Lola’s Ramblings: Five Games I am really looking forward to

Posted September 1, 2016 by Lola in Lola's Ramblings / 20 Comments


Lola’s Ramblings is a feature on my blog Lola’s Reviews where I ramble on about a book related or a non-book related topic. These are discussion type of posts where I talk about a topic and readers can weigh in on the topic in the comments. Usually these posts are everything that doesn’t fall under any standard header, like tours, cover reveals, memes, challenges, recaps or reviews. Lola’s Ramblings posts are discussions of a certain topic and my point of view on them. The banner for this feature is designed by Michelle from Limabean Designs.

A while ago I got interviewed on Daniela Ark her blog and mentioned I was a gamer, a few people said they would be interested in reading some gaming related posts by me, so today I wanted to talk about 5 games I am really looking forward to. I included the game trailer for each game so you can see what I am talking about :). As when it comes to game seeing tells you more sometimes than words.

Yooka Laylee

Yooka Laylee is the spiritual successor to Banjo kazooie and if you’ve read my post about ten games that make me feel nostalgic then you know about my love for banjo kazooie. This trailer feels nostalgic without me having even played the game as the gameplay looks to much like Banjo kazooie. It’s even made by some of the people who made Banjo Kazooie, so it has to be good right? It’s a whole new game with new characters, new adventures and new things to collect. Collect-a-thons don’t seem as popular anymore lately and I’ve really been in a the mood for a good collect-a-thon lately and I can’t wait till this one releases. And it just looks amazing already!

A Hat In Time

I can sort of repeat what I just said before by Yooka Laylee, so I won’t repeat that. I actually backed A Hat In Time years ago when they did the kickstarter for this game and it has just been announced that it will be released in 2017. Can’t wait to get my hands on this one. It looks like it’s going to be awesome. And they work with Grant Kirkhope, who also did the soundtrack for Banjo kazooie, so I am really excited about that. As I love the soundtrack for Banjo kazooie. And hat kid looks so adorable!

Final Fantasy 15

I always liked the Final Fantasy games, although I only played a few of them. It seems that with every game the graphics become better. It’s set the release end this month already, so the wait won’t be too long anymore! It looks like they go into quite a different direction than the other games, it looks more realistic and a bit darker atmosphere, but I think it will be interesting to see how this worked out. The gameplay looks great and the graphics looks stunning. And I think it even will be available on pc eventually, which is great as I haven’t been able to afford a ps4 yet.

Secret of Grindea

My boyfriend and I actually already own this game, but it’s still in beta, so after a few hours of playing we had to stop as there was no mote story at that point. It’s a very fun and addictive game that can be played co-op. Yes there’s a lot of grinding, but it’s fun as you get awarded for the grinding, like some special drop you only get in a small chance. And there are different type of spells and attacks you can do and you don’t have a class, but can pick and mix. So far the beta was very promising and I can’t wait till it’s finished.

Slime Rancher

This game just looks so fun and cute. I mean it has cute slimes and it sounds like it will be a fun game with exploration, growing crops and tending to your slimes. Looking forward to this one!

What games are you looking forward to?

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20 responses to “Lola’s Ramblings: Five Games I am really looking forward to

  1. I think I may have mentioned in your last game post that I can’t deal with these kinds of games in which things attack you and you have to run away and whatnot. I get way too high-strung and stressed-out to actually have fun. When my Grandma and I would play Nintendo games, I would pretty much just make her play all of them while I watched and shouted because I would get high-strung even just watching, haha. But you’re right, those Final Fantasy graphics are incredible! It’s just amazing how realistic and gorgeous they can make games nowadays. Hope you have fun with these!
    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Book Review: Animal Instinct (Duncan Andrews Thrillers Book 2) by Stephen OsborneMy Profile

    • I think you eventually get used to it. I have had some of those games as well were I either run away or stand still and attack instead of doing both, but gradually I get the hang of it. And there are also a lot of different types of games, which don’t involve running and/or shooting.

      It is fun you just watched your grandma play games. It can be a lot of fun to watch others play games too. Final fantasy has some of the best graphics and with each game they seem to get better and it all looks so realistic. I can’t wait for this one to get released!

    • I hope so too! I am really looking forward to these and I hope I can buy them when they release and it’s nice to know I already own two of them even though I can’t fully play them yet.
      That’s fun your husband likes Final fantasy too and yes the music is really good too!

  2. Yooka Layle looks fun. I love imaginative worlds like that. And Final Fantasy- I’ve never played one but that one looks good. I might be most intrigued by Secret of Grindea though, I like the retro look! I love that you can fish…

    And Slime Rancher looks totally awesome. I want that game, so thanks for sharing it! I’m going to head over to youtube to watch more!

    I mostly play on PC too, the only console I have is the WiiU (which I love, wish there were more games).
    Greg recently posted…Truly Madly GuiltyMy Profile

    • Secrets of Grindea is a lot of fun, we had early access so we could play parts already. It’s also fun how it plays up the part of how you have to grind, but actually manages to make the grinding fun too. The retro look is great.

      And I am so excited for Yooka Layle as it seems like it will have that banjo kazooie feel while still being a whole new game too.

      Slime Rancher really looks fun! I also have a playstation 1 and 2 still sitting around, but it’s mostly to play the games I already own.
      Lola recently posted…Lola’s Advice: Free and Cheap ways to promote your BookMy Profile

    • I think I have watched a few of the movies too, but don’t remember too much of them. I’ll have to re-watch them once. I am really looking forward to the new game ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I think you said you played Kingdom Hearts a long time ago? THAT IS THE GAME THAT I AM SO ANXIOUSLY WAITING FOR. They claim it’s supposed to be coming out in December of this year but they’ve changed the date for it so many times… I am not convinced but still can’t help but be excited about it. <3 I also need to play Final Fantasy but I want to start from the beginning. <3

    Awesome discussion post! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Keionda @Keionda Hearts Books recently posted…PFFT. These Character Tropes Are SOOO Outdated, Itโ€™s RI-DUNK-U-LOUS.My Profile

    • Yes I have played Kingdom hearts and love it, but it’s hard to get excited for KH 3 when I know I have to buy a whole new console for it if I ever want to play it. And I don’t have the money for that. Or maybe hope they will make a pc version, but I don’t think so.

      Also even though all the games are named Final fantasy, there is no continuity at all. It’s not one world or story or one anything. It’s just the same type of game/ game genre and all are fantasy. The only games that are in the same universe are X and X-2 and then 13, 13-2 Lightning’s Return etc.

  4. All these games look awesome! Slime Rancher reminds me of one of the creatures that were on Ragnorak Online. I am currently addicted to Shop Heroes, it is also on steam, it is kind of an idle game at times so I can work at my blog at the same time ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. The only one I’ve heard of these is Final Fantasy but that’s kinda like all over the place. I like the sound of Secret of Grindea and the old school look of it. I am waiting for the new Toe Jam & Earl game to come out next year. XD It keeps getting bumped back but it went from being just a PC game to getting picked up by Adult Swim and is now being created for consoles.
    Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) recently posted…Review: Shuffle, Repeat by Jen KleinMy Profile

    • Yes Final Fantasy is probably the only well known game of the ones I listed here. Secrets of Grindea does a good job of having that old school feel and keeping things fresh as well.
      It’s nice when they publish games for both consoles and pc, so everyone can play it :).

    • I really enjoy them and they sure have fun names/ titles. Most of these have a 2017 release date I think, so it’s still a bit of a wait, but Final Fantasy should be released later this year I think.

  6. Grindea looks amazingly cute! I am a sucker for a good game, I’m waiting on whatever Zelda game comes out next that I can play on my DS, Link and Zelda have been my companions for twenty odd years, I love them! I am looking forward to Bethesda software making their app Fallout Shelter available for my Kindle, I love the game but my phone doesn’t have enough space.
    Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…FRIDAY FAVOURITES #1 – The Pumpkin Spice LatteMy Profile

    • I only have played two or three two Zelda games, I did enjoy them although I never finished any of them. And didn’t got around to playing any of the others.

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