Sunday Post #388

Posted May 24, 2020 by Lola in Sunday Post / 22 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This week started off not so good, but slowly got a bit better. At the start of the week I was tired from not sleeping as well for a few nights and my boyfriend’s weird work hours. Slowly I started feeling better as I got some better sleep. My boyfriend had to work this week, but more normal hours so that was a bit easier to deal with. There were a few annoying things I had to deal with this week, but besides the meh start of the week it turned into a decent week.

It was a busy week for work. I fit in some extra hours when I could for one of the authors I do assistant work for so I could get through more of the tasks this week. I had a book blitz I organized start this week as well as a blog tour that’s still going on. I also did some social media scheduling about my services for Lola’s Blog Tours.

When I stopped by the grocery store to buy a few items one day I was surprised at how busy it was, it was total chaos with lots of people out and about, all the stores were open again and it was difficult to keep the appropriate social distancing. This really worries me as I fear we will get more infections this way. Luckily I got out of there quickly again and picked a day for my weekly groceries that was a lot quieter, but who knows what next week will bring.

A few weeks ago I mentioned I couldn’t review on Amazon anymore, I tried a different way of emailing them this and finally got in contact with Amazon. And it didn’t help one bit. After 3 canned replies I gave up for now. They just keep telling me the same thing that I have to spend 50$ per year using a credit card. I’ve always used gift certificates and have been able to review there, so not sure why this is suddenly a problem. I don’t have a credit card so gift cards are the only way I can buy things there. Anyway I guess this means I am no longer able to review on Amazon. I want to help authors and post my reviews there, but Amazon makes that impossible now.

On a more positive note I tried out a new recipe with chicken, parsley, mushroom dish for my boyfriend this week and it turned out pretty well! Picture is below. I also tried a miso pasta sauce that didn’t turn out as well, it was strangely bitter and tasted like miso soup gone wrong. Maybe it will taste better the second day, but so far I am calling it a miss sadly.

What did I read this week?

Demons in the BedroomStolen Flyght

Demons in the Bedroom was a fun paranormal romance book about paranormal house flippers. I look forward to the second book in the series. Stolen Flyght was an amazing ending to the Flyght series! It got one of those rare 5 star ratings. It was full of action, twists, reveals and conspiracies. And the epilogue and wrap up was awesome. I am sad it’s over but excited that one of the side characters will get her own series!

This week I blogged about:

Review: Starcrossed by Allie Therin
Review: The Last warrior by Susan Grant
Review: Audio for Authors by Joanna Penn

Review: Starcrossed by Allie TherinReview: The Last warrior by Susan GrantReview: Audio for Authors by Joanna Penn

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Spartan Heart by Jennifer Estep
– Lola’s Kitchen: Coconut Semolina Cake Recipe

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: Never Date a Siren by Byrd Nash
Review Opportunity: Indigo by Paula Berinstein
Review Opportunity: In The Heart of Babylon by SGD Singh
Review Opportunity: The Jade Rebellion by Alanna MacKenzie
Book Blitz: The Name of Red by Beena Khan – 1 till 7 July

Book Haul:

The Carnelian FoxTrowel and ErrorDear Writer, Are You In Writer's Block

I got The Carnelian Fox in audio format for review from the author. I really enjoyed this one when I read it last year and look forward to re-reading it in audio format. Trowel and Error is the next book in a cozy mystery I really like and I was lucky enough to get a copy for review. Dear Writer, Are You In Writer’s Block? is the fourth book in this non-fiction series, I loved the first 3 books so I bought this one on release day.

What’s the last new recipe you tried that didn’t turn out well?


22 responses to “Sunday Post #388

  1. I’m sorry your week started off rough, overall it sounds like it turned into a good week! I know what you mean about the stores, things are starting to open up here a lot too and I worry they were going to see a big spike in infections. All we can do is our best despite what everyone else is doing.

    Demons in the bedroom sounds fun, I think I’m going to have to grab that one. Have a great week and stay safe!
    Berls recently posted…Sunday Post with Berls | COVID Quarantine Week 10My Profile

    • I am glad it still turned into a good week. Guess we’ll just have to see what happens with more things opening now and do our best to safe.

      I hope you give Demons in the Bedroom a try, it was such a fun read and I liked the whole paranormal house flippers concept.

  2. I get what you mean by shopping without having people to respect the social distancing! I hope we won’t see a second wave in Belgium either Lola! Now as I spend a lot on Amazon, I never had that answer but I know many bloggers have the same problem. Sometimes, it’s because they feel that you are too close with the author and can’t be unbiased.

    • I really hope we won’t see a second wave, guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

      I do spend money on Amazon, but through gift cards and apparently that doesn’t count anymore even though it always did up till now. I don’t have a credit card so I either win giveaways or send the money to one of my family members who do have a credit card and they gift me a gift card. I do prefer to buy books on Kobo, but still managed to get to the $50 per year on Amazon, now I probably won’t even try anymore and only buy the books I really want.

    • I totally understand, they sure make it hard to review there. I tried to so hard to make it work with reviewing and following all their rules and they won’t even give me a real reply and actually look at my situation. I just stick with the other sites for now for reviewing. I like to review on Goodreads, Bookbub and my blog at least and sometimes do B&N and Kobo as well if the book is there.

  3. Glad the week ended better than it started for you and that Amazon thing is so irritating for so many people. Bummer about the Miso recipe turning out bitter, but that chicken dish sounds good. My state is still closed until June so its not as crazy with people getting close to me here, but I do notice that people really aren’t paying attention to distance when they got through the store and particularly the garden centers because they are outside.
    Looking good with the reading again having a five-star finish to the series.

    Have a good week, Lola!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Spotlight & Giveaway: Spent Identity by Marlene M. BellMy Profile

    • I am really sad by Amazon not letting me review anymore, but it is what it is. I might try and contact them again a few months later and see if I get a different reply.

      Yeah that miso pasta was a bit of a fail, I think it was the cabbage that gave it that slightly bitter taste. I have a few ideas on what to do different if I decide to give it another try. But I am glad the chicken dish for my boyfriend turned out well.

      Here most things open 1 June, but the schools and a few other places already opened and the rules got loosened a bit. The advice changed from stay ta home to avoid business. We’ll see what happens next week when everything goes open again.

      Stolen Flyght was such an amazing ending to the series. It really was awesome.

    • Yeah that short grocery run really wasn’t fun. Luckily this week I picked a good time again when it wasn’t too busy.

  4. Yes… the rules with Amazon are depressing. I get that they are trying to weed out the false reviews – but as ever, they are using a blunt instrument and hammering genuine reviewers, as well:(. Glad the week turned out better as it went along and it looks as though you had some good reads. I hope the coming week is good right from the word go!

    • I get that they’re trying to weed out the false reviews, but it’s a shame when legitimate reviewers are caught as well.

  5. Grocery shopping is so hard now with so many people not doing the social distancing- I agree. Makes it stressful. Sorry to hear the week started off rough, but glad it got better.

    Sorry to hear that about Amazon! that’s so weird.

    Hoping your new week is starting off well. 🙂
    Greg recently posted…Tuesday Tagline #191My Profile

    • It sure can be stressful to grocery shop. It’s a bit hit or miss here, sometimes it goes well and other times it’s more stressful when it’s busier or people don’t keep to the social distancing rules.

      It really is weird the whole Amazon thing. I might try again in a few months, but for now I don’t want to spend any more of my energy on it.

    • I am sorry to hear you ran into the same problem. I just don’t get why at first I could review while using gift cards and now not anymore, maybe they changed something if you are having the same problem. I think I’ll do the same and just let it go, it takes too much time and energy.

      Ah that’s a shame your meat pie burnt due to the timer not going off. I’ve forgotten to set a timer a few times for things, but usually I remember it in time.

  6. Sorry to hear your week started off rough. And I’m also worried about another fast spike in COVID19 cases. Wisconsin opened up two weeks ago and their cases spiked this week. Geez. We can’t get a break, it seems.

    I’ve ruined enough recipes to never want to think of them again! Lol. Sometimes you just have to throw things in the bin and start over. I’m so glad you enjoyed STOLEN FLYGHT and the whole series. I had such fun writing it, so it’s nice to see people enjoying them.
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…The LullMy Profile

    • I am worried what will happen here when things open again.

      Nowadays I don’t ruin recipes as often anymore, it used to be quite often when i just started cooking and trying new recipes. I actually still ate this dish for two days as I had nothing else.

      Stolen Flyght was so good! I am glad it was such a great ending to the series and I can’t wait for the spinoffs!

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