Sunday Post #105

Posted December 21, 2014 by Lola in Coyer, Sunday Post / 22 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?
This was one of those weeks that started all wrong and then got better again. There was nothing specifically went wrong, but sunday, monday and tuesday everything got me down and I had a sour mood for nothing and I was feeling tired and everything was just bleh. I did bake a lot to compensate for my foul mood, which cheered me up a bit. Since Tuesday my mood improved and I started feeling more like myself. The week changed into pretty good after that. I wrapped up my marketing assistant work for this month, started a beta read and got a lot of reading and snuggling with our rats done. I felt more relaxed at the end of the week and less stress, so I am happy to say that while this week started off wrong it ended right :).

And my grandma gave me money for christmas, so I already spent some to order books! Some pre-orders and two books I wanted to read, but hadn’t gotten around to buying yet. I still have some money left and am deciding whether to buy more books or spent it or something else.

I was freaking out a bit out at the start of the week, about some upcoming deadlines for books I had to read and I couldn’t seem to find time to read. I was happy I got quite some reading done later in the week which made me more confident I can reach those deadlines. One of my new year’s resolutions is to accept less deadline books, they can be so stressful sometimes especially when I am only reading 1 or max 2 books a week.

Also I decided to join Tsu, as everyone seem to make an account there and I thought why not. So I joined. You can find me here and send me a friend request or follow if you want to :).

And Thursday morning I woke up to a nice surprise. I got an e-mail on my Lola’s Blog Tours e-mail from someone who has written a book to help indie authors and he included Lola’s Blog Tours! I feel so happy and honored to be listed in a book, every free publicity like that is a big help, so that really made my day. If you want to check it out you can find The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Quide on amazon.

And Ana from Read Me Away interviewed me about Sinterklaas, a dutch holiday, which involves presents and lots of candy ;). Make sure to stop by her awesome blog and read the WinterCoyer
Yesterday was the start of the Winter Coyer! Last summer was the first time I participated and I met some great bloggers thanks to it. I love the Coyer facebook group and the challenge is a lot of fun as well. I am excited for this Coyer to start. I am currently beta reading a book, not sure if that counts for Coyer or not. And next up is Odin’s Ravens, which I bought so that one won’t count either, but after that I am going to start a book for Coyer :).

What did I cook for dinner this week?
– Sunday: Ramen – new recipe
Extra: Apple Crumble Muffins – new recipe
– Monday: Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie – recipe post coming in march
– Tuesday: Risotto with corn, carrots and apples
Extra: Chocolate Chip Snickerdoodles – included as variation tip in recipe post in february
– Wednesday: Potatoes and Peas Curry
Extra: Apple mini pies – this was a failure as the dough was really bland, trying this again with different dough once.
– Thursday: Onion and Yoghurt Egg – new recipe
– Friday: Spinach Cream with spinach and cheese tortellini – recipe post coming in March
– Saturday: Spaghetti with tomato sauce (made by my boyfriend)
Extra: Apple Pie – new recipe

Random Picture(s) of the Week
Rat cage with tissue boxes
I made a tissue box paradise for the rats this week, they love playing in it and tearing it to pieces. Boxes make some of the best rat toys. There are holes in the boxes connecting them to each other and tie rips to keep them together.

And meet Schmoozie, a new addition to my desk. Schmoozie is a screen cleaner for computer, phone and ipad screens as his bottom is made of micro fiber. He was part of my boyfriend’s christmas package. Isnt he cute? The Kitchen is the only place with enough light for my camera, for anyone wondering about the weird location the picture was taken.

This week I posted about:
Review: Atonement (Debt Colector #18) by Susan Kaye Quinn
Blog Tour: Wearing the Cape by Marion G Harmon
Read Play Blog #5: What’s on your gaming wishlist?
Review: Ghost Heart (PSS Chronicles #3) by Ripley Patton
Lola’s Ramblings: How do you Review?
Coyer: Winter Goal Post
Review: Debt Collector Season Two (Debt Collector #10-18) by Susan Kaye Quinn

What to expect next week on the blog
– Review: The Aether Sea
– Reading Assignment Challenge: Goal Post
– Review: Gifted by Kelley Armstrong
– Lola’s Ramblings: Merry Christmas
– Review: Odin’s Ravens (The Blackwell Pages #2) by K.L. Armstrong and M.A. Marr
– Twelve Days of Christmas – two chick lits

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours
Review Opportunity: Chills: a short story collection by Sahar Sabati – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Flawless by Jennifer McGill – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Paranormal Keepers by Jen Naumann – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: The Luthier’s Apprentice by Mayra Calvani – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1) by Kelsey Ketch – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Cross Roads by Donald Wilson II – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Last House Burning by Katy Scott – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Click Date Repeat by K.J. Farnham – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Calling California (Hunter Hill University #1) by J.P. Grider – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Mending Michael (Hunter Hill University #2) by J.P. Grider – sign-ups open till further notice

Blog Tour: Raindrops on Roses by Millenia Black

Book Haul:

I didn’t got any new books this week.


22 responses to “Sunday Post #105

  1. Hey Lola! Sorry your week didn’t start off so great. I think it’s a woman’s job to feel like that periodically. I know I sure have my moments. I TRY to tell myself I’ll allow 5 minutes of feeling like that and then I need to get over it, but it doesn’t always work. And sometimes as stupid as it sounds I WANT to be in a bad mood.

    Congrats on being mention in the book! That’s totally awesome! I bet that did make your day! Here’s one for you, I’ve got my Pinterest Party Recap post going live this coming Saturday just for you! πŸ™‚ Others kind of showed interest in the idea but not as much as you!

    Hope you have a great week and Merry Christmas!

    SP & STS
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know recently posted…Sunday Post – 128 & Stacking the Shelves – 89.5My Profile

    • I know the feeling, sometimes my boyfriend tries to cheer me up and I just want to feel bad for a bit longer, it’s irrational. All the things that are wrong suddenly really got to me, normally I know things are wrong and I can put them aside and not think about them all the time, but those few days were really challenging.

      And yay I am so happy you decided to write a post about the Pinterest party, can’t wait to read it! I feel honored you kinda wrote it for me πŸ™‚

  2. I understand a rough start but I am glad things are better now!

    If you bought the book it depends on how much it was I think under $5 is fine or did we change that? lol I can’t remember πŸ™‚ They just can’t be real books.

    CONGRATS that is so awesome! So very happy for you πŸ™‚ I had someone ask about blog tours and of course I told them about you. I have my fingers crossed she will use you. But anytime someone mentions a blog tour I always say you πŸ™‚

    I love Schmoozie and now think I need one πŸ˜‰

    Spinach Cream sounds delicious! I can’t wait for that recipe, I am so glad you are doing that feature πŸ˜‰

    Merry Christmas Lola! I hope you have a wonderful Holiday!
    Michelle@Because Reading recently posted…4 days till Xmas….WHAT!!! ~ WIR & TSPMy Profile

    • I was so happy when my mood improves Tuesday, it were a few difficult days.

      Odin’s Ravens was a paperback, so it won’t count unfortunately. But I have a lot of e-books lined up to read after that.

      That makes me so happy to hear you always mention Lola’s Blog Tours when someone mentions a blog tour :). Word of mouth is a big help in this business and it makes me happy to know I have friends like you who help spread the word!

      I am happy you pushed me to start my cooking feature ;). I am already scheduling posts for March, that’s how far ahead I am with those posts. I try to write at least one recipe post each week to keep ahead. It’s so much fun to write them! I really like the spinach cream sauce, it’s easy to make and yummy!

      Not sure if you can order Schmoozie, I think it was a German company that produced them. They have a few different designs, with different animals. They are so cute!

    • Thanks :). Schmoozie is adorable indeed! The rats has teared some of the floor part of the bozes apart, they really seem to enjoy it. Sometimes it can really be a hit or miss, then i think I made somethign nice and they aren’t interested and times like this they love it.

    • Sorry to hear you had a shitty start of your week as well. I am glad you’re feeling better as well. Days like that are just horrible.

      I hope the book will be doing good, so I get some more clients! I could use a few more, December has been a bit of a slow month.

    • You’re the second commentor who had a bad start as well, weird huh? I am glad you got better each day as well.

      It really made my day to get that e-mail I was mentioned in a book! I hope it get’s me some new clients!

      I hope you have a merry christmas!

    • Thanks Grace :). And I agree how awesome is it that Schmoozie is adorable and practical. I like it when practical items also look nice or cute!

    • The Sinterklaas interview was so much fun to do, it’s certainly a holiday not much peopel know about beside those in the Netherlands. I can’t wait to start my first Coyer book, it’s going to be fun!

  3. I’m glad your week got better. There are weeks that I’ve felt the same way, but then it shows that you had a very busy week. Hope this week will be nothing but amazing for you! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas babe β™₯
    Nyze recently posted…My Week in a Wrapped #13My Profile

    • You’re the third one to say that, same her enothign wrogn in particular just feeling meh. I am happy to be back to normal. I am really liking Tsu as well, it’s more quiet then facebook and I see things I want to see.

    • I am still not sure were my bad mood came form, but i am happy that this week is a lot better and being bale to relax a bit more certainly helped.

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