Sunday Post #395

Posted July 12, 2020 by Lola in Sunday Post / 18 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was a mixed week, with good parts and bad parts. First the good parts. My boyfriend’s work schedule has gotten a bit more regular lately which has been nice and we’re slowly settling into a new routine again. I took an extra day off last Monday and it was really nice to have a day off. I mentioned my arm pain last week and luckily that is doing better, I changed the way I hold my mouse as I think that was contributing to the problem. I also took it slow for a few days and didn’t computer as much and that seemed to help too.

Now for the not so good part of my week, for a big chunk of this week my sites were offline, I am still not quite sure what caused it or whether it’s fixed. And frankly I didn’t really have the mental energy to look into it much and mostly just tried to focus on the work I could do. And website stuff always is so complicated, so yeah no clue what happened. Which also meant I couldn’t really do much blogging or anything else to do with my site or blog. I did change a few minor things on the backend, but no clue if that’s what fixed it or if that was just a coincidence. I am just glad they seem to be online again for the last day or two and hope it stays that way.

I did my usual amount of assistant work this week, but there wasn’t much else to focus on as things have been quiet again at Lola’s Blog Tours. I hope some more work comes my way soon. A tour I organized ended this week, so I wrapped that up luckily at a day when my site was online again for bit.

What did I read this week?

The Gryphon's LairLost talismans and a TequilaCosmic HonorFatesealBounty Hunters and Black MagicMy Country Angel

I got a lot read this week. It started out great with two awesome reads, but I hit a bit of a slump after that and had trouble finding the right type of read for my mood. The Gryphon’s Lair was a great read, I really liked following Rowan and her friends and reading about all the different types of monsters. Lost talismans and a Tequila was another awesome read in this series, plenty of action and things happening and I can’t wait for the finale to this series. Cosmic Honor I DNF’d as it wasn’t gripping me. Fateseal was the audio I set aside and I DNF’d it for now as the bickering between the two main characters was starting to get on my nerves, the story and narration was good though, so I might get back to it later. Bounty Hunters and Black Magic was a decent read, but didn’t fully grip me either. The setting and paranormal aspect were interesting, but I didn’t fully warm up to the characters and there wasn’t really any romance. There was some lust and sex, but it didn’t really turn into more yet. My Country Angel was a fun cute romance read, but it was a bit on the short side which made it hard to really feel the romance.

This week I blogged about:

Review: Baker’s Coven by Nancy Warren
Review: Perilous Hunt by Lindsay Buroker
Lola’s Kitchen: Chocolate Chip Snickerdoodles Recipe
Review: Lost Talismans and a Tequila by Annette Marie

Review: Baker's Coven by Nancy WarrenReview: Perilous Hunt by Lindsay BurokerLola's Kitchen: Chocolate Chip Snickerdoodles RecipeReview: Lost Talismans and a Tequila by Annette Marie

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Hidden Intent by Teyla Branton
– Review: Trowel and Error by H.Y. Hanna
– Review: My Future Husband by Melody Sweet

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: In The Heart of Babylon by SGD Singh
Review Opportunity: The Jade Rebellion by Alanna MacKenzie
Review Opportunity: The Time Capsule by Connie Lacy
Review Opportunity: Midnight Temptation by Shari Nicholls
Review Opportunity: Missing by A.D. Hay
Bookstagram Blitz: What You Wish For by Gina Wynn – 3 till 9 August

Book Haul:

I didn’t get any new books this week

What are you currently reading?


18 responses to “Sunday Post #395

  1. I hate having internet issues. Last time I have a hard time getting on sites, it was a DNS issue and I had to call technical support and have hem walk me through fixing it.

    • I think it was an issue with my sites or with the hosting as my internet worked fine, it was one my blog and site that didn’t work. Always difficult to figure out what’s causing issues like that.

  2. This is always stressful when the site suddenly does not work properly anymore! That’s when I bless my husband for being an IT guy!

  3. Ah, that explains why I couldn’t get to your Snickerdoodle post earlier this week. Sounds delcious. Glad you were able to fix it or it fixed itself. We were down for a half day last week and it reminded me how much I depend on the internet.
    Too bad about the books you had to set aside, but glad your other books more than made up for it. Hopefully, the slump will leave you quickly.

    Have a great week, Lola!

    • Sorry about the trouble and that you couldn’t get to my recipe post. Seems it wasn’t fully fixed as the problem persisted this week, but it’s doing better on average with shorter outages, but more frequent.

  4. I had computer slowdown and had to load updates and do scans but that is local to me. I’m excited about the Annette Marie book but I am waiting for audio. I wish for you to have good things come your way this week. It’s nice you took a day off. I don’t specifically do that and always feel like I should be doing something.

    Have a wonderful week and stay well!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post  

    • I found your comment in spam indeed, hopefully now that I got these out of spam your comments will post again, but let me know if they don’t. I get so much spam comments I usually don’t look through.

      I hope you’ll enjoy the Annette Marie audio book once it’s available. It’s a great series!

  5. Urg – internet issues! Don’t you just HATE it?? I hope it sorts itself out. And I’m glad your boyfriend’s work schedule is more regular:)

    • I think it was hosting issues or something on my site anyway, not internet. I have a plugin that monitors whether me site is offline, so I know my blog and site where down for others too.

    • Website things can be difficult. I know how to handle most normal things, but when i have to do something new or run into a problem like this I always realize there’s still a lot I don’t know.

      I haven’t started her bookshop series yet, but it’s on my to-read list. It sounds like a good one 🙂

  6. I’m sorry to hear you had website troubles! What a pain for you. It’s always a problem when your business is online and the websites aren’t working. I’m way behind on everything, including blog reading this week. We had internet connectivity problems here and that caused many days of frustration. Sigh.

    • Exactly it’s difficult when your business is online and your website isn’t working. This week was better, but there were still times when it was down. I looked into it a bit more, but still have no clue what’s causing it. I hope it resolved itself.

      Internet problems are the worst too, especially when you need the internet for so many things. I hope your internet troubles are over soon.

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