My To-Be Read List #17: poll

Posted January 2, 2016 by Lola in My To-Be Read List / 34 Comments


My To-Be Read List is a meme hosted by Because Reading is Better Than Real Life where at the beginning of the month visitors can choose which book I’ll be reading this month. On the first saturday of a month the poll will be up, then on the second saturday of the month I’ll announce the book that won and on the last saturday of the month I’ll post my review of the book.

This month for the first time I am letting you vote for ipad books. I am pretty full when it comes to my reading schema for Kobo books as I signed-up for some deadline books. So i picked 3 netgalley books that I have on my ipad for you to vote for. All books count for Coyer and all are the first book in a series. All are a different genre, there’s a YA sci-fi book, an adult contemporary romance and an adult mystery book.

NexisNexis (Tricksters #1)
by A.L. Davroe

Format: e-copy
Source: for review through netgalley
You can find Nexis on Goodreads

In the domed city of Evanescence, appearance is everything. A Natural Born amongst genetically-altered Aristocrats, all Ella ever wanted was to be like everyone else. Augmented, sparkling, and perfect. Then…the crash. Devastated by her father’s death and struggling with her new physical limitations, Ella is terrified to learn she is not just alone, but little more than a prisoner.

Her only escape is to lose herself in Nexis, the hugely popular virtual reality game her father created. In Nexis she meets Guster, a senior player who guides Ella through the strange and compelling new world she now inhabits. He offers Ella guidance, friendship…and something more. Something that allows her to forget about the “real” world, and makes her feel whole again.

But Nexis isn’t quite the game everyone thinks it is.

And it’s been waiting for Ella.

RecklessReckless (Rescue Squad #1)
by Kimberly Kincaid

Format: e-copy
Source: for review through netgalley
You can find Reckless on Goodreads


Zoe Westin may be a fire captain’s daughter, but feeding the people in her hometown of Fairview is her number one priority. Running a soup kitchen is also the perfect way to prove to her dad that helping people doesn’t always mean risking life and limb. But when she’s saddled with a gorgeous firefighter doing community service after yet another daredevil stunt, the kitchen has never been so hot.

Alex Donovan thrives on adrenaline, and stirring a pot of soup doesn’t exactly qualify. He’s not an expert at following the rules either, not even when they come from the stubborn, sexy daughter of the man who’s not only his boss, but his mentor. Determined to show Zoe that not every risk ends in catastrophe, Alex challenges her both in the kitchen and out. One reckless step leads to another, but will falling for each other be a risk worth taking, or will it just get them burned?

The Semester of our DiscontentThe Semester of our Discontent (Lila Maclean Mystery #1)
by Cynthia Kuhn

Format: e-copy
Source: for review through netgalley
You can find The Semester of our Discontent on Goodreads

English professor Lila Maclean is thrilled about her new job at prestigious Stonedale University, until she finds one of her colleagues dead. She soon learns that everyone, from the chancellor to the detective working the case, believes Lila—or someone she is protecting—may be responsible for the horrific event, so she assigns herself the task of identifying the killer.

More attacks on professors follow, the only connection a curious symbol at each of the crime scenes. Putting her scholarly skills to the test, Lila gathers evidence, but her search is complicated by an unexpected nemesis, a suspicious investigator, and an ominous secret society. Rather than earning an “A” for effort, she receives a threat featuring the mysterious emblem and must act quickly to avoid failing her assignment…and becoming the next victim.

Now it’s time to vote!


34 responses to “My To-Be Read List #17: poll

  1. Nexis is definitely the one I’d be most likely to read, so it had to be that one. I’ve been loving stories about virtual reality games recently, having read and loved Ready Player One and been hooked on the Sword Art Online anime. Ihope you enjoy whatever you end up reading!
    Faith recently posted…January TBR list – Voting!My Profile

    • I haven’t read a lot of books about virtual reality games so far, but Ready Player One is on my to-read list. I loved the first half of season one of sword art online, but not liking the second half as much, so we sorta stopped watching.

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