The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This week was miserable, both my boyfriend and I got sick and we both got Covid. Last Sunday it all started with me having a sore throat, then a few hours later my symptoms had multiplied and I was feeling miserable. The next day I did a self test and tested positive for covid. By Wednesday my boyfriend started displaying symptoms as well and he tested positive as well. It has been a miserable week with us both being sick.
I tried to keep up with the most essential things, like some cooking and laundry as well as some work when I was feeling okay enough. I still managed to put a new sign up post live for an upcoming blog tour. Mostly I slept a lot, gamed a lot and read easy fun and light reads.
We’re both starting to feel a bit better slowly, but it’s very slow going and we both still have a variety of symptoms as well as feeling tired and low on energy.
What did I read this week?
The Final Trial was an awesome ending to this fun and adventure packed middle grade series. I really enjoyed the ending.
Sierra High was a solid read for the first half, but the second half was full of drama and something that happened at the end ruined the book for me. I gave it a 2 star ratings.
Hazelnut Latte and Something to Say was fun and is the second book in this series about a witch who finds a warlock stuck in a teapot. Their romance deepens in this book and they make progress trying to break Azíl’s curse.
The Cupcake Witch is romantic, fun and light and there are plenty of cupcakes. Oakley and Justin were great characters and I liked their romance. The baking and adding magic was fun to read about.
Then I dove right into The Macaron Witch after that. Which was great as well. This time a pastry chef is the main character.
I also finished Healer’s Heart by Carysa Locke which is part of Pets in Space 7 and was a buddy read with Sophia. I really enjoyed this story and being back in this world.
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Sapphire Mage by Dorothy Dreyer
– Review: Trial by Fire by Ariana Nash
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: The Cupcake Witch by Laura Greenwood
– Review: Pets in Space 7 – part 1
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Midnight Craving by Shari Nichols
– Review Opportunity: Abby’s Pony Love by Susan Count
– Review Opportunity: Lily Makes a Way by Susan Count
– Blog Tour: Solitude Lake by Adele Dracy – 28 November till 18 December – New!
That Covid crud is awful and I’ve been sending well wishes all week. Glad you could at least get a little done and cozy up to your game and books. Those Laura Greenwood books sound so fun.
Hopefully this week will start to be better, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Danger in the Stars by Veronica Scott
I really enjoyed bingeing some of those Laura Greenwood books this week, they were fun :). Luckily this week I am doing better, just a lingering cough and some tiredness remaining.
Looks like you enjoyed some fun books this week. I’m intrigued by your new Tour Solitude Lake but I’m just slammed with prior commitments. I’ll keep my eyes open for something first quarter next year. Hope you have a terrific week and find time to read a good book.
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
I am hoping to have more tours for the first months of next year soon, I am working on one now. I am glad I could enjoy some fun reads this week at least.
I’m so bummed that you got covid, but I’m also glad you got a late case of it, so hopefully it’s not too bad. I hope you rest up and feel better soon! <3
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – October 30, 2022
I am really bummed we got covid too after avoiding it for so long. I am still a bit tired and have a lingering cough, but hopefully I am fully back to normal soon.