Sunday Post #577

Posted January 7, 2024 by Lola in Sunday Post / 18 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

First off I want to say thank you to everyone who replied to my last Sunday Post in which I revealed I am autistic. I have to say I was a bit nervous about revealing it, so it really helped that everyone was so understanding and accepting. Thank you!

Now for this week, I am still dealing with burnout and just like last week the pattern continued where I overdid it, got extra tired and then tried to take things easier. It’s really tough finding the right balance of what I can do in a day. And there are still things that need to be done and things I want to do and it’s difficult to balance it all.

On Friday our new fridge arrived. In preparation for it, I cleaned out a few shelves in the kitchen and reorganized a few things as we had some things on top of the fridge which wouldn’t fit on our higher new fridge, so I had to find a new place for it. I ended up throwing some things away, cleaning and reorganizing things. I am really happy with how it all turned out. The new fridge arrived Friday and it works great, makes me realize how badly the old one was working as all our food is actually cold again now.

Work wise I had a few important tasks to work on. I worked on some tasks for one of the authors I do assistant work for, which included some adjustments to the book I am formatting for her, which was fun. I also had a media kit for a cover reveal next week that has to go out next week that I did some work on. And a YA dark fantasy review opportunity that got updated with a new version and I did a new email to my tour hosts and posted on social media about it after updating the cover and information on my website.

What did I read this week?

The Talent ThiefThe Siren's Song

This week I blogged about:

Review: Deep Fried Death by Maddie Day
Review: Moment of Tooth by Lindsay Buroker
Review: A Bid to Rule by Novae Caelum

Review: Deep Fried Death by Maddie DayReview: Moment of Tooth by Lindsay BurokerReview: A Bid to Rule by Novae Caelum

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison
– Review: Needle You Mind by A.C.F. Bookens
– Review: Charmed and Dangerous by Lindsay Buroker

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: Adventures of Takuan from Koto by Ryu Zhong
Review Opportunity: Notes for Neuro Navigators by Jolene Stockman
Review Opportunity: Daughter of Isis by Kelsey KetchNew!
Cover Reveal: Eat Dessert First by Michelle Paris – 12 January 2024

How was your week?


18 responses to “Sunday Post #577

    • Thanks! Getting the right balance is really hard. I definitely got a renewed appreciation for how supportive the book blog community is.

  1. I should probably clean off the top of my fridge just to see what I don’t really need to keep anymore, lol. I’m sure it will take time to figure out the right balance with work and the rest of life, but of course things always happen to throw that off too! I’ll be checking out your review of Lovelight Farms too! Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #151 – January 7th, 2024My Profile

    • I never thought to look there until we needed a new fridge and it was time to clean it out. It’s difficult to find the right balance and then unexpected things happening to throw it off. I enjoyed Lovelight Farms, I hope to pick up book 2 sometime soon.

  2. I’m so glad the new fridge arrived and is working great. Yeah, getting the balance between tasks needing done and the amount of energy to do them is tough.

    Glad you got some work done for your authors and wishing you a good week, Lola!

    • It’s so nice to have the new fridge and no longer having to worry about our food going bad. I hope I can figure out the right balance between tasks and energy.

    • I agree, finding balance is always hard, but it feels even harder now. Siren’s Song was good, although it didn’t pull me in as much as I had hoped.

  3. I’m glad it went well with the new fridge. I love a good cleanup and organize. My daughter is autistic and has migraines so I understand a little. Not everyone will be nice so you are brave to be straightforward with it. I hope this week is a good one!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…National Park Mysteries : Canyon Sacrifice, Mountain Rampage, Yellowstone Standoff by Scott Graham @sgrahamauthor @joeljrichards @TantorAudio #LoveAudiobooksMy Profile

    • It was nice to get some cleanup and organizing done. I didn’t know how to share it at first and whether I wanted to, but after sitting with the idea for a while I felt I wanted to share it and be open about it. It sure made me nervous as I know not everyone will be understanding, but luckily everyone who commented was.

  4. Yay! I’m so glad you got a positive response from everyone on the autism announcement. I’m 47 (almost 48) and everything now is different from when I was a kid, for the better, especially the acceptance of autism and other things like it. I’m grateful that there’s more work and research being done too!

    I’m glad you got the new fridge and I hope your week this week goes well!
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…January 2024 GoalsMy Profile

    • I agree, I do feel a lot had changed in a short time. I read a bunch of non-fiction books on the topic and read about how much has changed in the last few years. Definitely makes me happy there is more knowledge and information about it now and more acceptance.

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