The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a pretty decent week, some good and less good moments. My boyfriend had some weird working times again, but luckily only later in the week, so the first half was better. With the later half being a bit more tiring. I had a bit of a headache again, but luckily it isn’t too bad yet. Grocery shopping wasn’t too bad this week as I went on a not too busy time and enough people still try and maintain the appropriate distance in the grocery stores at least.
As for the corona situation, the rules have changed here a bit and now we’re only being advised to avoid busy times and keep the correct social distancing. Hotels, restaurants and cafe’s can open again on 1 June, so I guess we’ll see how that goes. I plan to avoid those places for a while longer and see what happens first. Not sure when I’ll feel safe enough to go to those places again or visit other people. Face masks are only necessary when traveling with public transport here.
I got a lot of work done this week, wrapping up the assistant work for my authors. I also had a new review opportunity that went live. If you like historical romance or time travel romance check out the book here. I am also working on a few things like reminders for review opportunity reviewers and thinking of how to change my bookstagram blitzes so they run smoother. I hope to be able to offer the bookstagram blitzes again soon on my site. I think I’ve figured out how I want to change them and hopefully they run more smoothly with those few adjustments.
I tried a recipe for new cookies this week, these were Malaysian coconut cookies and they turned out quite well. The picture is below. They have quite an interesting texture and a rich coconut taste due to the coconut being toasted first before it goes into the cookies.
What did I read this week?
My Change of Heart was a great romantic read, my favorite book in this series so far. I really liked Jody and the romance in this one was so sweet. Trowel and Error was a great installment in this cozy mystery series. I was surprised by who the killer was as I was thinking in another direction had the garden theme is fun. Hidden Intent is the latest book in this paranormal suspense series that I really like and this was another great read. I liked the mysteries and the seeing the character related plot points develop.
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Spartan Heart by Jennifer Estep
– Review: Plot Gardening by Chris Fox
– Lola’s Kitchen: Coconut Semolina Cake Recipe
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Binding Shadows by Jasmine Silvera
– Review: Murder at the Marina by Janet Finsilver
– Review: My Hero Next Door by Melody Sweet
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Never Date a Siren by Byrd Nash
– Review Opportunity: Indigo by Paula Berinstein
– Review Opportunity: In The Heart of Babylon by SGD Singh
– Review Opportunity: The Jade Rebellion by Alanna MacKenzie
– Review Opportunity: The Time Capsule by Connie Lacy – New!
– Book Blitz: The Name of Red by Beena Khan – 1 till 7 July
Book Haul:
I didn’t got any new books this week.
I am the same with not sure when I will actually start going out. They lifted a few things around here but I still don’t feel super comfortable going out if there is going to be large crowds. I know my kids are itching to get out so I might need to take a trip to a park to walk around just to get them out of the house.
Yum! Those cookies looks so good. I love coconut and especially toasted.
I hope you have a great week Lola! Happy Reading! xx
Michelle@Because Reading recently posted…The Sunday Post ~ Busy, Sad and I’m officially back ~ Week in READview!
Same here, they lifted some rules and you can go out again, but I don’t really feel comfortable doing so. I have gone for some walks, we went to a nearby forest this week, but left when it got busier.
The toasted coconut worked so well in those cookies, they were delicious.
Yes, we opened up with restrictions here too, but my husband is still working from home, cases are still on the rise. We are only going out when necessary and wear masks. I don’t need to go to a restaurant and take out is a safer option.
Be safe and happy baking!
Luckily I can stay workign form home, but my boyfriend can’t, so I really hope he can stay safe. I still only go out for walks and grocery shopping. Take out seems like a sager option than going to a restaurant indeed.
We are opening here too and people are going out again. I plan on staying home as much as possible but it really doesn’t help when the other people in my apartment decide to go out around people. I’m not happy about that at all.
I’m glad that you had a good week.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #205
I am staying home as much as possible too, but my boyfriend still has to go out for his work and can’t always avoid people.
I want to try these cookies Lola! I love coconut. Now in Belgium we have to wear a mask on public transportation and every time respecting the social distance is impossible. It’s strongly recommended when we go into shops and shops can’t welcome more than X people per square meter so some shop can only have one to three people at the same time.
I really like coconut too, I think these cookies are great if you like coconut :). Sounds similar to here, except here they mostly rely on the social distancing. Shops still have a limit of people they can allow here as well from what I’ve seen.
Aha, you are from the Netherlands as well, I can guess so by the part about the corona rules.
I’m not intending to go to a restaurant soon myself as it’s such a hastle. I feel safe enough to go, but I’m not up for the hastle. I really expected the gyms to be re-opened as well tomorrow, but unfortunately that’s July 1. I found out after reading it, when I heard it on the radio I thought they said June 1.
Those cookies sound great!
Here’s my Sunday post:
Yes I am from the Netherlands as well. Always good to meet another Dutchie bookblogger :).
It does seem like a hassle indeed and I don’t usually visit them that often anyway, so I’ll stay away for a while longer. I has assumed the gyms would open on 1 June as well, that’s too bad it’s another month.
Good that you got a lot of work done and had a smooth trip to the grocery store. Sounds like you have a good plan for easing back into social situations. Yay for good reading this week. The cookies look tasty.
Have a great week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Rescuing the Ranger by Nicole S. Patrick
It was a good productive week and it was nice to have a smooth grocery store trip.
I’m not usually a fan of coconut unless it’s fresh, but I’m not gonna lie, those look good! 🤤 Lol. I was glad to see that you enjoyed Spartan Heart! I love all of Jennifer Estep’s work, and Mythos Academy is one of my favorite worlds in general. I was very excited when I found out there was a spinoff! But now I’m sad again because I’ve already finished said spinoff 😩 lol
Liliana recently posted…Sunday Post #247: Finally Learned All My Katakana!
I really like coconut so that helps :). I like Jennifer Estep’s book too, although i am a bit behind on her books. I hope to continue this series soon. I really liked the Mythos Academy series.
Things are okay where I live. People are wearing masks in stores and still social distancing and working from home. I have no complaints with that. But we are experiencing a lot of civil unrest here in the States. Not anywhere near me, but still pretty much all over.
Those coconut cookies look really good. I love coconut! My brother hates it. Lol.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…30% Off SFR Direct Sale – June 2020 Only!
I am glad to hear people there are wearing masks and social distancing and working from home. But I am sorry to hear about all of the civil unrest in the States :(.
I really like coconut and these cookies turned out great.