Sunday Post #591

Posted April 14, 2024 by Lola in Sunday Post / 14 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was a pretty decent week. I am now used to the daylight saving time and felt less tired this week. The week started off pretty good with some solid days and I’ve been keeping up with my more positive self talk and check-ins.

I did get my usual period migraine later in the week, which wasn’t nice, but the painkillers did work decently. It also has helped that I do almost no work now when I have a migraine, being able to take those days off every month really has made a big difference. I mostly struggled with my sensory sensitivities being more intense during my migraine as well as brain fog, which is something the meds don’t really help with.

Work wise I did another check on the 3 books I was formatting for an author. I am now waiting on her feedback before making more changes if necessary. I got a new review opportunity booked and there’s a blitz I got the materials for that I want to work on next week.

What did I read this week?

FusedBreaking the Alien Love CurseSlaying at the SaloonDoll Girl Meets Dead Guy

Fused was really good and wraps up some of the big overarching plot lines. I enjoyed seeing the couple together and their banter.
Breaking the Alien Love Curse was a short fast paced scifi romance story. I liked the plot and the urgency of having to break the curse in one night, but I did feel I didn’t get to know the characters as much due to the short time frame and had trouble feeling the romance.
Slaying at the Saloon was another fun read in this series. The mystery had some great twists and I liked reading more about the characters and world.
Doll Girl Meets Dead Guy was a re-read and I loved this one even more than the first time I read it. It was an awesome slow burn grumpy sunshine romance, realistic characters and a world that really comes to life.

This week I blogged about:

Review: The Psychic’s The Things by Ada Bell
Review: Trolled by Lindsay Buroker
Review: Dating a Sun God by Laura Greenwood

Review: The Psychic’s The Things by Ada BellReview: Trolled by Lindsay BurokerReview: Dating a Sun God by Laura Greenwood

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Behind the Frame by Tracy Gardner
– Review: Bastet by Laura Greenwood
– Review: Homicide at the Haunted House by Beth Dolgner

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: Daughter of Isis by Kelsey Ketch
Review Opportunity: Eat Dessert First by Michelle Paris
Review Opportunity: The October That Changed Everything by Connie Lacy
Blog Tour: Scarred Beauty by Jennifer Silverwood – 22 April till 5 May
Blog Tour: Eat Dessert First by Michelle Paris – 7 till 20 May

How was your week?


14 responses to “Sunday Post #591

    • Being able to take days off when I have them now really makes a difference, having to work with a migraine only makes me feel worse.

  1. I’m so glad you had a good week and weathered the migraine well. Smart to sort your work hours around it. I had a sinus headache one day this week, but it didn’t interfere much. Great reading week for you.

    Have a good week, Lola!

    • It really has made a difference to adjust my work around it and do almost no work when i have a migraine. Sorry to hear you had a sinus headache this week.

    • It makes such a difference to be able to take off when the migraines hit, they are still uncomfortable, but not havign to push myself to work helps a lot.

  2. Doing anything with a migraine is so tough, so I’m very happy to hear you are able to take those migraine days off. Looks like you had some good reads. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!
    Sara recently posted…The Sunday Post #22My Profile

    • It’s really helpful to be able to take days off when I have a migraine, it’s really hard to get anything done with a migraine and I realized forcing myself to do things just makes them worse.

    • The migraines are a pain, but at least the meds helped this time, it can be a bit hit or miss how well they work. Doll Girl Meets Dead Guy is such an awesome book and the title is a fun one, as well as fits the story.

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