The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This week went a bit better than the last one, but a lot of the things we are dealing with still aren’t resolved. After someone looked at our kitchen sink that is clogged they said another company had to resolve it, but it didn’t get put through correctly so only late this week we got hold of the correct company and they will hopefully resolve it next week. We had someone look at our boiler problem this week and he could only partly resolve it, so we need another appointment for that as well. My boyfriend couldn’t visit the doctor till next week, this is for a test they want to do to see if they can figure out what caused the concerning side effects he had from his new medication. So a lot going on and none of it got resolved yet.
On the bright side it was my birthday this week, I didn’t do anything special, but I had a decent day. I got some money for my birthday that I plan to spend on some books.
Work wise it wasn’t the most productive week, but I still got a few of things done. I put the sign up post live for a new review opportunity. I also worked on a new blog tour that goes live next week. And I wrapped up some assistant work for one of my authors.
What did I read this week?
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Mateer by Veronica Scott
– Review: The Sphinx Pride by Arizona Tape
– Review: Spines and Slaughter by A.C.F. Bookens
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Slashing Through the Snow by Jacqueline Frost
– Review: Capture the Sun by Jessie Mihalik
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Blackbriar Cove by Jennifer Silverwood
– Review Opportunity: Brave Women at Work Lessons in Confidence
– Review Opportunity: Brooke’s Win-Win Pony by Susan Count – New!
– Book Blitz: Adventures of Takuan from Koto by Ryu Zhong – 11 till 15 September
– Book Blitz: The Final Haunt by Kat Mayor – 18 till 24 September
– Blog Tour: Pets in Space 8 – 3 till 16 October
Aah I’m sorry all these issues keep swirling around, but hopefully the next week will bring some resolutions your way! And happy birthday! I’m really starting to enjoy calm birthdays where I just get to chill, rather than trying to plan anything big. Your books look great, the title ‘Minor Inconveniences for Annoyed Pixies’ made me laugh! I hope you have a lovely week 🙂
Juli @ A Universe in Words
Same here, I really enjoyed my calm birthday. That Pixie book was awesome, it was a lot of fun.
Side effects from meds are so common for me that I take few of them!
Happy birthday, Virgo. Have a good one. My birthday is the next weekend.
I hope you have a great birthday!
Hope you have a great week this week! Happy belated Birthday!!
Stormi recently posted…Week in Review #49
Thank you!
Fun to get book money for your birthday. Belated best wishes, Lola. Hopefully the plumbing and boiler concerns will all get met this week and you’ll have productive work days. And, definitely hoping the doc can get your boyfriend’s med situation sorted out.
Have a good week, Sophia!
I was happy with the book money, now the trouble of deciding which ones to buy. The plumbing finally got sorted, but we still need to book the second appointment for the boiler.
Urg! The business with your kitchen sink seems to be going on a long, long time… Let’s hope it’s resolved in the coming week. I hope you enjoyed the Lindsay Buroker audiobook – I love her writing, which got me through the worst of my long covid fatigue. Have a better week, Lola.
I think it’s been almost 3 weeks now before it got resolved, so many various issues that caused it to take longer than it should. I really like Lindsay Buroker’s books and enjoy her audiobooks, I plan to grab the spin-off series in audio as well.
Ugh, I hate sitting around waiting for stuff to be fixed or resolved. Happy Birthday! I’m glad the day was great. <3
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – August 27, 2023
It’s a pain how long this all takes to get resolved.
Hopefully the plumbing and boiler problems will get fixed this week. it seems like it’s taking way to long for it to be fixed. Happy birthday.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Book Review: Beyond The Veil
Due to various things it really is taking way too long to get fixed.