Sunday Post #66

Posted March 23, 2014 by Lola in Sunday Post / 26 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This week started off bad, but gradually improved. It started with my dentist visit on monday and it was horrible and I was so nervous. And my mouth stayed numb almost 5 hours this time, but at least I didn’t feel anything. Also while I still can’t eat with my right side (cavities got fixed there a few weeks ago), my left side was done this week and I can already eat there again. And when I walked out of the dentist office and made my appointment for over half a year I was so happy. A half year no dentist.

I have a new tour I am organizing over at Lola’s Blog Tours. My first tour on Lola’s Blog Tours was Destiny (Destiny #1) by Cindy Ray Hale back in November and I am now organizing the tour for the second book Synchrony (Destiny #2) by Cindy Ray Hale. It makes me realize how much Lola’s Blog Tours have grown and changed in those few months and I hope it continues to grow!

I got some reading done this week and decided to not read my review book for the Joe 2 tour, but instead I read book 2 and 3 in the Nadia Stafford series back to back. I just needed to read something I was in the mood for, for the last two months I’ve been reading books with deadlines back to back and I just had to read a non-deadline book.
I already got quite some review blog tour stops scheduled for April and May, so the reading for deadline probably starts soon again, but they are all books I am really looking forward to reading.

On the blog it was really quiet this week, only 3 posts instead of 6. And every time that happens I feel a little bit bad. I always try to have a post every day, but some weeks it just doesn’t work out. Next week will be quiet too. I will post my review of the two Nadia Stafford series books I read and I have a great posts about slow building romances scheduled for monday, I really enjoyed writing that one!

Next week in my mom’s wedding, so I’ll be travelling to the other side of the country to be there. My mom has been pretty secretive about what she’s wearing, so I am really curious. I got a pretty new dress for the wedding and I am looking forward to finally wearing it :). btw the link goes to the page on the shop where I bought the dress.

This week I posted about:
Book Blitz: Upside Down by Lia Riley
Blog Tour: Joe 2
How to make neat html posts

What to expect next week on the blog:
– About Me: Slow building romances
– Review: Made to be Broken (Nadia Stafford #2) by Kelley Armstrong
– Review: Wild Justice (Nadia Stafford #3) by Kelley Armstrong

Book Haul:
I only got one new book this week, I really should have weeks like this more often.
destinyDestiny (Brightest Kind of Darkness #3)
by PT Michelle

Format: e-copy
Source: for review
You can find Destiny on Goodreads

When destiny is on the line, will love be enough to light the way?

In order to save Ethan, Nara gets pulled deeper into his dark world, where everything she thought she knew about Ethan and herself turns on its head. Ethan and Nara turn up the heat with bone-melting seduction and heart-rending moments, but surprising revelations, lies, treachery, betrayal, and unimaginable evil will challenge their relationship and their future together. As the stakes rise, encompassing more than just her relationship with Ethan, will Nara make the ultimate sacrifice?

Note: DESTINY is the 3rd book in the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS series. It isn’t the last book.

Current Giveaways (can also be found in my sidebar):
e-copy giveaway of Transformed by EV Fairfall
Tour wide giveaway He Belongs to Me
Your wide giveaway Upside Down

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunity: Chills: a short story collection by Sahar Sabati – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Flawless by Jennifer McGill – sign-ups open till further notice
Blog Tour: One Good Cowboy by Catherine Mann – sign-ups open till March 31
Blog Tour: Wingmen Warriors by Catherine Mann – sign-ups open till April 30
Review Opportunity: One Good Cowboy by Catherine Mann – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Grayson’s Surrender and Taking Cover by Catherine Mann – sign-ups open till further notice
Book Blitz: His Hometown Girl By Karen Rock – sign-ups open till 30 March
Book Blitz: Face Time by SJ Pajonas – sign-ups open till 24 April
Blog Tour: Synchrony (Destiny #2) by Cindy Ray Hale – sign-ups open till 4 May

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26 responses to “Sunday Post #66

  1. Ugh, dentists. I’m scared rigid of the dentist drill and haven’t been for a few years now though I really do need to get some things repaired. I’m also hoping for a few quiet book hauls while I get my teeth into the tbrs on my Kobo. In 4 days I have got through 41 books so that is a good start. Most were under 70 pages so I’ll need more time to deal with the bigger books!
    chucklesthescot recently posted…Book Review: The turning of the spit by Leonard LittleMy Profile

    • I didn’t went for about 1.5 years and then when I did go I had about 11 cavities in 7 different teeth. So glad it’s fixed now. I guess that will teach me to go to the dentist every half year.
      And reading 41 books in 4 days is crazy :O, that’s a lot even if they are small books.

    • Yeah glad those dentist visits are over now. And actually my first blog tour was back in November and I am now organizing a tour for the second book in the series, it made me realize how far I’ve come in such a short time already! And I agree the covers for the Destiny series are beautifull πŸ™‚

    • I once got Brightest Kind of Darkness for review when I was still a co-blogger over at K-Books, seems so long ago. I really loved the first 2 books in that series and I am glad to have gotten the third book for review :). It will probably be my next read.

  2. Have fun at your mom’s wedding and OMG I love that dress! I am very fond of black but the red trim is makes it so cute and the bow! I love that style. Have you ever done on the website ModClothes. They have vintage like clothes and super cute dresses. A little expensive but the sales are great.

    So glad you are finished with the dentist for now. I hate the dentist lol

    I’m not a fan a slow weeks either but they happen every once in a while, but I always think it could be worse I could have no posts for a week. (just the thought made me panic) πŸ˜‰

    Have a great week!!!
    Michelle recently posted…Week In READ-view & The Sunday Post 3/23My Profile

    • I don’t wear a lot of dresses, but I fell in love with this one when I first saw it. I love the vintage style and indeed the red trim and bow really add something to the dress :). I’ll check out that website you mentioned, although at the moment I really don’t have money for new dresses, but it’s always handy to keep an eye on sales.

      Yeah I hate the dentist and I can’t believe how happy I was monday when I returned from my visit. I spend a lot of the day lounching around in my PJ’s and just relaxing.

      I always try to convince myself not having a post on a day isn’t a bad thing, but I still feel bad. After next week, it probably will pick up again. And I already have 4 posts scheduled for next week, so that’s at least one more than this week πŸ˜‰

  3. I think I must be one of the few people who enjoy going to the dentist, even though I had so many appointments, especially the last few years. Anyways, otherwise it looks like you had a good week πŸ™‚
    Happy reading
    Veronica Morfi recently posted…Showcase Sunday #31My Profile

    • I don’t think I ever heard someone say that they enjoy going to dentist, can I ask why? I think my fear for the dentist comes in part from my mom, who was always afraid for the dentist and I think I picked that up as a child. And yeah it was a good week beside that :), I am so happy to have had some time to get some non-deadline reading done.

    • yeah usually my dentist also does the cleaning, but this time there was a lot to get cleaned, so I had to go to the hygienist as well. Ah well I am glad that’s all over now. Thanks for stopping by :).

    • Aww thanks :). I hope the html post is helpfull to you. html can be so overwhelming when you are just starting learning about it. If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them.
      I got the black one, I also liked the red one, but it’s a bit too much red for one dress. And I usually prefer black and I like the little red trimms on the black dress. We will be traveling by train, I don’t have my driver’s license and I actually enjoyed traveling by train, gives me lots of time to read as well :).

  4. I pretty much never want to go to the dentist again, it’s about my least favorite thing to do. Ugh. Anyway glad the blog tours are going well. Have a great week.

    • I totally share your sentiment, but on the other hand if I never go my teeth will probably rot out of mouth eventually. So I guess it’s nessecary, I am going to try and go for my control appointment every half year and hope I don’t get as many caviteis again as I did this time. Thanks for stopping by!

    • Thanks Joanne :).
      And considering those quiet weeks, they still bother me a bit, but indeed it’s good to recharge sometimes.

    • Yeah I am glad it’s over now.

      Thanks :). I love this dress, it’s so beautifull! And I am really looking forward to wearing it!

    • The weird thing is that I always get an anesthesia, so I don’t feel the pain, but I still am terrfied of going there, so I don’t think it’s the pain I am scared for. I usually blame it on me being a contorl freak and I hate not having control.

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