Sunday Post #537

Posted April 2, 2023 by Lola in Sunday Post / 4 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This week was a bit of a struggle. Daylight saving time started last Sunday and then on Monday we got a new boiler, which took about 3 hours to install and the mechanic who did the installation wasn’t exactly friendly. Those events threw me off my schedule and routine, the rest of the week I kept feeling like I was behind and trying to catch up. I got me in a bit of a foul mood too, by now I am doing better, but still not fully back where I wanted to be.

I wrapped up my taxes this week and was happy to have that done. I tried out a new recipe for dinner, split pea soup. It’s a very typical dutch soup that I don’t remember trying before, so I wanted to give it a try. It turned out quite well and I liked it.

It was the last week of the month so there was some work to finish up for the authors I do assistant work for. I even fit in a new tasks that I wanted to start and it was interesting to work on something new even though it took some time to figure things out.

I got a new sign up post live for a blog tour. And another blog tour got booked too, which made me happy, so I plan to work on that next week. I sent out two media kits for tours starting next week as well.

What did I read this week?

I didn’t finish any books this week. I am in the middle of several great reads, but didn’t finish any of them this week. Two great scifi reads I have going that are both the next books in series I like, as well as an urban fantasy novella, a historical mystery audiobook and a non-fiction book about conversations. All of them are good so far.

This week I blogged about:

Review: Shifter’s Heart by Laura Greenwood and Arizona Tape
Review: Pomeranian Puzzle by Molly Maple

Review: Shifter’s Heart by Laura Greenwood and Arizona TapeReview: Pomeranian Puzzle by Molly Maple

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Petrichor Blooms by Mindi Briar
– Review: Mulled Cider and No One is Wiser by Laura Greenwood
– Review: Fugitive in the Forest by R.L. Syme

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: Silver Hollow book by Jennifer Silverwood
Review Opportunity: Close Your Eyes by Chris Tomasini
Review Opportunity: New Normal by Michelle Paris
Review Opportunity: Love in the Cupboard by Mari Jane Law
Book Blitz: A Case of Madness by Yvonne Knop – 3 till 16 April
Bookstagram Blitz: The Donkey Principle by Rachel Anne Ridge – 4 till 10 April
Book Blitz: Entwined Within the Darkness by Charley Black – 22 May till 2 June
Blog Tour: New Normal by Michelle Paris – 30 May till 12 June – New!

How was your week? What’s the most recent new recipe you tried?


4 responses to “Sunday Post #537

  1. Glad the last half of the week wasn’t as stressful as the earlier part and yay for finishing up your tax forms and starting a new tour. Now, you’ll have good reading numbers this week since you have a few in progress. Your split pea soup sounds delicious.

    Have a good week, Lola!

    • I was really happy to have my tax forms done and a new tour live :). This week I only finished two books, but some more that are almost finished. The split pea soup was so good, definitely will be making that again.

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