Sunday Post #449

Posted July 25, 2021 by Lola in Sunday Post / 14 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

Whew what a week this was. It was a very busy week with work and some other things that popped up as well. It was a tiring week, but I am also really happy with all the work I got done. I also had one of those days where I was suddenly very tired and hardly got anything done.

This week was quite busy with work. I had three media kits for tours next that had to go out early this week, a tour I organized that ran this week, as well as cover reveal on Thursday, I also had two new sign up posts that I had to put live and some assistant work too. A few less urgent tasks got moved to the side while I focused on the most important work. I hope to catch up on the rest soon.

And ofcourse in an already busy week something had to go wrong. After updating my Lola’s Reviews site to the new wordpress version something went wrong. I had weird errors pop up and warnings, my site was slow and it just didn’t work right. After some checking around and looking things up I realized my widget area was causing the issues as only when I went there the errors popped up. I ended up installing a plugin that reverts the widget area back to the previous version and that fixed it luckily. It really was a pain to deal with when I was already busy, but I am glad it had an easy fix once I figured out what was causing it.

What did I read this week?

Unexpected DemandsThe Warrior

I finished Unexpected Demands early this week. I had some trouble getting into this one and didn’t fully warm up to the romance but the writing and story were great and I enjoyed seeing what happened next to this werewolf pack and how the couple form book 1 was doing. After that I read The Warrior which was okay, but didn’t fully work for me. I didn’t connect as well with the characters and their romance and the suspense felt a bit random. I did like the ending and the faith Ashlyn had in Cooper.

My current reads
One of my current reads, A Spell for Trouble isn’t quite working for me either as I had hoped, despite the awesome theme or a cozy mystery with water witches who descended from Polish mermaids. The mystery isn’t as intriguing and the way the main character jumps to conclusions is getting on my nerves. I am almost done with it, so I’ll finish it, but probably won’t continue the series. I am not yet sure what to think of Earthrise which I just started. The beginning was a bit overwhelming with all the characters names and alien races, but we’ll see where it goes from here. Luckily my re-read of Broken Flyght is going well. I love this series and book 2 was a great book the first time around and I am enjoying my re-read of it.

This week I blogged about:

Review: Unacceptable Risk by Kaje Harper
Lola’s Kitchen: Vegan Pancakes Recipe

Review: Unacceptable Risk by Kaje HarperLola’s Kitchen: Vegan Pancakes Recipe

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: The Queen’s Triumph by Jessie Mihalik
– Review: Track the Sun by Becca Andre

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: Snuggle with the Strange by Liane Carter
Review Opportunity: While at the Altar by Pamela D. Smith
Review Opportunity: Snuggle with the Shadows by Liane Carter
Review Opportunity: When We Talk by Carrie CraftonNew!
Blog Tour: The Legend of Hobart by Heather Mullaly – 26 July till 8 August
Blog Tour: Change by Lyla Oweds – 26 July till 8 August
Blog Tour: The Twin Stars by Bridgette Dutta Portman – 26 July till 8 August
Bookstagram Blitz: The Light Through the Pouring Rain by James Ruvalcaba – 16 till 22 August
Blog Tour: The Willing by Lindsay Lees – 16 August till 5 September
Blog Tour: Bly by Kelsey Ketch – 20 September till 1 October – New!

How was your week?


14 responses to “Sunday Post #449

  1. Whew, busy week for you! Glad you got a lot done even with the glitch when you switched over to WordPress. Hopefully your reading will be better this week since last week’s books were so-so. I’ll be curious to get your thoughts on Earthrise.

    Have a good week, Lola!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Last Guard by Nalini SinghMy Profile

    • It really was a busy week. It was unfortunate that wordpress update messed up my widget area, but I am glad I found a solution, it was just bad timing in an already full week.

      Earthrise isn’t fully workign for me yet unfortunately. I keep hoping it gets better as it has some good things going for it, but the plot is a bit directionless and I cna’t stand the female main character. We’ll see if it gets better. I am afraid I am in one of those weird reading moods again.

  2. This seems to be a theme of running full out this week. I dropped like a rock yesterday. Luckily I got some reading done before I started watching the Olympics. I am so glad I do everything at Ashley so she handles all the versions, backup and update stuff. I wouldn’t know how to figure it out, so kudos to you.
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted… Capture the Crown by Jennifer EstepMy Profile

    • Sorry to hear you had one of those weeks as well. I dropped like a rock today and did as little as possible. The versions, backup and update stuff can be difficult at times, especially when something goes wrong.

  3. I’ve had a couple books not work for me the past couple weeks. One was for a blog tour and I gave it until 76% and then something happened in the book and I just couldn’t do anymore. I hate DNFing tour review books, but I also know there are so many other books out there it isn’t worth my time to keep reading if I’m struggling that much. Hope you have a good last week of July!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #26My Profile

    • I always feel worse when I DNF a book I got for review too. It’s a shame when that happens. I do agree it’s better to DNF when you’re struggling that much with a book.

    • I agree things going wrong technology wise always take so long to fix and it’s a pain to deal with. I am just glad I managed to fix it.

    • I am always afraid this happens when i update my website, I am glad I managed to figure it out. Less happy about the hour it took me before I figured it out. I am so happy to be re-reading Broken Flyght. It’s awesome seeing her meet Jinzo for the first time and knowing how this all turns out.

    • Same here, I am always nervous when there’s an update. Usually it goes right, but I always worry about it. I am glad I was able to resolve this one.

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