.
    Also in the end it’s free books, so I have no reason to complain!
    Elizabeth recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up 6/27My Profile

    • I know that feeling of requesting a lot at first thinking you would get declined. And indeed as logn as you get accepted they count as received. Maybe you can just submit feedback and say you didn’t download them in time? Then at least it doesn’t count against your percentage. And indeed that one number doesn’t show how many of your most recent requests your reviewed or the guality of your review, but then again quality of review is hard to measure.
      And indeed it’s free books, which is great and I am really happy that something like netgalley exists! It’s a greta resource for book bloggers and reviewers. Although I still think there are a few thigns they could improve.

  12. I think the “deadline reading” could apply to all ARCs. Most of the time though, they have listed their preferences and from what I see, within 2 weeks of pre and post publication is fine. As for the books you are no longer interested in? Just send them feedback explaining why. I talked with a publicist that said she would rather know if you are eventually going to read the book or not, so she prefers to know. It counts as feedback sent and it should bring your percentage up. And if you ever get to it later? send another note! 🙂

    As for 80% – this is kind of irritating, especially because they added this late to the game. I have about 7 books from BEFORE they tracked your percent that I honestly, will never read. Also, did you know if they invite you to read the book that counts against you?
    tonyalee recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up (64)My Profile

    • Indeed the deadline readign also applies to most other ARC’s, so that is more a general issue. And that’s valuable insight form the publicist that she rtaher has feedback saying you won’t read it anymore than not being sure. And indeed you can always change your feedback again if you do change your mind. Great idea!

      I haven’t been invited a lot so far, so I didn’t realize that counted against you. Also when you don’t accept the request/ don’t click on the link in the e-mail? The 80% thing is a bit irritating as I feel like it always counts against me. I am a mood reader and will read most of the book eventually, but maybe not now yet, so there are always some books I haven’t read yet and still some older ones I have to catch up on. I am still determined to eventually get to that 80% mark.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #132My Profile

  13. I think this post sums up perfectly what I like and dislike about Netgalley.

    I love how easy it is to navigate and request. And like you I like the fact that there is a barrier between me and the author/publisher. I’ve never requested an ARC before and with so many books readily available on Netgalley I think there is no real need.

    The thing I most dislike about Netgalley is the ease of request – I think that they should put a limit on the amount of books you have before feedback, as for me, that would create so much incentive. Especially with the 80% ratio for feedback. I feel like I am ever going to achieve that!

    • Thanks :). I also haven’t request an ARC from a publisher directly below and with netgalley there is still a way to receive e-ARCs without having to request them by e-mail. I like the barrier between author/ publisher and reviewer.

      And the ease of request is deifnitely a good and a bad thing. Reaching that 80% is going to be hard, but I am still hoping I eventually reach that even if the progress is very slow and I keep hanging around the 60% for now.

  14. Great post! You’ve written almost all that I love and hate about NetGalley.

    I used to have a case on archiving. I’m from Malaysia so my time zone is GMT+8. There’s one book I requested a week before the archive date, but the book was only approved one day before the archive date. Due to the time zone difference, the title was already been archived when I received the email. But luckily the publicist was to kind that she sent me a link for me to download the book.

    And regarding the Feedback Ratio, I’m trying my best to maintain it above 80% (most of the time it is above 90%). I do have situations whereby I requested a book but don’t feel like reading it afterwards. However, I did forced myself to read them and at least write a short review on why I didn’t finish/like it.
    Regina Foo recently posted…Are You A Book Collector?My Profile

    • Thanks! I also live in a different time, but luckily I never had an issue with archiving like that. That’s nice of the publicist she still sent you a link to download the book.

      I am so impressed by people who keep their ratio so high, I guess that once it’s high it is easier to keep it there, but still I think it’s amazing you have such a high ratio. I am at 67%, which is the highest ratio I’ve had in a long time, now if I can resist requesting more books I might actually get to the 70%.

  15. I still have a handful from back in 2012 sitting in my queue on NG. I’m trying to get through those from my early days of not paying attention but it’s slow going. Some are from accidental clicks before I realized if you click an invite you are accepting it. :/

    On the percentage. I’m now on both sides of NG and approve requests for an author and holy cow the vast majority that come in their % is in the single digits. It made me feel a lot better about my low 80s at the moment. I’m not going to stress too much over it anymore and I seriously had been for a while.
    anna (herding cats & burning soup) recently posted…Interview w/ Houston Havens–menage, cookies, and stubborn,stubborn menMy Profile

    • I requested a lot of books which I couldn’t read on my Kobo, now I am reading netgalley books on my ipad during breakfast, but it’s taking a while to catch up. Lots of people mentioned those clicks for invite and how they didn’t realize at first you autmatically accept them, it would be ncie if they could make that more clear.

      Single digits, really? But then you really have to review only a few or request a lot. That certainly puts my 67% in a new light, lol. I can also imagine that when you see the author side of things, it gives you a whole new perspective.

      • Oh yes. I think we’ve had 100 requests come through the last couple days and probably only 20 of them were above 50%. It’s crazy. Made me feel much more secure. lol

        It really would be nice if they put in a note on all of the invites or had an accept button once you got there. I think 10 on my list are accidentals from before realizing it. Oops!
        anna (herding cats & burning soup) recently posted…The Monthly Herd–June 2015–I survived life with NO internet…barely!My Profile

        • Oh wow, I never had expected that. I always felt like with my 65% I was just hardly getting still accepted. And then all the other commentors on this post say they have high percentages, so I was feeling bad, but now that I know how mnay of them are below 50% I suddenly feel a lot better about my percentage.

          Yeah it would be nice if they added a small note or maybe have you click accept on the netgalley page to really accept it.

          btw today when I was at netgalley I got an extra question after hitting request. Not sure if all books have this, but I am assuming it’s something new. It sounds like a good idea, might make sure there are fewer impusle one click requests.

  16. I joined NetGalley in 2008, but then realized that the e-galleys did not work on the Kindle I had at the time.

    I have been reading for Amazon Vine for several years, and enjoy their system. However, the ARCs have to be tossed afterwards, per their instructions. (That may be changing).

    Now I have a Paperwhite and all formats work for me. At first, I went a little crazy requesting books, before I realized about those percentages.

    I quickly read and reviewed those books…and now only have two or three books at a time on my shelf.

    Good luck…and thanks for sharing.
    Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGEMy Profile

    • I think most reviewers make that mistake when they first join netgalley to request too many books. And then you notice the percenatges. I also had the issue that at first I couldn’t read some of the e-copies I requested and now that I can I stil have a lot to catch up on.

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