Lola’s Ramblings: Buy Links in Review Posts, Yay or Nay?

Posted January 28, 2016 by Lola in Lola's Ramblings / 44 Comments


Lola’s Ramblings is a feature on my blog Lola’s Reviews where I ramble on about a book related or a non-book related topic. These are discussion type of posts where I talk about a topic and readers can weigh in on the topic in the comments. Usually these posts are everything that doesn’t fall under any standard header, like tours, cover reveals, memes, challenges, recaps or reviews. Lola’s Ramblings posts are discussions of a certain topic and my point of view on them. The banner for this feature is designed by Michelle from Limabean Designs.

When I am visiting blogs I notice that some bloggers do display buy links in their review posts and other’s don’t. So that made me think of my personal preference, and wonder why people decided to display buy links or not and what other people prefer to see.

Do I like seeing buy links in review posts when visiting other blogs?

My initial thought is yes I prefer it when there are buy links in reviews posts. When I read a review of a book and it picks my interest I like to go to goodreads and check out the book, maybe even add it to my to-read list there or read some more reviews. So when I read a review of a book that catched my attention I will probably use those buttons. On the other hand if a blog doens’t have a goodreads link or buy links, I simply go to goodreads and look the book up myself. It takes a few seconds more, but it’s not that difficult. So it’s not like if a blogger doens’t display links I won’t look up the book. If I want more information about a book I will look it up anyway, whether the blogger displays links or not, but when the blogger does displays links I will use those. I always look for links first and only if I don’t find them go to goodreads myself.

Which links do I use most?

When a book catches my attention in a review posts the first place I go is goodreads, so I can add it to my to-read list there or read some more reviews, check out the release date or other information. I hardly ever click on the actual buy links and when I do it’s usually not to buy the book, but simply to check the price of the book. I like to know how pricy a book is and it can influence my decision on whether to buy a book or not. I always add a book to my to-read list first and only later buy it. If I really want to buy a book, I always wait a day or two to see if I still want it then. So the link I most prefer to see on blogs is the link to Goodreads.

Do I use buy links in my review posts?

As in general I prefer to see links in review posts I also include links in my own review posts and if a person doesn’t like or doesn’t use the links, they are easy to scroll past. I always include Goodreads, Amazon, B&N and Kobo links if the book is available there. I always list the links in that order. Goodreads because I mostly use that link myself. I also link the cover to goodreads as I feel that most intuitive. I include Amazon after that as most people buy their books there, then I include B&N as I know some people use that too and I always include Kobo if possible too as I have a Kobo e-reader myself and buy most e-books from there. I sometimes include a link to The Bookdepository as well, but only if I got a physical copy of the book. As I buy all my physical books from there. Sometimes I include other links like, but only very rarely.

Do you prefer to see buy links in review posts? Do you ever click on these links and if yes, which ones? Do you include buy links in your own review posts? And if yes which links do you include?


44 responses to “Lola’s Ramblings: Buy Links in Review Posts, Yay or Nay?

  1. It may sound lame, but I am often thankful a blogger includes at least a GR link. I’m lazy and hate searching on there. Plus if they don’t include buy links to Amazon, it’s easy to meander my way there. If they include an Amazon buy link, then it makes it easier to add to my wishlist or buy. And if they use affiliate links, then I like using it if they’re responsible for me wanting to buy it.
    Christy LoveOfBooks recently posted…He Will Be My Ruin by K.A. TuckerMy Profile

    • I also am thankfull if a bloger includes it. I probably will search it up myself, but it definitely is more convenient if the link is already included. And as a blogger I don’t think it’s much more effort to add those links. I usually open the tabs to post my review there, so why not copy andpaste the links to my review post while I am there anyway.

  2. I’m grateful for buy links (especially Amazon) since I left Goodreads as a user over a year ago. If a book interests me, I want to click and buy. And quite honestly, it’s even better if the blogger uses an Amazon affiliates link because I want to give back to that blogger and thank them for introducing me to the book. If I have to go to Goodreads to then buy, I might not do it at all.
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – January 24, 2016My Profile

    • I always try to include different buy links as I know there are people who won’t visit or buy form a certain site for some reason. That’s interesting that you click and buy the book if it catches your attention, I was wondering if people actually used the buy links for that or only added a book to their to-read list or wishlist.

  3. I love to see buy links or especially Goodreads links! I always put a Goodreads link up, but I don’t usually put a buy link if I am posting a particularly bad review or if it is something I don’t think others would enjoy, especially if it has many grammatically or writing issues. Do you think I should put those anyway?

    • I am not sure, I would say do what you want. I usually include them anyway, because just because I didn’t like it, doesn’t mean others won’t. And by this point it’s just habbit to include them in every review for me.

  4. I get aggravated if there are no links. I know it only takes a few extra seconds, but sometimes I don’t have both hands free to type because I’m curled up in a blanket or eating or something lol, or I’m in a rush. Whether I go to Amazon or Goodreads kind of depends on my mood and how interested I am in the book, I guess. I don’t always put books on my GR list, but do put all the books I’m interested on my Amazon wishlist. And I like knowing the price of a book since I won’t pay above a certain amount. So I might go straight to Amazon to quickly throw it on my list or buy it. But if I have more time to actually read reviews and make a decision, I’ll go to GR.
    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Graphic Novel Review: Saga Vol. 3 by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona StaplesMy Profile

    • Oh that’s interesting you sometimes go to amazon and other times to Goodreads. I never really used wishlists much until recently and usually just add all books to goodreads so I have everything in one place. And yes even though it only takes a few seconds extra it’s still nice and convenient to have the buy links there already. What I am willing to pay for a book usually depends on what book it is and how badly I want it and if it’s by an author I already know or a favourite author.

  5. Whatever makes it easier for readers is a good thing. Sometimes I want to read other reviews too, and the links make it easier to do that. I completely agree with Kristen about the physical ease of use too. If you’re looking at the post on your phone, it’s a lot easier if there are links.

    • I agree everything that makes things easier is a good thing. And I like that you both mentioned the phone thing as I never read blogs on my phone, so I never think of that perspective.

  6. Yes!!! I find it so annoying when there aren’t links in a post. If I’m interested in the book make it easy for me to click right through to Amazon and Goodreads so I can add it to my wishlists on both or buy it right then. I have a few I follow who don’t and without fail when I get to Amazon or Goodreads I get the name a little wrong and have to go back hunting for the review post and figure it out. (yes my memory and all the similar titles out there make it rough! lol)

    Great topic, Lola!
    anna (herding cats & burning soup) recently posted…Insta-Wednesday: A very long week…My Profile

    • I am glad to hear people actually use the links. I was wondering about that :). And yes I’ve had that problem a few times too where I only copy the title in goodreads and then get a lot of results and can’t remember the author name and can’t find the book. Links definitely make it handier.
      Lola recently posted…Lola’s Kitchen: Mini Applecake RecipeMy Profile

  7. I was just thinking recently that this would be a really good discussion post. I’ve used links and reviews and I’ve not used links. I haven’t in awhile, so maybe I should add them again. I suppose I could always just do Goodreads, since I think that’s what most people would want so they can see other thoughts/ratings and add it to their to-be read list. Then again, I personally like Amazon if I DO want to add a book to my wish list as I keep most of my wish list books on Amazon since I didn’t always use Goodreads. I’m getting more into it!

    Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Adam Lambert’s 2016 U.S. Tour DatesMy Profile

    • I usually use the goodreads links myself, but I think that in general the links that get used the most are amazon and goodreads. Goodreads is handy for checking out other people their reviews too, but amazon is nice if they want to add a book to their wishlist or buy it.

  8. I like Goodreads and buy links in a blog, because many times, I use those links to find my next reads. If I’m not sure about a book, I use the Goodreads link to shelve it, but if I’m interested in the book (and if the review is sooo convincing), I use the buy links. It’s the reason I have GR and buy links on my blog,too (easier to find the book :)).
    Jee Ann recently posted…#HeistClub Bundles: My Book’s Out and AboutMy Profile

    • I am glad to hear you use the links. It’s always handy to have them there. And it makes sense to include them on your own blog too if you like to see them on other blogs.

  9. I do like links in reviews, if I’m interested in a book I’ll always click on the Goodreads link to add it to my TBR (or to find out if it’s already on my TBR lol) and sometimes I’ll click on the Amazon link to read the preview if one is available, this is if I’m not sure I want to read it, or I think I do but want to check the writing style first.

    Because of my preferences when it comes to other blogs I always include the Goodreads link and Amazon (or if it’s an Audible book I’ll put that link instead). I also want to start putting the link for an Aussie store as I think that might be good for local people that read my blog, but I haven’t started yet as a lot of my titles aren’t available in paperback format here.
    Wattle recently posted…Book Review: Crave by Jennifer DawsonMy Profile

    • I usually use the goodreads link for that reason. I like to read a few mroe reviews and maybe add it to my to-read list. I hardly ever read amazon previews, but it can be nice to get a feel for the book and writing that way.

      If books you read aren’t available in aussie stores it would be hard to provide a link for those. Maybe you can list the Australian Amazon?
      I also have to skip including some links at times for example when the book is amazon only I can’t list B&N and Kobo.
      Lola recently posted…Review: The Semester of Our Discontent by Cynthia KuhnMy Profile

  10. I used to put all the various buy links in my posts but then to be honest I got lazy lol

    I now only add the Goodreads link. I figure everything you need is there.

    I LOVE when people at least have a GR’s link. Again – see above – lazy. I would have to be really interested in a book to go searching for it.

    I tend to do most of my impulse book buys through Twitter links rather than blogs.

    Karen @For What It’s Worth

    • It’s so much a habbit for me now, that I don’t really mind putting the buy links in my review. I usually cross post my review on those sites and then open them after I write my review and add the links to the post as well.

      If people include only one link I prefer it to be a goodreads link as like you said from there you can get to the other sites.

      I don’t really do a lot of impulse buys at all, but that’s interesting most of your impulse buys come from twitter.
      Lola recently posted…Review: The Semester of Our Discontent by Cynthia KuhnMy Profile

    • Yes it’s just so handy when the links are there, it’s not much effort to go through amazon or goodreads yourself, but it is nice when the link is there already and makes it easier.

  11. I actually usually just include the Goodreads link. I never click on an Amazon link from a blog, I always just open up a tab to my own Amazon account and search for it there. Goodreads’ search function, however, can be a pain, so I have the GR link to help people find it easily!

  12. I’ve never really thought about this before! I do include links to amazon and goodreads at the top of my reviews. But like you I’d just go to Goodreads and check out a book if I wanted to know more. I actually tend to go to amazon more from Goodreads than I do from a blog.

    • I use the goodreads link more as I usually can’t buy books from amazon, unless I win a gift card. From the comments on this post I did figure that goodreads and amazon are the links most people use.

    • It’s does make it easier when there are buy links, but it’s not much extra effort to search for it yourself. I also link to the book depository sometimes, but usually only remember to include it if I got the book from there.

  13. I always put GoodReads and Amazon in my posts. I like when others put the GoodReads links in, because I can then quickly click through to add the book to my Want To Read list, or check out other reviews before deciding if I want to read it.

    I also like when people include a link to Amazon, because I’m a Prime member and do lots of shopping through Amazon. So while I may not buy the book that is recommended (though sometimes I do!), I remember which blogs I follow have links to Amazon, and then I go back and click through one of the links the next time I need to buy something. Which is at least 2-4 times a month. I live on an island so it’s easier to have something shipped to me, than to set aside a day to drive to the mainland and do shopping.
    Silvara recently posted…Books That Make You…My Profile

    • I also like to see at least the goodreads link so I cna quickly check out some other reviews as wel and maybe add it to my to-read list if I want to.

      I also order most books online either in e-format or from the bookdepository when I want a physical copy. I can’t order books on amazon, unless I win an amazon gift card and if I am only ordering a few books the bookdepository is cheaper as they have free shipping.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #163My Profile

    • I think it’s handy to include buy links and form the comment on this post I can gather most people prefer to see buy links. I usually include Kobo as well, but that’s more because I buy my books there usually. I include The Bookdepository sometimes, but not always.

    • I also prefer to add a book to goodreads if I am interested as else I might forget and it still happens that I see a book and forget about it again.

  14. I pretty much always include them. I feel like it just makes things easier for the readers, and it only takes like, two seconds for me to do it, so why not? (Now, my answer would have been slightly different when I was still using Blogger and didn’t have UBB- I still put them, but it was a pain!)

    I also (and this may be super odd) like affiliate buy links! And here’s why: If someone’s review pushes me to buy a book, I want that person to get something for their trouble. And I just like supporting other bloggers, honestly. So even though I don’t usually buy a book on the spot, I will try to bookmark the post for when I DO buy a book so I can use the link if applicable!

    But Goodreads is a MUST for me. I need to check out ALL the books on Goodreads. Even if I have read it myself and know what it is about- it’s like a compulsion hahha. Love this post, such a unique topic!!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…The 100 Episode 3×02: Wanheda (Part 2)My Profile

    • I agree it only takes a few second to include buy links, so why not. I don’t have the UBB plugin, but I don’t mind manualy adding them and it’s a good reminder to cross post my reviews while I am there to grab the links anyway.

      I like affiliate links and the concept, but I always forget about them. Probably because I don’t use affiliate links myself and because I hardly ever buy books on amazon, so the times I do (when I won a gift card to get to spend) I forget to use an affiliate link. I really should try and remember to use an affiliate next time I buy something there.

      I also like checking books out on goodreads, even if I am not interested in the book I often go to goodreads just to see if other people have read it and what they thought of it.

    • I don’t find it as much effort to add buy links as I usually cross post my reviews and am at those sites then anyway, it’s not much more effort to include the buy links in my review. That’s interesting to know most people click on the Goodreads links on your blog, I never really looked into it and on which links most people click on.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #164My Profile

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