About Me: Favourite Fictional Couples

Posted March 31, 2014 by Lola in Lola's Ramblings / 8 Comments


About Me is a feature on Lola’s Review where I talk about me. Usually these posts are everything that doesn’t fall under any standard header, like blog tours, book blitzes, cover reveals or review. About Me posts usually are about books, but are more personal discussions of a certain topic. If an About Me post is about a non-book topic it gets the non-book content posts tag and will be posted on a saturday

Today I am going to talk about fictional couples and which fictional couples are my favourites. As I mentioned before romance is really important for me in books and there just are some couples that are so good together. I don’t really get the whole book boyfriend thing, as I don’t think about male characters in book like that. I like seeing characters get together because they are good for each other and I swoon about them as a couple.

What makes a good fictional couple?
The most important thing for me in romance between two characters is that I can really feel their romance, that I understand why these two characters love each other and to really feel their feelings and chemistry. I also like seeing how a couple influences or changes each other and how they are better person when they are together. They have to complement each other and have things in common and their romance has to be writting believeable. In general my favourite fictional couples are those couples I just want to get together, because I know they belong toegther and are perfect together.

Some of my favourite fictional couples
Here is a list with some of my favourite fictional couples!
Sanaa and JiroNogiku series by SJ Pajonas
These two are just so perfect together. There are no lies or misunderstands between these two, they are honest and open with each other. Their relationship is beautifull and they are so good together. There is a certain scene in the second book where Jiro reacts afterFace Time he finds out a certain something and for my that proves just how much he loves Sanaa. He get’s angry on her behalf. Also they are just so sweet and good together and I just want to read the rest of this series, because I want more of these characters!

Laura and LeeFace Time by SJ Pajonas
Laura and Lee in SJ Pajonas her Face Time series easily made this list as well. Pajonas certainly knows how to write an awesoem couple. Both characters have a past and when they found out about each others past and they accept it instead of running away, it’s beautifull. They have some misunderstandings, but when these two get together they are so good and strong together. They are perfect for each other and I am looking forward to rest of the book in this series!

Elena and ClayOtherworld series by Kelley Armstronghidden
Elena and Clay are one of my favourite fictional couples as well. I just love these two together. They have been through a lot, but they are still standing together. There is just something so awesoem about both these characters and they are both great characters and they just belong together.

Nadia and JackNadia Stafford series by Kelley Armstrong
Again another couple from the same author. Nadia and Jack from the Nadia Stafford series is another perfect couple. Especially the thirs book in this series has some beautifull scenes with the two of them and you realize what they wouldn’t do for each other. Jack also gives Nadia a few ‘presents’ throughout this series, they are very unconventional, no normal couple presents, but they are perfect in it;s own way. I just kept routing for this couple to finally get together and it’s worth the wait when they finally do.

MacKayla Lane and Jericho BarronsFever series by Karen Marie Moning
There is just something about the Fever series in general and Mac and Barrons specifically, I love this series and Mac and Barrons are just awesome together. They fight a lot at first and their romance takes a long time to build, but when they finally do get there *sigh* pbloodlineserfect.

Sydney and AdrianBloodlines series by Richelle Mead
Sydney and Adrian are one of those couples that consists of two very different characters that are so good together. They seem so different, but they actually aren’t and they both become a better person when they are together. They have a lot of difficulties on their way and that makes it only sweeter when they do get together.

Rose and DimitriVampire Academy series by Richelle Mead
Book 4 in this serie sjust shows what Rose is willing to do for Dimitri and how much she is willing to give up. There is a lot they will do to get together and again a lot of difficulties in their way, but that doesn’t stop them.

Siena and CircCountry and Dwellers series by David Estesfire country
Siena is one of my favourite main characters in a book, she isn’t perfect and that makes me lvoe her even more. She has this fierce inner strenght and her love with Circ is so sweet and beautifull and perfect. They go from friends to lovers and it’s one of my favourite type of romances. They make each other complete and complement each other and they are just awesome together.

This list is by no means complete, there are a lot of great fictional coupels out there, but the ones on this list are those who I think of when I think of great fictional couples. The first to come to mind and those character about whom I keep thinking even after I finished the book.

So what are your favourite fictional couples? Do you agree with some of my favourite fictional couples listed?


8 responses to “About Me: Favourite Fictional Couples

  1. Sidney and Adrian! One of my favorites too is Will Cooper and Layken Cohen from Slammed series by Colleen Hoover. They just connect and amidst all the bumps they still managed to find their way to each other, literally and figuratively. 🙂

    • I still have to read Slammed, it is on my to-read list though, I’ve heard so many good thigns about it :). After your comment I am even more looking forward to read it!

  2. Oh fun! I’ve enjoyed a couple of those couples as well. My favorite is Roarke and Eve from JD Robb’s In Death series. They’re married early on in the series then you have like 30+ books of them as a married couple. I just love watching them learn about each other and how they care for each other. Whew. Favorite couple hands down.
    anna@herding cats & burning soup recently posted…A to Z: Adam Von Rothfelder & the Fighting for Irish Trailer!My Profile

    • I will have to check out that series! I love it when you actually see the couple as a couple. In many books the couple get’s together near the end and you don’t have time to enjoy them as a couple.

    • Really Elena and Clay and Mac and Barrons are two of those couples from books I read soem tiem ago, but I still think about them sometimes. They really left an impression.

  3. The only books from your list I have read so far are the Fever books by Karen Marie Moning. And to be honest, I did not like Barrons and MacKayla at all, it was the story itself that kept me reading.
    I cast my vote with Anna, Eve and Roarke are the most amazing couple ever, and I want a Roarke myself.
    aurian recently posted…Recommendations from Maia for April 2014.My Profile

    • I didn’t like Barrons at first, but he grew on me later on the series and I think he and Mac are really good together. I really should try and grab the first In Death book soon to see if this couple really is so amazing as you say they are 🙂
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #68My Profile

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