Review: Moment of Tooth by Lindsay Buroker

Posted January 3, 2024 by Lola in Fantasy, Review / 8 Comments

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Moment of ToothMoment of Tooth (A Witch in Wolf Wood #4)
by Lindsay Buroker
narrated by Vivienne Leheny

My Rating: 4 stars

Genre: Urban Fantasy
Age Category: Adult
Type of romance: MF

Morgen Keller’s life has been chaotic since she inherited her grandmother’s old house—and her legacy as a witch.

Werewolves regularly attack her, familiars spy on her, and enemies she didn’t ask for keep lighting her property on fire.

Through everything, she’s been fortunate to have one steadfast ally: Amar.

The lone werewolf is a fearsome fighter, a loyal protector, and he’s sexy in nothing but a magical talisman.

Just as Morgen and Amar overcome most of her problems and officially start dating, trouble from his past arrives in town. The powerful enemy who long ago slew his parents has come to finish off the family.

As strong as Amar is, he may not be able to handle his old nemesis alone. But will he let Morgen help? And is it within her fledgling power as a witch to do so?

My Review

I like this series and continued with book 4. Moment of Tooth introduces a new enemy, an enemy from Amar’s past who has come to find him and is causing trouble. It felt the first three books had the same main plot line with witches causing trouble and it was interesting to see this book take a different direction than the previous books. Although I did find the enemy a bit less interesting as he’s just pure evil and likes killing and that’s why he kills.

The story kept me engaged and wanted to find out how Morgan and Amar would deal with this new threat. It was interesting to see Morgan interact with some more of the witches now that she’s part of the coven. There’s also more of the werewolves. And Morgan’s sister Shaun is still there as well. Besides the main plot line there are some side plot lines as well, with someone who is after Morgan’s book and some special trees Morgan notices on her hikes through Wolfwood. I liked seeing how everything got wrapped at the end. The epilogue was great and I like getting a glimpse of what is next for them.

This book also progresses the romance. Morgan and Amar are growing closer and I liked how their romance deepens in this book. I also thought the plot line with Amar creating pet furniture was a fun one. I like Morgan and Amar as a couple and how they really feel like a couple in this book. I enjoyed seeing them work together to take down the threat.

To summarize: Another great book in this series. I liked how the world building gets expanded and the plot takes a different direction with a new threat emerging. I was curious to see how Morgan and Amar would deal with this new enemy and I enjoyed seeing how they work together to deal with things. There is more of the witches and werewolves and I like seeing things change slowly with the witches being more accepting of Morgan now that she joined their coven. I also like how Morgan and Amar grow closer and really feel like a couple in this book. I like reading about them and seeing them work together to deal with things. I enjoyed listening to this book and look forward to the next one.

4 Stars


You can also read my review on Goodreads and Bookbub.

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