The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a decent week, I got a good amount of work done and no weird things that popped up. My shoulder have been doing okay this week pain wise. And I discovered that cooling my shoulder when it starts to hurt gives some pain relief, so it’s been nice to have something besides pain killers that helps. I read that tip about cooling somewhere (I think someone replied that to one of my previous sunday posts?), but didn’t belief it would help, so color me surprised when it actually did help.
I haven’t had any new tours get booked lately unfortunately, so I’ve been mostly focusing on my upcoming tours and assistant work as well as my new blog posts for authors feature. This week I got a good amount of assistant author hours done. I also sent out the media kit for a tour starting next week and a tour I organized started this week. And I put a new review opportunity live for a paranormal cozy mystery book.
Probably the most exciting thing that happened this week is that I put live my first blog post for authors on my Lola’s Blog Tours site. I’ve been working on this idea for months and I am excited that my first post is finally live. The first post is about what you can expect from a blog tour in terms of results. I plan to publish a post every two weeks. I also set up a form where authors can submit post ideas. I am hoping to spread some of my knowledge this way and help authors. I am working on future posts and have some drafted already.
Michelle from Limabean Designs has done the graphics, it’s nice having a graphic for each post. I always love her designs and it’s so great to have someone who can design all these graphics for me as I have zero design skills myself.
Food Corner
This week I made some banana bread. It turned out delicious as always. I really like this recipe, it has some coconut in it as well. I have the recipe scheduled for my blog, so it should show up in the next few months somewhere. I also tried out a new recipe for Taquitos, basically baked tortilla wraps filled with this spiced mashed potatoes mixture with carrots, onions and peas. They turned out great.
Coyer Spring
I am participating in Coyer Spring this year. Now if I only I can remember to actually link up my reviews.
What did I read this week?
Three solid reads for this week. All 3 books were sequels and it was nice to continue series I already started.
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Black Queen Stray by Lidiya Foxglove
– Review: Wonderstruck by Allie Therin
– Lola’s Kitchen: Cardamon Semolina Cookies Recipe
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: The Scry’s The Limit by Ada Bell
– Review: Bikinis and Murder by H.Y. Hanna
– Review: The Missing Branch by Kay MacLeod
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Death Island The Journey by Kelsey Ketch
– Review Opportunity: Mu by Lyla Oweds
– Review Opportunity: Death Island The Discovery by Kelsey Ketch
– Sheltering Spirits by Lori Allison – New!
– Book Blitz: Love and Other Moods by Crystal Z. Lee – 10 till 23 March
– Bookstagram Blitz: Aofie’s Quest by Angela J. Ford – 15 till 19 March
– Blog Tour Silver Dawn Afire by Sonja J. Breckon – 15 March till 4 April
– Blog Tour: The Angle of Flickering Light by Gina Troisi – 6 till 19 April
Book Haul:
I’ve been in an urban fantasy/ paranormal cozy mystery mood lately and bought a few new books. Bobbins and Bodies I got for review.
You had a pretty good week, Sorry about your shoulder but I am glad it is getting better.
Thank you for the mention, I love doing your graphics for you. Keeps me busy! I have a few things I will have for you this week. Trying to stay productive during the week so I can do other stuff with the family on the weekends.
I hope this week is awesome for you Lola! Happy Reading! xx
Michelle recently posted…The Sunday Post ~ A Very Productive Week ~ Week in READview! 2021
I am so happy with the design work you do for me, I love seeing how the graphics turn out and I really like having graphics for these blog posts :).
That sounds like a good idea to stay productive during the week so you can spend time with your family on the weekends.
It’s great things are going along pretty well. Yes early in an injury ice works better than heat. Heat works better for stiff or tight muscles. I love it when I have a little extra time in my workload because that’s when my mind takes off and comes up with new ideas like your author posts. I love the new graphics.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted… Proof of Life by Hailey Edwards
I am glad the icing works for the shoulder pain. I might try heat as well at some point, but I don’t have a good heat pack yet.
While I like the extra time in my workload to work on new things, it also makes me worry. I am glad I got some work done on the blog posts and the graphics turned out great.
Glad to hear that shoulder is getting better and that the cold worked a little. I love banana bread too.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #242
I am glad I figured out the cold worked. Banana bread is so good!
Sorry to hear your shoulder is still giving you pain but that’s good news the cooling works.
The banana bread looks lovely!
Heather @ RandomRedheadedRamblings recently posted…The Sunday Post #89 – 7th March 2021
I am happy the cooling helps at least for my shoulder. I hope it will be doing better soon.
The banana bread turned out great 🙂
Good idea to ice the shoulder pain and reduce the pain meds. Neat about the first Tours blog post and I love the graphic Michelle did for you. Hopefully your tours will pick up. Yum on the banana bread. Glad you enjoyed your string of sequels you read this week.
Have a good week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh
I think it might’ve been you who recommended the icing. It’s nice to have another thing that helps against the pain.
I am excited about the blog posts and I hope they will help authors. Michelle did such a great job with the graphics.
Cold does help to reduce inflammation; it’s one of the things they had me doing after my shoulder exercises for my frozen shoulder. I hope yours heals up soon.
Your banana bread looks good. We just finished the last of two loaves I made almost two weeks ago. It’s a very comforting treat.
I’m doing COYER Spring, too. I have trouble remembering to link up, too — if I even get the review written! Lately I have had a real block about writing reviews.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm’s Hoard recently posted…Sunday Post – March 7, 2021
That’s good to know you also got the advice to ice your shoulder. I am glad I tried it as it really helps.
I agree banana bread is very comforting.
Sorry to hear about your review writing block :(. I usually do get those written, but forget to do the linkup.
Mmm, I love banana bread and I’m glad the cold compress works on your shoulder! It’s nice to get some pain relief without pills.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – March 7, 2021
It sure is nice to get some relief of the pain without painkillers. I hope this continues to work. And the banana bread is so good!
So glad that the icing helps! Hopefully it will be better in general soon. The banana bread looks amazing and I love the idea of banana bread with coconut! Have a great week!
Katherine recently posted…Life With Leukemia (And Some Reading) – March 7
Thanks! I hope my shoulder will continue to improve. It’s nice the icing helps. I really like the coconut in this banana bread.