The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This wasn’t the best week, for some reason it just didn’t went smoothly, my mood was a bit off again this week and things just felt like a struggle. It also felt like a tiring week, I had a few nights of not so good sleep and I quickly get tired when that happens. Let’s hope next week is a better one.
Luckily there were some good things that happened too. A new sign-up post went live on Lola’s Blog Tours for a bookstagram blitz for SJ Pajonas’ book First Flyght! If you like space opera books with action and some romance, please check it out. Everyone who sign-ups gets a free e-copy of the book and there’s also a limited amount of paperback copies available for Instagrammers (US Only).
On Friday we went to visit my sister and her boyfriend, we talked a bit at their house and then went on to a pizza restaurant to eat pizza. They have amazing pizza’s there. The food was delicious and it was fun to catch up with them.
Besides that I got some work done, mostly worked on assistant work and some other Lola’s Blog Tours tasks. I hope to have another sign-up post live next week. The weather was a bit cooler again since Monday, it’s still warm, but doable warm instead of super warm. I found some nice salty chips made out of veggies that I am enjoying. For some reason the warm weather makes me more likely to eat chips. I went out for some walks and fed the sheep again this week. I also finished one book and almost finished my audiobook, but didn’t get to listen to the last 15 minutes yet. So I’ll finish that next week. I also played a bit of AER again, which is a fun and calming game.
As for a short look back at June. I read 11 books in June. 4 of those were 3 stars and the rest got a 4 star rating. I listened to one audiobook this month (Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Allies). And I finished one non-fiction book (Mindfulness and Meditation). This month had some great reads with my favorite probably being Spellbound by Allie Therin, which was an awesome read. Fantasy was my most read genre this month with 5 fantasy books read. I am also pleasantly surprised by how well I did to get that 50/50 split between review copies and non-review copies read, with 5 review books I read this month and the rest being a mix between free, bought and subscription service.
What did I read this week?
The Lion Mistress Book 3 was a great ending to the series. It was quite story focused, but also had some great scenes with the characters relaxing. The cover fits the story quite well too.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
- Cajun pasta
- Mashed Potatoes with sauerkraut and pineapple and sausages
- Noodle Soup
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Taboo For You (Love and Family #1) by Anyta Sunday
– Review: Made For You (Love and Family #2) by Anyta Sunday
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Don’t Cheat Me by Jackie May
– Review: Pirate Festival by Carysa Locke
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Building Your Empowered Steps by LM Preston
– Empty Eyes by Nancy Gray
– The Firefly by Nancy Gray
– The Krampus by Nancy Gray
– The Going Back Portal by Connie Lacy
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
There are no cover reveals currently open for sign-up
– Blog Tour: Total Blueprint for World Domination by Jolene Stockman – 1 till 14 August
– Blog Tour: Exiled to Freedom by SGD Singh – 12 till 25 August
– Bookstagram Blitz: First Flyght by S.J. Pajonas – 6 till 13 September – New!
Book Haul:
I didn’t get any new books this week, strange huh?
Sorry it was a lousy week at times for you, but glad you got some work done and a fun visit with your sister. I’ll enjoy seeing what you think of the new SJ Pajonas. Glad the Lion Mistress finished out strong for you.
Have a great week, Lola!
The visit with my sister was a lot of fun and I am glad I got a some work done. I already read the new Pajonas and have my review scheduled for release day :). I really enjoyed the last Lion Mistress series and hope to start the next series the Dragon Mistress series later this year.
Sorry to hear it wasn’t the best of week’s. Not getting good sleep will mess my days up too. it’s hard to be in a good mood when you’re tired.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #88
I am not sure why I am struggling with sleep lately, but it’s like I get just a bit too little sleep each day and it adds up.
Here’s to hoping next week treats you better! Also, definitely lifting the cajun pasta recipe because IT SOUNDS SO GOOD.
Jessica at Booked J recently posted…Sunday Post #3: A Little of This, A Little of That
I hope you’ll enjoy the cajun pasta if you give it a try :). I really like that dish.
Yay sheep! The veggie chips sound yummy. I’m sorry you didn’t have a very good week though 🙁 I hope this week is better for you!
I love visiting the sheep. I like the veggie chips.
It’s hard to find decent pizza here, and I’m craving some now you’ve mentioned it.
Have a great reading week,
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
It is hard to find good pizza. The place we went to has some awesome pizza, I am glad we found it. I hope you can get some good pizza soon 🙂
That’s the pits that last week wasn’t the best, but thank goodness you were able to spend time with your sister eating some yummy food. I’m always in for mashed potatoes! Hope this week is a better one for you. Hugs, RO
It was nice to have an evening out and have fun. This week wasn’t much better.
Everything is harder when you’re tired. Hopefully, this week is better.
Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books recently posted…CWW: Sweep of the blade Ilona Andrews
Everything sure is more difficult when you’re tired.
I’m sorry to hear that your week last week was not the best. But I am glad that we’re working together again on a new project! It’s going to be a lot of fun! <3 I hope this week was better. I am, once again, behind in blog reading. Lol. So I'm hoping to get caught up today.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…FIRST FLYGHT Now Available For Pre-order Everywhere!
I am really excited for the the bookstagram blitz for First Flyght :). I hope it goes well.
This week wasn’t much better sadly.