Sunday Post #396

Posted July 19, 2020 by Lola in Sunday Post / 16 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was a full and productive week. It started off not so good as I had a bad headache on Monday that already started last weekend. Luckily by Monday evening I felt better. After that the week got better. I got a lot done and it was a bit busy, but also some calmer moments in between.

On Tuesday I went to visit my mom to have lunch with her and my sister. Now that we’re not having a lot of new cases of Covid-19 here in the Netherlands I deemed it safe enough to visit again. We had a lovely lunch and still managed to keep some distance most of the time to minimize any risk.

I did plenty of assistant work this week and later in the week I got a new tour that I am currently working on. I also wrote a newsletter for my author newsletter that went out. I did manage to hurt my arm a bit again thanks to a repetitive work task, but I hope to give it some rest again and hopefully it will do better then.

Sadly the struggles with my blog and site being down continued this week, but now it’s more frequent shorter times it’s offline, so that’s progress I guess? I have a plugin that monitors down time so I know when my sites are down. I have no clue what’s causing it at this point, whether it’s something to do with my sites set-up or a hosting related thing. I looked into a plugin that I thought might be causing it, but that doesn’t seem to be the cause. So I have to look into it more or hope it resolves itself.

What did I read this week?

Candy Slain MurderLet's Get Digital

Candy Slain Murder was a great cozy mystery. I love this series and it’s always so comforting to be back for another read. I like reading about the dialy lives of the characters and some character focused plot lines as well as a another solid mystery. Let’s Get Digital was a re-read. The author released the fourth edition of the book and it was free, so I did a re-read and also updated my Goodreads review with my thoughts about the new edition.

This week I blogged about:

Review: Hidden Intent by Teyla Branton
Review: Trowel and Error by H.Y. Hanna
Review: My Future Husband by Melody Sweet

Review: Hidden Intent by Teyla BrantonReview: Trowel and Error by H.Y. HannaReview: My Future Husband by Melody Sweet

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Vangie Vale and the Murdered Macaron
– Review: Wolves at the Door by Lidiya Foxglove
– Lola’s Kitchen: Sweet Potato Peanut Butter Stew Recipe

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: In The Heart of Babylon by SGD Singh
Review Opportunity: The Jade Rebellion by Alanna MacKenzie
Review Opportunity: The Time Capsule by Connie Lacy
Review Opportunity: Midnight Temptation by Shari Nicholls
Review Opportunity: Missing by A.D. Hay

Book Haul:

Another week with no new books, that’s rare. I do have a bunch of books in my cart that I hope to buy soon.

What’s the most recent book you re-read?


16 responses to “Sunday Post #396

    • Here it kept going down till this week and only now it’s slowly going up, so I really hope we won’t get a second wave. I am sorry to hear cases are increasing again in Belgium :(.

  1. How lovely that you were able to visit your mother again – and I’m glad your infection rate is still falling… Sorry to hear about your arm – I may have mentioned it before, but have you a wrist rest or an ergonomic mouse? I swear by mine.

    I hope the issues with your site going offline is sorted and that you have a good week – my last reread was Skin Game last week, before I started reading Peace Talks by Jim Butcher:)

    • I am glad the Netherlands is doing so well with the infection rate, although i am still afraid it will be going up again eventually.

      Thanks for the recommendation, I might have to look into a wrist rest or an ergonomic mouse indeed. I already changed the way I hold my mouse as I was holding it wrong apparently and that already helped a bit.

      I really hope the issues with my site going offline is sorted soon. That’s nice you had a re-read recently too.

  2. Neat that you got to see your family this week and even better that it is feeling safe to have the visit. That is so frustrating about your mystery issues with the blog. Hopefully, you’ll be able to figure it out soon. Glad it didn’t affect getting your work done.
    I had fewer books in my haul this week, but I should try for a few no-books in the haul weeks to better catch up on my reading. 🙂

    I am re-reading the Mercy Thompson series so Night Broken was my last re-read.

    Have a good week, Lola!

    • It still felt a bit weird to visit, but with the cases staying low i felt it was safe enough to visit again.

      I hope I can figure out what’s going on with my blog or maybe it’s a hosting related thing.

      The no new books weeks are nice, but it usually means the week after that I suddenly get a whole bunch of review copies and buy a few books too.

      I enjoy reading your reviews for your re-read of the Mercy Thompson series, it sounds like a good one.

  3. I’m sorry about the headache and the blog troubles. It’s frustrating to have computer issues. It’s great you got to visit family. It will be a long time coming in the US I think if you don’t live in the same town. Have a lovely week. Stay safe and be kind.

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  4. I hope you can figure out the problem with your blog. Blog problems always give me great stress. Sorry to hear about the headache. We have more cases of Covid so we’re still trying to stay away from everyone.

    • It’s difficult to figure out what’s causing the problems. Same here blog problems give me stress too. I wouldn’t be surprised if the cases go up again soon, this week we’re havign a slight upward trend so who knows, we might be back there soon. I still try to keep my distance if possible just to be safe.

  5. I plan to re-read Dune this fall, but I can’t remember the last book I re-read! I have re-listened to all the Expanse books recently, though, so I guess that counts.

    As for your website, you should contact your host and see what they say. They should have some customer service to help you, and they may even have logs they can reference to tell you what’s gone wrong.

    • Re-listening definitely counts too. I like that way of re-reading books :).

      I probably should contact my host indeed and see if they can help me along. I have checked my error logs and am now trying to figure out what they mean and whether that can fix it.

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