Lola’s Ramblings: Household chores

Posted January 22, 2015 by Lola in Lola's Ramblings / 24 Comments


Lola’s Rambings is a feature on Lola’s Review where I talk about me. Usually these posts are everything that doesn’t fall under any standard header, like blog tours, book blitzes, cover reveals or reviews. Lola’s Ramblings posts are are personal discussions of a certain topic. Sometimes about book related topics and sometimes about non-book related topics. This feature was previously known as About Me. The banner for this feature is designed by Michelle from Limabean Design.

Household chores are one of the things everyone has to do, but everyone has a few chores which we mind les then others. I remember someone once asking me which household chore I hated doing most and I thought it would be fun to list chores I don’t mind doing and chores I avoid. And ofcourse I am curious to hear which chores you don’t mind or avoid ;).

Household Chores I don’t mind doing

  • My KitchenCooking. Actually most days I love cooking. Sometimes if a day has been busy and I feel stressed I can feel a bit annoyed at having to stand in the kitchen for a hour as it seems to take up so much time, but most days I don’t mind. Usually I even enjoy the break, I sit behind my computer a lot and to do something really different like cooking is a nice change. I also love experimenting and trying out new recipes. It’s fun to spent time making somethign and then having the chance to eat it. There just something satisfying about cooking.
  • Doing the Laundry. I do the laundry once in the two days and most of the times I don’t mind doing the laudnry. Sure it takes some time, but it’s not an annoying chore. And I love the smell of fresh laundry! The only thing I can’t stand is folding bed sheets, mine always look like a monstrosity instead of a neatly folded bed sheet. My mom showed me how to fold them, I watched tutorials and still every time I try to fold those damned things it just doesn’t work. I fold them so badly they don’t even fit into our closet and they are piled up next to our bed instead.
  • Rat CageCleaning the rat cage. While cleaning the rat cage takes a lot of time it is a fun task. I spend apporixmately a total of 4 hours on cleaning the rat cage, I have Tuesday scheduled as rat cage cleaning day and that’s the reason I often don’t post on tuesday as I have less time to promote my posts. I usually don’t look forward to cleaning the rat cage as it takes so much time, but as soon as I am working on it I don’t mind as much. I like thinking of new ways to arrange the things in their cage or new items to put into their cage. And it’s really satistfying when the cage is clean and the rats are clean. And then when the rats enter their clean cage and go explore it and eat, it’s so fun to see them being all exicted and happy with their clean cage.
  • Cleaning my desk. I don’t do this often, but when I clean my desk I love how clean it looks afterwards. I don’t mind having a cluttered desk, but once in a while it rubs me wrong and I just have to get everything off my desk, clean it and put everything back. It always looks so clean and less cluttered even though the same things are on it.
  • Grocery shopping. Not sure why, but I don’t mind grocery shopping. It’s one of the only times I get out of the house and I kinda enjoy walking through the store and buying the things we need for next week. I do have to be carefull and keep our budget in mind, so it’s not like I can buy everything I want, but searching for discounts is fun in it’s own way as well.

Household Chores I avoid

  • Vacuum CleanerVacuum Cleaning/ cleaning the floor. If there’s one chore I hate it’s vacuum cleaning. The sound the annoyance, ugh! I am so happy my boyfriend doesn’t mind vaccum cleaning, so he usually does that chore. I have pretty sensitive ears and I always got annoyed at the loud sound the vacuum cleaner makes. Also in general I just can’t stand this chore, the cable is too short, get’s stuck behind something or I bump into something. I always feel so clumsy when I am vaccum cleaning. The vaccum cleaner and me just don’t work well together.
  • Doing the dishwasher. I used to avoid this taks and even though I do it every day now I still don’t like it. I am not sure why exactly. Now it’s part of my routine I don’t mind it as much as I used to do and the good thing about unloading the dishwasher is that I can make sure that everything’s where it’s supposed to be.
  • Cleaning the Stove. Not sure why, but I just hate this task. Even though I love cooking, the stove usually looks terrible. I just don’t want to clean it and procrastinate as long as possible. I am happy when it’s clean though.
  • Repairing/ fixing things. I am not a handy or tehcnical person and if something’s broken or a light bulb needs to be changed I usually ask someone else to do this. Often either my boyfriends fixes it and if he can’t then we ask either my boyfriend’s dad or my mom’s husband.

My chores

Here at our house we have a pretty set division of chores. I do the cooking, laundry, the dishwasher and grocery shopping; my boyfriend does most of the cleaning; and my sister takes out the trash and get’s the post from the mailbox. I am fiercely protective of my chores and the space they require. I kinda see the kitchen and scullery (where the dishwahser and washmachine is) as my domain and I can’t stand it when something isn’t where it’s supposed to be. I also don’t like when others try to interfere with my chores, although usually that won’t happen as it’s pretty clear who does what.

Which household chores do you don’t mind and which do you avoid? Which household chores do you do in your household?


24 responses to “Lola’s Ramblings: Household chores

    • Yeah having more people in the house is certainly handy for dividing the chores. My sister cleaned the stove this week, yay! It was starting to look really gross.

      I also lvoe cooking and organizing can be really satisfying. I’ve never done the floors, but I don’t think I would like it either. Luckily my boyfriend always does vaccum cleaning and cleaning the floors.

  1. I got cleaning ladies when we moved into my house so that I could avoid cleaning the bathrooms, stove, floors, etc. Because with writing and kids, and the usual everyday things like cooking and normal cleaning up, it was just too much. I clean the kitchen and empty the dishwasher pretty much everyday, and I avoid doing laundry because I’m just terrible at it. I shrink things that shouldn’t have been washed or something colored will sneak into a white wash and ruin everything. This is my husband’s chore now. He got sick of me screwing it up 🙂
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…8 Japanese Authors For BeginnersMy Profile

    • That must be nice to have cleaning ladies who clean those things. Cleaning the house is a lot of effort even with only the daily tasks. I only messed up the laundry a few times or my sister throws something in the wrong basket and that’s why it goes wrong, but nowadays the laundry usually goes right. Although I am a bit behind on the laudnry and can’t seem to catch up.

  2. Wow! You’re even organized at your household chores! 🙂 I don’t really mind doing any chore although my kids do their own laundry and Hubs cleans windows. I don’t mind grocery shopping or cooking but the act of making out a menu for the week without help is a daunting task for me. I do it but I’d prefer input from my family. Oh, my kids also divide up the kitty duties (feeding, watering, litter box) I suppose, if I had to pick one, the thing I dislike the most is vacuuming but only because I have to lug the vacuum up and down the stairs. Great post, Lola!
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Release Day Blitz & TWO Giveaways ~ Strange Magic ~ Michelle MankinMy Profile

    • lol, yeah I guess I am. I like knowing when to do what and have specific days for everything. Making the menu for a week can be a daunting task indeed, I usually try to get some items placed on the emnu early so I only have to add a few more the day before I grocery shopping.
      Nice to hear your kids to so many of their own own chores as well. Although I am wodnering how you handle everyone doing their own laundry. I think that would drive me crazy, lol, the laundry is my space.

  3. This was fun to read – I normally don’t think of what other people think of doing chores, so it was interesting to get your perspective. I don’t mind vacuuming, but I find doing the laundry a bore- especially having to fold any clothes, nevermind bedsheets! 🙂 I love the rat cage you have – it looks like such a fun playground for them!
    Charlene @ Bookish Whimsy recently posted…The Movie Musical ChallengeMy Profile

    • It’s a topic I don’t talk often about, but I found it interesting to do a post about it and hear other people their perspectives. I hate bedsheets, but I don’t mind all the folding, it’s usually done pretty quickly.

      We bought a new rat cage last year and I love this cage, it’s a bit of a chore to clean, but it’s really big and the rats have enough space. There are only 3 rats in that cage.

  4. 4 hours to clean the cage! Now that is a chore but I’m glad to hear that you don’t mind it. I don’t dislike housework too much when I get stuck into it. The idea of it beforehand is worse but when I start I put on music or a podcast and I whip though it. And I love when everything is clean and shining 🙂 I don’t like cleaning the shower though or my cooker or mirrors. They all take SO long.
    Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…Book Review : The Girl on the Train by Paula HawkinsMy Profile

    • Yeah it sure takes a lot of time to clena the rat cage. First all the dirty stuff needs to get out, the plastic parts go into bath, the toilets into the sink with soap, then I have to clean the cage itself and get the bedding once every two weeks, then I have lunch, dry off the plastic parts, fill the cage again and put fresh drink and food inside. I usually try to only do the top part as they are there most often and the lower half get’s less dirty.
      Just like you I think the ideas beforehand is worse then when you actually start and get it done. And indeed it’s so nice when everything is clean!

  5. I love cleaning my desk. I just feel like I’m so organised and awesome when I have a clean desk! 🙂 I also like cleaning out my closet (though I don’t do it as frequently) because I either end up with a pile of clothes that I don’t really wear but want to wear more, or clothes that I can donate. I feel “light” afterwards, because I have less clutter. 😀
    Ana @ Read Me Away recently posted…Review 138: The Geography of You and Me (Jennifer E. Smith)My Profile

    • Same here, cleanig gmy desk alway make me feel organised and I always find clutter that doesn’t have a place on my desk. I actually just cleaned my desk yesterday when I got a new computer monitor. Although to be honest I also like a little bit clutter on my desk, so I have a few things like a small manga figure and small shirley the sheep plucie on my desk to give it that little bit of clutter that I like.
      I really should clean out my closet once. I don’t like the task itself although I do feel good when it’s done.

    • I like loading the dishes more then unloading, for some reason I can’t stand unloading the dishes, even though it’s a small effort. My boyfriend always does the vaccum cleaning and mopping, so I am happy for that as i don’t like those tasks either.

  6. I use to love grocery shopping but in NJ they came up with this shop from home. You can order your groceries on-line and then go pick them up. I have been doing it so long that I now don’t mind the girl picking my fruits and stuff because she is really good at it.

    My husband and I split our chores in the house to a point, sometimes he is a flake and I end of doing it but for the most part we have it split down the middle, however I always tend to have more chores than him.

    You are very well organized! and I LOVE your kitchen 🙂
    Michelle@Because Reading recently posted…#Review ~ Blame It on the Mistletoe by Nicole MichaelsMy Profile

    • That sounds neat to just order your groceries online. I think they have something like that here as well, but I never gave it a try. I like walking through the store and shopping.

      Sounds like you have a nice split of chores. It’s nice when you can both do some chores.

      Thanks! It’s a nice kitchen. I hope to do a tour of my kitchen with pictures once for Lola’s Kitchen, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

  7. I HATE the dishes. THE. WORST. Though I am not a huge fan of cooking either. Basically, I want to be far, far away from the kitchen at all times 😉

    Like you though, I don’t mind doing the laundry at all. Or grocery shopping (I actually kind of like it). As for which I do? All of them, basically. Some day I aspire to afford a cleaning person 😉 The only chore I will NOT do under any circumstance is the cat litter because it leads to a guaranteed asthma attack. Blech! Fun post 🙂
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…This Week At Midnight (45)My Profile

    • I love being in the kitchen and baking and cooking new dishes. I used to avoid the kitchen for a long time as well, but nowadays I love it. The dishes are the worst though, even now I am doign them every day I still hate it.

      I kind of like grocery shopping as well, it’s nice to scroll through the supermarket and grab the groceries you need. And laundry is a nice chore as well and I just lvoe the smell of fresh laundry.

  8. Since discovering audio books, I enjoy chores. I love the excuse to keep reading 🙂 we don’t have a dishwasher, which i love because id rather wash by hand than have to go through the hassle of loading and unloading. I think the only chore I’m not a big fan of is cooking – mainly because I’m not very good. I have to really concentrate and I can’t listen to an audiobook. I’d rather clean for someone while they cook (which I often do). I do want to try out some of your recipes though. I also think I’m lazy about cooking because I live with two excellent cooks – my BF and my mom – so what’s the point? Lol! Great post Lola!
    Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…Winter 2014-2015 #COYER Update |Twitter Party Today!My Profile

    • I really want to try out audio books once for when I am cleaning the rat cage. I can imagine how being able to listen to a story makes the chores seem not so bad.

      Cooking really takes a lot of concentration at first, I still notice that when I am trying out a new recipe I cook very different then when I am making an old favourite. When I make a recipe I made lots of times it almost goes automatic, I know what to do and don’t have to think too much.
      I guess that if you live with great cooks, there isn’t much motivation to cook yourself. Back in our old house we had my mom and my sister who cooked, so I didn’t really have to. Now we moved out and my sister has an internship and get’s home late, so I started cooking and I am so glad I did! Maybe you can claim one day in the week that you cook? That really worked for me.

    • I guess the laundry is a bit boring, but it usually doesn’t take too much time and I love the smell of fresh laundry. I like cooking and grocery shopping, they are just fun to do, althoguh they do take some time.

      I am just so clumpsy when I am vaccum cleanign I bump into everything or the vaccum cleaner bumps into everything or the cord get’s stuck somewhere. It’s just so frustrating. And I can’t stand the noise the vaccum cleaner makes.

    • OH I hate those shopping carts with a mind of their own. Although I usually just put down my cart somewhere and walk to get products and then place it a bit further in the supermarket and continue.
      My sister cleaned the stove today, which makes me happy 😀

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