Sunday Post #398

Posted August 2, 2020 by Lola in Sunday Post / 18 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was a pretty good week. I worked ahead on a few tasks last week, so this week I could take things a bit slower and focus on some website work that I never seemed to have the time for. I also made some time to relax this week and it turned into a pretty good week overall.

The problem with my sites going down seems maybe to have been fixed? I don’t know. They only went down like one time this week I think, so much less than the past few weeks. I don’t think I did anything to fix it, but I am glad it seems to be going better. I am still a bit worried about my business as these past few months I made less money than usual. My arm is still hurting regularly. I didn’t overdo it this week with any hard work for it, so that helps, but it’s still seems to hurt usually after a normal day work. This level is much more manageable, so I hope I can keep it up and hopefully it will do better soon.

I worked a bit on my Lola’s Blog Tours website this week. I’ve been thinking of setting up a static home page for a while now and finally put that together, it took a while before I was happy with it. Let me know what you think of the new home page! I also adjusted some of the services pages on my site and made them full width as most of the sidebar info is more for the bloggers than authors. I hope this will make the service pages easier to read and less cluttered. I also added a new service to my site, but haven’t officially launched it yet. I mentioned last week that I like providing authors with advice and I came up with a way to add that to my site. I now added a marketing and online presence evaluation that also gives authors the chance to ask me questions and for me to give them advice on where to improve and what they’re doing well.

I launched a new discount for my blog tours. I’ve only discounted my blog tours once before, so I am really excited to be running a discount for these and I hope some authors can make use of it.

blog tour discount

What did I read this week?

Flip-Flops and MurderInductionWarping Minds & Other Misdemeanors

Flip-Flops and Murder was a fun start to the series, but it took me some time to get to know the main character and the mystery didn’t full grip me. I liked the set-up of the story with the main character going on vacation and the resort pets were fun! Induction sadly was a DNF, I really liked the concept of twins who are both shifters and witches, but the story just didn’t grip me. It lacked impact and direction and I just lost interest. Warping Minds & Other Misdemeanors was a solid start to this new series in the Guild Codex world. I enjoyed this one and I liked main character Kit, although I wasn’t a fan of the captive/ prison type of plot line.

Food Corner

This week I made these delicious mini cheesecakes again. They are so easy to make and easy to eat with their smaller cupcake liner size. I really hope you give these a try. You can find my recipe here.

Mini Cheesecake with Jam

Mini Cheesecakes

This week I blogged about:

Review: End Game by Lindsay Buroker
Review: The Hideaway Inn by Philip William Stover
Review: My Country Angel by Melody Sweet
Review: Flip-Flops and Murder by H.Y. Hanna

Review: End Game by Lindsay BurokerReview: The Hideaway Inn by Philip William StoverReview: My Country Angel by Melody SweetReview: Flip-Flops and Murder by H.Y. Hanna

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Bat Wings, Rings and Apron Strings by Erin Johnson
– Review: Facing Wets by Lucy Lennox
– Review: warping Minds and Other Misdemeanors by Annetta Marie and Rob Jacobsen
– Review: My Only Love by Melody Sweet

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: In The Heart of Babylon by SGD Singh
Review Opportunity: The Jade Rebellion by Alanna MacKenzie
Review Opportunity: The Time Capsule by Connie Lacy
Review Opportunity: Midnight Temptation by Shari Nicholls
Review Opportunity: Missing by A.D. Hay
Bookstagram Blitz: Beautiful by Leigh Hatchmann – 27 August till 2 September

Book Haul:

Wild SkyPhantom of the LibraryRelayMedleyHow to Write Non-fictionRomance Your BrandSurvival of the FairestSilver UnleashedRed at NightCrust No One

Wild Sky and Phantom of the Library I got for review. Relay and Medley I won! The rest I bought, some new non-fiction books, next books in series I started and a new book by an author I already knew.

What’s the most recent thing you baked?


18 responses to “Sunday Post #398

  1. Glad the online issues seem to be ironed out. That is too bad about your arm aching like that. My husband has similar issues whenever he does repetitive work with his arm.
    Hopefully your business will pick up soon as people sort out what they are planning for fall and the holidays.
    Your cheesecakes look delicious. I haven’t had to do any baking lately because we end up at graduations parties each weekend where we get fed great food and desserts. 🙂
    Great haul of books and congrats on winning a pair of books.

    Have a good week, Lola!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…The Book Report July 2020My Profile

    • I am glad the site issues seem to be fixed. It was such a pain to deal with that. I think I have to stay careful with my arm and not do too much repetitive work.

      I hope my business will pick up soon, hopefully when people sort out what they’re planning indeed.

      Oh that’s nice too then you can try multiple different foods and desserts at those parties.

  2. These cheesecakes look divine.

    The blog tour page works fine! I managed to find my way with no problem and sign up!

    Hopefully your computer problems are over, what a nightmare, our internet just has to stop for ten seconds and my kids are yelling at me.

    • The cheesecakes were so good!

      I am glad to hear that you visited it and found your way without a problem :). Thanks for checking it out!

  3. I love mini cheesecakes! I’m out of gluten-free graham crackers but they are due to arrive in our monthly Amazon order this week.

    I’m glad you had a good week with things going a bit better with some time to relax too. I’m having a few weird things on the blog I’m trying to figure out so I hope your troubles are over. You got the new Annette Marie read! I’m waiting for the audio later this month.

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    • Mini cheesecakes are just awesome. I hope your gluten-free graham cracker arrive soon.

      Blog troubles can be tough to figure out, I hope you can figure out the weird things on your blog. I hope you’ll enjoy the new Annette Marie read when it’s in audio. I thought it was great 🙂

  4. So pleased your internet connectivity seems to have been sorted out! And I’m glad it’s been a good week – I loved your review of End Game, which I’ve also recently completed – I’ve just become a bit stacked up with reviews, so I haven’t yet posted it. The little cheesecakes looks delicious – I’m not baking at the moment… Have a great week, Lola:)

    • I am really happy the sites issue has been fixed. It was nice to have such a good week.

      Aww thanks! I am glad you enjoyed my review of End Game! I look forward to reading your review for it once it’s posted. I was stacked up with reviews too so I actually finished it a while back.

    • Carpal tunnel sounds painful. I think my issues might be mouse arm related, but not fully sure. It seems to be doing better as long as I don’t do long stretches of repetitive mouse and keyboard switching work. The mini cheesecakes were awesome!

  5. So glad to hear things are better with your websites! What a pain to have them go down over and over again. I like the new static page for your blog tours website. It looks pretty goo!

    • I am really happy that my website are doing better now, it really was a pain to have them keep going down. And I am really happy with how the static home page turned out. I took a bit of inspiration from your home page and those divider lines you had on there :).

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