The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a busy week and unfortunately a bit of a meh week. I hope all of you who celebrated thanksgiving had a great time.
I had a lot of work to do and then some non work related things popped up that needed to be done as well, which took up quite some time. Then later in the week I had a really bad headache that lasted for days, the worst is over now, but I still feel off and weak. I also have had some troubles finding the right books for my reading mood, which has made me a bit grumpy.
Now for the good news. Work continues to be great and I am so grateful for that. This year has been tough and the past few weeks have been great work wise and that makes me hopeful. I did some assistant work, two tours I organized started this week and another one ended, I put a new sign up post live, I sent out media kits for 3 different tours, as well as some tour related emails. I also had some new tours that got booked that I’ll be working on soon.
And we got our Christmas tree set up this week. It’s so festive and nice to have it in the house again. I also baked some chocolate chip cookies that turned out great.
My apologies for not doing as much blog visiting lately. It’s just hard to make the time for blogging. I still try and fit it in when I can and have some energy, but it’s not as often as usual.
What did I read this week?
I was so happy to finally get my hands on the later Vangie Vale books, so I dived into book 2 right away. It was such a good read, the mystery was another great one with plenty of twists and turns and I enjoy reading about Vangie, she feels so real and you really get a good feel for why she does what she does. I made some good progress with my audio of A Roost and Arrest as well, which is a fun cozy mystery. I am considering DNF’ing my current Kobo read the Bloodless Assassin as it isn’t really gripping me yet. Instead I picked up a short story that was in the back of the box set for the Shifter series by Tory Knightwood.
This week I blogged about:
– Review: A Flock and a Fluke by Hillary Avis
– Review: When You Had Power by Susan Kaye Quinn
– Lola’s Kitchen: Jackfruit Ragout Recipe
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Wolves of Paris by Tori Knightwood
– Review: Vangie Vale and the Corpseless Custard by R.L. Syme
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Spooks by Athena Flores
– Review Opportunity: Kiss of Salt by Smita Bhattacharya
– Review Opportunity: The Road to Hell by Christopher C. Starr
– Review Opportunity: Who Let the Demon Out? by Naomi Bellina
– Review Opportunity: Knitted and Knifed by Tracey Drew
– Bookstagram Blitz: Once Upon a Prince by Laurie Winter – 30 November till 6 December
– Blog Tour: The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel by K.T. Rose – 1 till 15 December
– Blog Tour: The Flyght Series by S.J. Pajonas – 7 till 11 December
– Blog Tour: Death and Decluttering by Nancy McGovern – 4 till 24 January
– Blog Tour: Heaven Falls series by Christopher C. Starr – 10 till 23 January – New!
– Blog Tour: The Twelve Tasks by Katharine E. Wibell – 18 till 31 January
Book Haul:
I bought a few new books this week, but didn’t feel like listing them all. Mostly some new fantasy books as I was in the mood for that.
Glad that you are having plenty of work – but sorry for the headache. I recall when I used to get migraines and afterwards, I felt grim for the next several days… So I hope the coming week is a much better one.
I am actually wondering if this was a migraine as these type of headaches feel different from my usual tension headaches. I am really happy with having plenty of work.
I am so glad your work is picking up!
I put the decorations up on Friday and I love how the house looks. Just so cozy.
I need to find a new way to visit people because that part of blogging has stopped for me, not because I want to but because I just can’t seem to find the time to fit it in.
I hope this week is awesome for you Lola! Happy Reading! xx
I am really happy work is doing well.
I love how cozy the house looks with the Christmas decorations 🙂
I find it really hard to make the time to visit other blogs at the moment. I hope soon I have a bit of time again for that.
A headache that lasts for days sounds AWFUL. Hope you are feeling better. And yay for having your tree up. We’re gonna try to do that in the next few days… 🙂
Glad to hear that work is going well too.
Yay for cookies. 🙂
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post
It really was a bad headache :(. Luckily I am feeling better now and it’s great to have the tree up again.
I think lots of us have had a harder time with blog hopping lately. It’s just a tough season. Hope it gets better soon!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 11/29/20
I agree it’s definitely a tough season, or tough year more like it.
No worries about being busy and not able to stop by the blog as often. I’m glad you’re getting so much done and fun that you got your tree up. We had good weather today and are expecting snow in the night so we strung our outside lights and greenery and I hope to put up the tree this week. Glad your Vangie Vale book was as wonderful as you were hoping for. Hey, I made chocolate chip cookies last week, too.
Yes, Thanksgiving was lovely. You’re just about at Sinterklaas, right? Hope you have a lovely holiday and those delicious goodies you get just for the occasion.
Have a good week, Lola!
That’s nice you had some good weather. I hope you got your tree and decorations up now. I am happy the Vangie Vale book was so good, i really needed a great read.
I am glad to hear you had a lovely thanksgiving. Yes Sinterklaas is today, but I don’t really celebrate except for buying some candies that you can only buy around now. I love kruidnootjes and the chocolate letters you can buy this time of the year.
It’s good to hear you are having a good time with all the work. Sorry to hear about the headache.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #228
Thanks! I am happy with the work and luckily no headache this week.
It’s great that work is going well and hopefully next week will be better. I have ups and downs with reading because I’m moody sometimes. I usually leave December to catch up on things I missed during the year or just read stuff I want, or even get ahead for January. Have a good week, stay safe and well.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Top 10 of 2020
It’s hard to figure out which books I am in the mood for sometimes, luckily I finally figured out what I wanted to read this week.
We had a good Thanksgiving here! We ate lots of food that I made and watched the final Harry Potter movie together. Black Friday, we didn’t go anywhere or do anything, but I did buy a few things online that had good deals. I also got a lot of work done AND won NaNoWriMo! yay!
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – November 29, 2020
I am glad to hear you had a good thanksgiving! I only grabbed one black friday deal this year. And yay for winning NaNoWriMo!
Glad to hear you are still busy!
I know what you mean about blog visiting, I’m struggling a little and miles behind with replying to my own comments but hey, we will get there!
Heather recently posted…Book Review Round Up – November 2020
Thanks! I am really happy work is going so well!
It really is hard to make the time for blog visiting and even replying to comments on your own blog.
I’m sorry you had such a bad headache – when they linger it’s the worst. I hope you feel better this week. But yay for the Christmas tree and productive work week! Don’t worry about being behind visiting, I think we can all honestly say we’ve been there (I often am). Have a great week!
Berls recently posted…Sunday Post with Berls | COVID Quarantine Week 37
It really is the worst when a headache lasts that long. This week was better luckily. And it’s nice having the Christmas tree around again. Some weeks I do so well with the visiting and then others weeks like these I hardly get any visiting done.